
Here at Tryolabs we’re used to work in different kinds of projects, generally involving Python backends, and Javascript frontends.


Some of the projects are applications for private or internal usage, and others are for public usage (i.e for the everyday person). What all of those projects’ applications have in common is that they all have a user base.

其中一些项目是供私人或内部使用的应用程序,而其他项目则是供公共使用的(即,针对普通人)。 这些项目的所有应用程序的共同点是,它们都有用户群。

Therefore, it’s natural for our clients to want to know as much as possible about that user base, whether for improving their business, or just out of curiosity.


眼前的问题 (The problem at hand)

Once having noticed this common need/requirement we can better define the problem at hand in a more concrete way:


Given an application, we want to:


– Know who its users are.


– Know what those users are doing.


– Improve the application based on available information.


Hence, we, as developers (and/or maintainers) of these applications need to (in an agile manner and according to our work methodology) be able to track “user actions” quickly and in a way that adapts our projects’ spectrum.


Regarding this, we also need to allow our clients to visualize or somehow interpret these actions, and to get the insight or value they need from them.

关于这一点,我们还需要让我们的客户可视化或 以某种方式解释这些行为,并从中获得他们所需要的见识或价值。

After discussing with fellow co-workers and some online researching, and so as not to reinvent the wheel, we came to the conclusion that Segment was the tool for the job.


Custom reports: Segment + Mixpanel.


[ 细分 ] ([Segment])

这是什么 (What it is)

Segment is a platform that allows developers to track fully customizable actions (on server and client side), automatically associating relevant information for each one, such as timestamps, IP address, identification of the (possibly anonymous) user who triggered the event, device of origin and user defined information.


Segment then gathers this information into a hub, and allows you to send the data virtually anywhere, literally with the flip of a switch.


In the Segment terminology, the actions are called Events, and the relevant information are called Properties.


→ 关键方面 (→ Key aspects)

易于整合 (Easy to integrate)

Segment’s library has three main methods which help us tackle two of the three parts of our problem. The Identify method allows us to determine if a customer is new or not, as

Segment的库具有三种主要方法,可帮助我们解决问题三个部分中的两个。 识别方法使我们能够确定客户是否是新客户,如下

1) Putting the Segment snippet into the site or app.


2) Tracking customer data, such “click on submit button” or “focus out form” events using one of the Segment libraries.


3) Turn on integrations to forward data to any of all the third party tools available (there’re A LOT of them)


客户资料 (Customer data)

With segment we can attack two of the tree parts of our problem. The Segment library’s Identify method allows us to tell if a customer is new or not, and to tie him/her to the actions they make. That is, we can know who our users are.

使用段,我们可以攻击问题的两个树部分。 细分库的Identify方法使我们能够判断客户是否是新客户,并将其与他们所采取的行动联系起来。 也就是说,我们可以 知道我们的用户是谁。

The Track and Page methods allow us to send to “the hub” our super customized events, and to know what page of our site they were in when they triggered those events. That is, we can know what those users are doing.

Track和Page方法允许我们将超级自定义事件发送到“中心”,并知道它们触发这些事件时所处的站点页面。 也就是说,我们可以 知道这些用户在做什么。

We’ll discuss the third part of our problem down below.


多个库(服务器端和客户端浏览器以及移动端) (Multiple libraries (server side and client side browser and mobile))

Segment provides libraries for a wide variety of languages, allowing to record events on the server side, the front end, and on mobile applications


它与Google Analytics(分析)有什么区别? (What differentiates it from Google Analytics?)

As Peter Reindhart’s CEO has stated, Segment’s mission is to make it easy for the user (us in this case) to have control over his data. Segment does so by allowing the user the flexibility to define the (already mentioned) extremely customized events and gather them all in their “hub”.

正如Peter Reindhart的首席执行官所说,Segment的任务是使用户(在本例中为我们)可以轻松控制自己的数据。 通过允许用户灵活地定义(已经提到的)极其定制的事件并将其全部收集在“集线器”中,Segment可以做到这一点。

Also, Segment allows to send these events to a wide variety of external services, Google Analytics included, which is focused (as its name indicates) on analytics, doing an excellent job at it.

此外,Segment允许将这些事件发送到各种外部服务(包括Google Analytics(分析)),该服务专注于分析(顾名思义),从而做得很好。

What’s left is the third part of our problem, that is improve the application based on available information, and that’s where MixPanel comes in.

剩下的就是我们问题的第三部分,那就是 基于可用信息改进应用程序 ,这就是MixPanel的用武之地。

[ MixPanel ] ([MixPanel])

MixPanel is one of the many many integrations available of Segment, and although it’s a very powerful tool and can be used standalone, we’ve found they work really well together.


It takes care of interpreting the raw data captured by segment, interprets it and and allows us, and most importantly non-technical users, to visualize and query the data.


If we register at MixPanel, set up a Project, and input the Project’s API KEY and TOKEN into Segment, we’ve already hooked them together. That way, all the Segment events we’ve defined will be forwarded automatically to MixPanel.

如果我们在MixPanel上注册,设置项目并将项目的API KEY和TOKEN输入到Segment中,则我们已经将它们挂钩。 这样,我们定义的所有Segment事件将自动转发到MixPanel。

→关键方面 (→ Key aspects)

订婚 (Engagement)

The MixPanel interface has different ways to visualize the received Events. The main one is the Segmentation panel, where you can see the volume of Events (top 12 by default) per unit of time (hour/day/week). Of course, you can filter the graph and see only the volume of the Events you’re interested in.

MixPanel界面有多种方式可视化接收到的事件。 最主要的是“细分”面板,您可以在其中查看每单位时间(小时/天/周)的事件量(默认情况下排名前12位)。 当然,您可以过滤图形并仅查看您感兴趣的事件的数量。

Another way to visualize Events is the Live View panel, which consists of a live feed of the incoming events, showing for each one the city and country the user who triggered the event is in (this is an example of how MixPanel interprets the raw data (IP Address) captured originally by Segment), browser, and referring domain, among others.


In both these panels, and others available, you can also and in a very easy way, query the data. That is basically, filtering results by imposing restrictions to the desired Event’s properties, in a really approachable way for non-technical users.

在这些面板以及其他可用的面板中,您也可以以非常简单的方式查询数据。 基本上,通过对非技术用户真正可行的方式对所需事件的属性施加限制来过滤结果。

漏斗 (Funnels)

Funnels are a great MixPanel feature for measuring engagement. A funnel is an ordered list of Events, which need to be chosen carefully in order for the funnel to make sense. For example, if you have a form where the user needs to fill personal data, and then click a submit button, you can set up the following funnel:

漏斗是一种出色的MixPanel功能,可用于测量参与度。 渠道是事件的有序列表,需要对其进行仔细选择,以使渠道有意义。 例如,如果您具有用户需要填写个人数据的表单,然后单击“提交”按钮,则可以设置以下渠道:

Filled Field A, Filled Field B, …, Filled Field N, Click on Submit Button.


Having done that, you can see what percentage of the users, reach every step of the “life cycle” of the form.


This is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable features MixPanel provides, since it directly tackles the third part of the problem at hand: Improve the application based on available information.

我认为,这是MixPanel提供的最有价值的功能之一,因为它直接解决了手头的问题的第三部分: 根据可用信息改进应用程序。

Funnel’s example in Mixpanel



On MixPanel you can keep track of your users and the Events they trigger. You can also query users by their activity, and by their Events’ properties. For example, “Show all the female users older than 35 years that triggered a certain event at least a certain amount of times”.

在MixPanel上,您可以跟踪用户及其触发的事件。 您还可以通过用户的活动及其事件的属性来查询用户。 例如,“显示所有触发特定事件至少35次的35岁以上的女性用户”。

Then you can for example send a customized email or notification automatically, based on a predefined query.


打包(TL; DR) (Wrapping up (TL;DR))

Segment is a great tool for developers/maintainers (us) of applications to integrate to projects since it provides libraries in multiple programming languages for backend, frontend and mobile. It is as easily integrable as it can be, fitting perfectly with companies working in an agile manner, and it provides al incredible wide spectrum of destinations where to send your data (virtually assuring that one of them will work for our clients).

Segment是供应用程序的开发人员/维护人员(我们)集成到项目中的出色工具,因为它为后端,前端和移动设备提供了多种编程语言的库。 它尽可能地易于集成,非常适合以敏捷方式开展工作的公司,并且它为发送数据提供了令人难以置信的广泛目的地(实际上确保了其中一个服务于我们的客户)。

MixPanel can receive all the data from segment, interpret it and help non-technical users visualize it, gain insight on their product and user base, and ultimately improve their product.


In our experience, both tools are awesome and altogether solve the problem of tracking user actions and making sense of them.


They both offer a whole of a lot more than what I exposed here, so check out their documentations and try them for yourselves!




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