

Communications of the ACM American computer society

IEEE transactions on image processing IEEE image processing

The Pattern recognition Pattern identifies the UK

IEEE ACM transactions on networking IEEE/ACM network

IEEE transactions on computers IEEE computer

6 Information systems UK

7 Computer networks, the Netherlands

Information & management Information and management of the Netherlands

Computer science, computer science, the Netherlands

IBM journal of research and development, UK

11 the Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery is the American computer society

IEEE computer graphics and applications IEEE computer graphics and applications in the United States

13 SIAM journal on computing industry and applied mathematics computing magazine America

IEEE network IEEE network America

Computer networks America

16 IEEE transactions on software engineering, IEEE software engineering

17 ACM transactions on graphics, the American computer society

Computer vision and image understanding Computer vision and graphical understanding of the United States

Pattern recognition letters Pattern recognition express Netherlands

Computer aided design Computer aided in designing the UK

Information processing letters processing letters of the Netherlands

22 IEEE software IEEE software America

23 IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics IEEE visualization and computer graphics

Information and Information and calculation of the United States

IEEE micro IEEE microcomputer magazine America

Data mining and knowledge discovery Data development and knowledge of the Netherlands

27 Journal of computer and system sciences, USA

Computers & operations research in the UK

ACM transactions on information systems in the United States

30 The journal of systems and software

31 ACM the transactions on programming languages and systems, the ACM programming language and system transactions The United States

32 Computer communications Holland

33 IEEE transactions on


  1. 计算机的英语格式,电脑文件格式大全(国外英文资料).doc

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  3. 请用英语介绍计算机领域任意名词,计算机网络名词英文缩写解释大全(国外英语资料).doc...

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  4. 国外计算机考研,牛人计算机考研复习计划(经典)(国外英文资料).doc

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  5. 计算机编程语言用英语怎么说,计算机编程语言(国外英文资料).doc

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  7. 计算机未来发展英文,计算机的未来展看(国外英文资料).doc

    计算机的未来展看(国外英文资料) 计算机的未来展望 The future of computers Guo youmin of Peking University press The 1994-10- ...

  8. 计算机控制技术的英语,计算机控制技术(国外英文资料).doc

    计算机控制技术(国外英文资料) 计算机控制技术(国外英文资料) Computer control technology medical aircraft The computer control te ...

  9. linux 两个驱动 竞争,Linux设备驱动第五章(并发和竞争)读书笔记(国外英文资料).doc...

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  10. 链接在HTML的英文,html超链接学习(适于初学者)(国外英文资料).doc

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  1. 10任务栏全屏时老是弹出_Deepin 15.10 发布,深度操作系统
  2. 解决win7不能上网的问题
  3. 【数据结构】拓扑排序
  4. MVC实现简单的上传功能
  5. ARouter 源码历险记 (一)
  6. 【客户下单】后台系统自动分单成功生成工单发送短信
  7. “魅力足球,艺术中国”2007中国艺术精英展
  8. asp.net ajax 怎么获取前端ul li_useEffect Hook 是如何工作的(前端需要懂的知识点)
  9. 大数据之-Hadoop完全分布式_rsync案例_差量分发_只把有差异文件进行更新同步到其他服务器---大数据之hadoop工作笔记0032
  10. 个人管理 - 如何阅读一本书
  11. 8 更新全局变量_2月26日守望先锋版本更新
  12. 问答| car-like robot为何需要设置多个坐标系?
  13. MMC-HVDC仿真模型,pscad柔性直流输电仿真mmc仿真模型,双端mmc模型,MMC为21电平NLM和均压控制
  14. 雷电4.0 Fiddler https抓包详解(绝对可行)
  15. 手机浏览器播放mp3等音乐(chrome特殊)
  16. java 图片导出word_【freemaker实现导出word②】代码实现导出word(包括导出list数据和导出图片到word)...
  17. 大一软件工程要学什么
  18. (6)JsonResponse, Cookie, Session
  19. 使用Websphere的TPTP工具进行性能分析和监控
  20. dw选项卡怎么设置,dw表单中怎么设置方框里面打对勾


  1. 从零开始安装Gentoo
  2. 【强迫症患者的福音】Win10去掉桌面快捷方式箭头
  3. Hbuilder和HbuilderX连接夜神模拟器(nox),调试程序
  4. Unity - Timeline 之About Timeline(关于Timeline)
  5. tensorflow----tensorboard之histogram与distributions
  6. skl pipline 运行流程演示
  7. 面向对象方式爬取知乎鸡汤
  8. 悉尼大学COMP5216Assignment2课业解析
  9. STM8L051比较器使用案例(二)COMP1+COMP2构成窗口比较器
  10. 出一本自己的书,是一种怎样的体验?