h5设计师 赚钱

Whether you’re laid off, unemployed, furloughed, or want to make some extra money on the side as a designer — this article will give you ten ways to start making money from your design chops today.


There is no magic to making money as a designer, but I’ve had personal experience or seen all of the following methods be fruitful for anyone who gives it their best effort and is patient for results.


As a college dropout, I needed to hustle to make a living. I’ve tried dozens of ways to make money online — everything from getting rich quick schemes to building businesses from scratch. I ultimately found success through developing my design skills and using them to create content, build products, and sell services.

作为一个大学辍学生,我需要忙于谋生。 我尝试了数十种在线赚钱的方法-从快速实现快速计划到从零开始建立业务的所有方法。 最终,我通过发展自己的设计技能并使用它们来创建内容,构建产品和销售服务而获得成功。

In this post, I’ll review methods to earn money with design skills and share my personal experience with a few of these techniques.


1. Fiverr (1. Fiverr)

Fiverr is a marketplace for sellers to offer skills and services for a fixed price.


The beauty of Fiverr is that you can sell anything on there. No matter what it is, you’re sure to find someone selling it on Fiverr — Dancing in a hot dog outfit, flirting with your husband, minimalist logo design, and everything in between.

Fiverr的优点是您可以在那里出售任何东西。 不管它是什么,您都一定会找到有人在Fiverr上出售它- 穿着热狗 跳舞 , 与丈夫调情 , 极简的徽标设计以及介于两者之间的所有内容。

I got my first big break on Fiverr as an 18-year-old wannabee designer that resulted in unimaginable monetary success. At the peak, I was making $1,000+ every week on Fiverr.

作为一名18岁的wannabee设计师,我在Fiverr上取得了第一次重大突破,这带来了难以想象的金钱成功。 在高峰期, 我每周在Fiverr上的收入为$ 1,000 +。

I built my Fiverr empire step by step by offering simple design skills for less than $15. I offered services like icon design, custom geofilters for Snapchat, logo mockups, photo editing, illustration, and more.

我以不到15美元的价格提供了简单的设计技能,逐步建立了自己的Fiverr帝国。 我提供的服务包括图标设计,Snapchat的自定义地理过滤器,徽标样机,照片编辑,插图等。

Simple design tasks like superimposing a customer’s logo on a t-shirt in Photoshop, for example, took less than 20 minutes to complete making it possible to earn $30–50 per hour.


As I built up my repertoire of design skills, I offered them to potential buyers on Fiverr. Fiverr fueled my growth as a budding designer since every new skill I mastered, I could then provide as a gig on Fiverr, and further my earning potential.

当我建立设计技能库时,我将它们提供给Fiverr上的潜在买家。 自从我掌握了每一项新技能以来,Fiverr促进了我作为一名崭露头角的设计师的成长,然后我就可以作为Fiverr的演出,进一步发展自己的收入潜力。

I wrote an article about my experience with Fiverr if you’d like a more in-depth look at tactics and tips for that platform.


2.制作赃物 (2. Make Swag)

There’s a good chance that if you’ve been designing for a while, you have old Illustrator or Photoshop files collecting dust.


With the rise of on-demand merch websites like Redbubble, it’s now easier than ever to open an online shop selling shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, stickers, and more.

随着像Redbubble这样的按需购买商品网站的兴起 ,现在比以往任何时候都更容易开设在线商店,出售衬衫,咖啡杯,电话盒,贴纸等。

I’ve personally only used Designbyhumans and, to my surprise, actually sold a few shirts of old designs I made for fun or rejected iterations for clients. I never took it seriously enough to make more than a few bucks, but there are certainly possibilities here for talented graphic designers.

我个人只使用了Designbyhumans ,而令我惊讶的是,实际上我卖了一些我为乐趣而制作的旧设计衬衫,或者拒绝了客户的迭代。 我从来没有认真考虑过赚到几美元,但对于有才华的图形设计师来说,这里肯定有可能。

The best part about using merch markets is no upfront costs and no need to keep any inventory. There is no downside to posting designs on these websites and then sharing the link online.

使用商品市场最好的部分是没有前期成本,也不需要保留任何库存。 在这些网站上发布设计然后在线共享链接没有任何弊端。

There are dozens of marketplaces to start selling your designs — here are a few to get started:


  • Merch by Amazon


  • Design by Humans


  • Teespring


  • Redbubble


  • Sunfrog


  • Printful


  • Spreadshirt


3.咨询 (3. Consulting)

As an unemployed designer, it’s important to stay active and not let our skills falter. Consulting is a great way to continue developing while working on diverse types of projects with various businesses and industries.

作为一名失业的设计师,重要的是要保持活跃,不要让我们的技能步履蹒跚。 咨询是在与各种企业和行业一起从事各种类型的项目时继续发展的一种好方法。

I grew my client base while doing freelance design consulting in a few ways:


  • I was actively updating my Dribbble and Behance portfolios.我正在积极更新我的Dribbble和Behance产品组合。
  • Posting regularly on LinkedIn about being available for freelance work.定期在LinkedIn上发布有关可从事自由职业的信息。
  • I joined numerous Slack communities for professionals like Denver UX and NomadList.

    我加入了许多Slack社区,为Denver UX和NomadList等专业人士服务 。

  • Looking on Twitter and LinkedIn for companies hiring freelancers by searching “freelance UI UX designer” or “freelance UX consultant.”通过搜索“自由UI UX设计器”或“自由UX顾问”,在Twitter和LinkedIn上查找雇用自由职业者的公司。
  • Using freelance job sites like Upwork.使用Upwork等自由职业网站。

Getting a steady client base didn’t happen overnight, but as I started putting myself out there, clients slowly began to trickle in. By delivering high-quality work and being attentive to my client’s needs, I was able to turn small projects into long term relationships, which led to consistent work.


I freelanced for a year or so, and although I didn’t get rich, I gained a lot of experience and valuable portfolio projects that ultimately lead to a full-time position.


4.市场 (4. Marketplaces)

Visual and graphic designers can make extra cash by selling their assets on various design marketplaces. There are dozens of different marketplaces, and each has its specialty.

视觉和图形设计师可以通过在各种设计市场上出售其资产来赚取额外的现金。 有数十个不同的市场 ,每个市场都有其特色。

Probably the biggest and most well known is Envato. On Envato, creators can sell product mockups, UX and UI kits, logos, powerpoints, sound effects, and really anything else you can imagine.

Envato可能是规模最大,最著名的。 在Envato上,创作者可以出售产品模型,UX和UI套件,徽标,PowerPoint,音效以及您可以想象的其他任何东西。

Check out Envato and see if there’s anything you might be able to sell in their marketplace. If you don’t have anything already, browse the possibilities and see what you can create.

看看Envato,看看您是否可以在他们的市场上出售产品。 如果您还没有任何东西,请浏览各种可能性,然后看看可以创建什么。

5.使用设计来激发激情 (5. Use design to support a passion)

When it comes to making money with design, you don’t always need to directly monetize your skills or sell your designs to make money. Design can be used to fuel another passion or entrepreneurial endeavor.

在通过设计赚钱时,您不必总是直接通过技能获利或出售设计来赚钱。 设计可以用来激发另一种激情或创业精神。

By understanding the language of design, you can use your skills to build a product, provide a service, start a website, or solve a problem.


This is my favorite way to use my design skills because I can create something that I give a damn about. Entrepreneurship allows me to stretch my skills to build something that excites me while occasionally earning extra cash in the process.

这是我最喜欢使用我的设计技能的方式,因为我可以创建自己喜欢的东西。 创业精神使我能够扩展自己的技能,以建立使我兴奋的东西,同时偶尔在此过程中赚取额外的现金。

In 2016 I launched a website for designing custom Snapchat geo-filters and eventually sold that company to a marketing firm. I also made a cat website that someone actually bought for a few hundred bucks and a handful of other random projects that never went anywhere. Most recently, I created a free web app and Chrome extension called Confetti — a colorful daily habit tracker for people who like to achieve something every day.

2016年,我开设了一个网站,用于设计定制的Snapchat地理过滤器,最终将该公司出售给了一家营销公司。 我还做了一个猫网站,有人实际上花了几百美元买了猫网站,并买了一些其他的随机项目,这些项目从未到位 。 最近, 我创建了一个免费的网络应用程序和名为Confetti的 Chrome扩展程序 ,该扩展程序是一款丰富多彩的日常习惯跟踪器,适用于希望每天有所成就的人们。

If you have an entrepreneurial itch that needs scratching, then consider problems you’ve observed or gaps in the market and evaluate how your design skills could solve it.


6.自由职业网站 (6. Freelance job sites)

One of the quickest ways to get a flow of potential projects and find clients already hiring for design jobs is by using freelance job sites like Upwork.


I started my freelance career on Upwork to gain my footing with freelancing and then soon gained traction finding clients outside of Upwork. I realized that Upwork wasn’t a great long-term strategy for my freelancing career, but it was a quick way to build my portfolio and meet clients. I was on Upwork for two yours, though, and applied for jobs on and off whenever I had a lull with my clients or if I needed extra cash.

我开始在Upwork从事自由职业,以通过自由职业获得立足之本,然后很快获得了在Upwork以外寻找客户的吸引力。 我意识到Upwork对于我的自由职业不是一个很好的长期战略,但它是建立我的业务和满足客户的一种快速方法。 但是,我为您两个供职于Upwork,每当与客户交往平淡或需要额外现金时,就不停地申请工作。

Freelance websites are set up like a competitive game, and if you understand the game, then you can win at it.


Here are some strategies to win the game:


  • Start with low prices and gradually raise them after you’ve received a few good reviews. Clients are more likely to higher someone new if they’re more affordable.从低价开始,并在收到一些好评后逐渐提高价。 如果客户负担得起的话,他们就更有可能吸引新客户。
  • Increase prices once you get comfortable to have fewer clients to work with but make more money.一旦您感到满意,可以减少价格,增加客户数量,增加收入。
  • Cater your proposal to the job posting or send design examples that match what the client is asking for. Constantly refine your proposal.满足您的求职提议或发送与客户要求相匹配的设计实例。 不断完善您的建议。
  • Respond to messages as fast as possible — this will raise your ranking. Download the mobile app and be proactive about your communication with clients.尽快回复邮件-这将提高您的排名。 下载移动应用程序,并积极主动地与客户沟通。
  • Reviews, response time, and total job completions will boost your profile. It can be challenging to start, but once you get the ball rolling, it can be quite lucrative.评论,响应时间和全部工作完成将提高您的个人资料。 开始可能具有挑战性,但是一旦您开始努力,这将是非常有利可图的。
  • If you don’t have a website, share your work in a PDF as well as your Dribbble and Behance.如果您没有网站,请以PDF以及Dribbble和Behance共享您的工作。
  • As your profile gains momentum, you’ll rarely need to apply for Upwork positions since clients will often begin reaching out directly to you.随着个人资料的发展,您几乎不需要申请Upwork职位,因为客户通常会直接与您联系。

设计师的顶级自由职业者网站: (The top freelance sites for designers:)

  • Upwork


  • Toptal


  • Freeup


  • Freelancer.com


  • PeoplePerHour


  • Guru


7.内容 (7. Content)

Creating content has numerous benefits for designers at all levels of their journey.


To name a few benefits:


  • When we teach, we learn. As a growing designer, there is possibly no better way to expedite our progress than to share what we learn.当我们教书时,我们会学习。 作为一个不断成长的设计师,也许没有比分享我们所学知识更好的方法来加快我们的进步。
  • Earn money from our content.从我们的内容中赚钱。
  • Build a personal brand and open the doors to new job opportunities.建立个人品牌,为新的就业机会打开大门。
  • Teach others and spread our valuable knowledge.教别人,传播我们宝贵的知识。

I started sharing my experiences and learnings here on Medium three years ago. In these past three years, I’ve been continuously learning and expanding my knowledge on the various topics that I like to discuss. The more I learn, the more content I can create.

三年前,我开始在此处分享我的经验和教训。 在过去的三年中,我一直在不断学习和扩展我喜欢讨论的各个主题的知识。 我学得越多,就可以创造更多的内容。

If writing a blog on Medium doesn’t pique your interest, don’t be so quick to count this one out, there are dozens of other kinds of content you can create:


  • Case Studies for design projects设计项目案例研究
  • Write an Ebook写电子书
  • Online courses在线课程
  • Infographics信息图表
  • Videos, tutorials or vlogs视频,教程或视频博客
  • Interviews面试
  • Podcast播客

Don’t underestimate the amount of knowledge you already have or how much you can contribute. Consider how your unique experience or skills can be used as a platform to educate others and make extra money.

不要低估您已经拥有的知识量或可以贡献多少。 考虑如何将您独特的经验或技能用作教育他人并赚取额外收入的平台。

8. YouTube + Patreon (8. YouTube + Patreon)

There’s a good chance you got some of your design chops from watching YouTube videos. With endless updates to Sketch, Figma, XD, and all the other design platforms — there’s a constant demand for new tutorials, tips, techniques, and so on.

观看YouTube视频很可能使您获得了一些设计要点。 随着Sketch,Figma,XD和所有其他设计平台的不断更新,对新教程,技巧,技术等的需求不断增长。

YouTube can be a great source of income on its own, but when paired with Patreon, it can be extra powerful. Patreon is a website that creators can use to receive support from fans for their creative work through a monthly membership.

YouTube本身可以成为重要的收入来源,但是与Patreon搭配使用时,YouTube可能会更加强大。 Patreon是一个网站,创作者可以通过每月的会员资格来获得支持者的支持,以支持其创作。

With nothing more than the screen recorder built into your computer, you can begin creating useful content today.


Here are a few ideas of content:


  • Tutorials讲解
  • UX audits of websites and products网站和产品的UX审核
  • Product releases and reviews产品发布和评论
  • Speed arts and timelapse designs速度艺术和游戏中时光倒流设计
  • Livestream designs直播设计
  • Product re-designs产品重新设计

There are countless opportunities and niches for YouTube content. If making videos on YouTube is something that you’re interested in, then a good place to start is to find YouTubers that inspire you. I personally think Caler Edwards and Jason Showalter have great channels for design.

YouTube内容有无数的机会和利基。 如果您对在YouTube上制作视频感兴趣,那么一个不错的起点就是找到能激发您灵感的YouTuber。 我个人认为Caler Edwards和Jason Showalter拥有很好的设计渠道。

9. Etsy (9. Etsy)

Whether you’re talented at drawing, painting, sewing, woodworking, or just own a 3D printer — there’s an opportunity to make money on Etsy. You can even sell services like logo design, illustration, web design, and other design services.

无论您是绘画,绘画,缝纫,木工方面的才干,还是仅拥有3D打印机,都有机会在Etsy上赚钱。 您甚至可以出售徽标设计,插图,网页设计和其他设计服务等服务。

Etsy is also the perfect place to sell all things creative and unique. If you have a unique product idea or service, try your hand on their site. People are literally selling everything you could think of — I even found someone selling terrible origami(their name, not mine), so don’t doubt yourself even if you’re not the most gifted crafter.

Etsy还是出售具有创意和独特性的所有物品的理想场所。 如果您有独特的产品创意或服务,请尝试他们的网站。 人们确实在卖出您可能想到的所有东西-我什至发现有人在卖可怕的折纸 (他们的名字,不是我的),所以即使您不是最有天赋的手Craft.io者 ,也不要怀疑自己。

10.投资自己 (10. Invest in yourself)

I couldn’t write this article without mentioning the importance of skill development. There is perhaps a no better approach to increase earning potential than investing in our own education and skill development as designers.

我不能不提到技能开发的重要性而写这篇文章。 要增加收入潜力,没有比作为设计师投资于我们自己的教育和技能开发更好的方法了。

Wherever you are in your journey, it’s important to realize that knowledge and honing in-demand skills will make you more valuable of a designer. Every time we sit down and watch a new tutorial or follow along in a drawing video, we expand our skills and open ourselves to new possibilities.

无论您身在何处,重要的是要认识到知识和磨练的按需技能将使您对设计师更有价值。 每次我们坐下来观看新教程或观看绘画视频时,我们都会扩大技能并为新的可能性敞开大门。

Don’t spend all of your time trying to money grab or make a quick buck — that will only benefit you in the short term. Think long term and focus on advancing yourself and your skills which will often be rewarded with a higher salary and better satisfaction overall

不要将所有时间都花在赚钱或赚钱上,这只会在短期内使您受益。 长期思考,专注于提升自己和技能,通常会获得更高的薪水和更好的整体满意度

I hope this list was helpful to anyone aspiring to increase their income or earning potential. Although all these methods can be very lucrative, it’s important to mention that you get out what you put in.

我希望此列表对希望增加收入或增加收入潜力的人有所帮助。 尽管所有这些方法都可能非常有利可图,但重要的是要提到您得到的内容。

This list is also just the beginning of how you can earn money as a designer without relying on a paycheck. With the endless resources available, there aren’t many limits to the possibilities for designers. The only limits are the ones we set on ourselves.

此清单也只是您不依靠薪水就能赚钱的设计师的起点。 有了无穷无尽的可用资源,设计师的可能性就没有太多限制。 唯一的限制是我们对自己设定的限制。

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  6. 第四章 python中的循环结构
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