SOIC —— Small Outline Integrated Circuit

SOP —— Small Outline Package ( SOL or DFP )

SO —— Small Outline

SOJ —— Small Out-Line J-Lead Package

SSOP —— Shrink SOP

TSOP —— Thin SOP

VSOP —— Very Shrink SOP

TSSOP —— Thin Shrink SOP

QSOP - Quarter Size Outline Package

SOIC —— Small Outline Integrated Circuit

SOIC packages are JEDEC-compliant, and come in a variety of body widths,

the most popular of which are 150 mils or 3.8 mm (narrow body)

and 300 mils or 7.5 mm (wide body).

The standard SOIC lead pitch is nominally 50 mils (1.27 mm).

SOJ —— Small Out-Line J-Lead Package

SOJ packages are JEDEC-compliant and come in a variety of body widths,

the most popular of which are 7.5 mm (300 mils) and 10.2 mm (400 mils).

The standard SOJ lead pitch is nominally 50 mils (1.27 mm).

SSOP —— Shrink SOP ( Shrink Small Outline Package )

SSOP lead counts range from 8 to 64. SSOP body widths come in

150, 209 and 300 mils while its body thickness typically ranges from 1.65 mm to 1.85 mm.

The SSOP package is JEDEC- and EIAJ- compliant.

TSOP - Thin Small Outline Package

The Thin Small Outline Package, or TSOP, is a rectangular IC package with a thickness of 1.0 mm.

There are two types of TSOP's.

The Type I TSOP has its leads protruding from the shorter edges of the package.

The Type II TSOP has its leads protruding from the longer edges of the package.

A Type 1 TSOP (left) and a Type 2 TSOP (right)

VSOP - Very Small Outline Package

The Very Small Outline Package, or VSOP, is one of several smaller versions of the SOIC package,
having a compressed body and a tightened pitch for its gull wing leads.

Another smaller version of the SOIC is the SSOP.

Typical VSOP lead counts range from 8 to 40.

Typical VSOP body widths range from 3 mm to 10 mm.

VSOP body heights including the leads typically range from 1.2 mm to 1.25 mm.

Some VSOP's have their leads protruding out of the longer sides

while some VSOP's have their leads protruding out of the shorter sides.

TSSOP - Thin Shrink Small Outline Package

The Thin Shrink Small Outline Package, or TSSOP,
is a rectangular surface mount plastic package with gull-wing leads.

It has a smaller body and smaller lead pitch than the standard SOIC package.
It is also smaller and thinner than a TSOP with the same lead count.

The TSSOP come in body sizes of 3.0mm, 4.4mm and 6.1mm.

The 3.0-mm TSSOP body has a typical thickness of 0.85 mm while the 4.4 mm-
and 6.1-mm bodies have a typical thickness of 0.9 mm.

TSSOP lead counts range from 8 to 56.

The standard lead pitch used by TSSOP's is 0.65mm.

This package type is JEDEC-compliant.

QSOP - Quarter Size Outline Package

The Quarter Size Outline Package, or QSOP,

is a small rectangular surface-mount plastic package
with gull wing leads protruding out of its longer sides.

The QSOP comes in two standard body widths:

the narrow body QSOP which has a nominal body thickness of 150 mils
and the wide body QSOP which has a nominal body thickness of 300 mils.

Typical QSOP lead counts range from 16 to 28 leads for the narrow body

and 36 to 44 leads for the wide body.

The QSOP lead pitch is typically 25 mils.


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