
  • Podcast
  • arduous *adj.* [AHR-juh-wus]
  • Definition
  • Did You Know?
  • Examples
  • Bonus
    • egotist *n.* ['iːɡətɪst]


arduous podcast

arduous adj. [AHR-juh-wus]

['ɑːrdʒuəs] 费力的,勤奋的,险峻的


1 a: hard to accomplish or achieve : difficult

b: marked by great labor or effort : strenuous

2: hard to climb : steep

Did You Know?

“To forgive is the most arduous pitch human nature can arrive at.” When Richard Steele published that line in The Guardian in 1713, he was using arduous in what was apparently a fairly new way for English writers in his day: to imply that something was steep or lofty as well as difficult or strenuous. Steele’s use is one of the earliest documented in English for that meaning, but he didn’t commit it to paper until almost 150 years after the first uses of the word in its “strenuous” sense. Although the “steep” sense is newer, it is still true to the word’s origins; arduous derives from the Latin arduus, which means “high,” “steep,” or “difficult.”

词源词根演化:arduus (“high,” “steep,” or “difficult”) —> arduous

“宽容是人性中最难企及(most arduous)的高峰。” 当Richard Steele在1713年的The Guardian上发表这句话时,在那个时代,他对arduous这个词显然有了新的用法:用于暗示非常陡峭,高耸,而且难于攀登,或费力的。Steele的句子是英语中最早的有记载的具有这个含义的用法,但是他并没有把它写下来,直到150年后,这个词第一次用于“费力的(strenuous)”这个含义。尽管作为“陡峭的”这个含义相对更新一些,但是这个含义却依然可见于词源中;arduous衍生自拉丁arduus,意思是“高的”,“陡峭的”,或者“困难的”。


  • Every summer, right before the beginning of the new school year, the football team begins its season with “Hell Week,” an arduous six days of conditioning and training.
    每年夏天,正值新学年起始之际,足球队也开始了他们的新赛季,第一个星期被称为“地狱般的一周 (Hell Week)”, 在六天里,球队要调节心态与繁重的训练。
  • “The mission has been long and the road arduous for Israeli nonprofit SpaceIL, which has, in some iteration or another, been working on the concept of a lunar lander for nearly a decade.”
    对于以色列非营利组织SpaceIL,这个任务时间太久了,而且路途艰险 — 在将近10年里,反反复复地,一直想要设计一个概念性的月球登陆器。


egotist n. ['iːɡətɪst]

plural: egotists
: a person who has the feeling or belief that they are better, more important, more talented, etc., than other people

  • a selfish egotist
  • She is an egotist; she thinks she is special.

other parts of the speech

  • egotism n.
  • egotistic adj.
  • egotistically adv.

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