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  • hamartia *n.* [Hah-mahr-Tee-uh]
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hamartia podcast

hamartia n. [Hah-mahr-Tee-uh]



: a flaw in character that brings about the downfall of the hero of a tragedy: tragic flaw
:在悲剧中,导致英雄人物陨落的性格缺陷:同义词tragic flaw

Did You Know?

Hamartia arose from the Greek verb hamartanein, meaning “to miss the mark” or “to err.” Aristotle introduced the term in the Poetics to describe the error of judgment which ultimately brings about the tragic hero’s downfall. As you can imagine, the word is most often found in literary criticism. However, media writers occasionally employ the word when discussing the unexplainable misfortune or missteps of celebrities regarded as immortal gods and goddesses before being felled by their own shortcomings. For example, a writer for The New Republic in an April 2018 review of Chappaquiddick (a movie about U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy) comments that “Kennedy’s ruthlessness and ambition, which are treated as the family’s hamartia in Chappaquiddick, are swept under the rug of his compassion.”

词源词根演化:hamartanein (Greek. “to miss the mark”, or “to err”) —> hamartia

Hamartia起源于希腊动词hamartanein,意思是“错过了路标”或者“犯错误”。亚里士多德在《Poetics》中引入了这个词,用来描述错误判断最终导致了悲剧英雄的陨落。所以你可以想象,这个词最经常出现在文学评论中。但是,流行媒体作者有时候也会使用这个词,用于讲述名门贵族由于自身缺陷导致的一些完全无法解释的过失或不幸灾难,在此之前,他们都被认为是不会陨落的男神或者女神。例如,《The New Republic》的一位作者在2018年4月对Chappaquiddick(讲述美国参议院Ted Kennedy的电影)的评论中写道:“Kennedy的冷酷与野心,在电影中被认为是家族式的悲剧弱点,被他的热情掩盖了。”

注:bring about:导致;downfall:陨落,坠落;literary criticism:文学评论;employ:使用,利用,采用;misfortune:不幸,灾难;misstep:失足,过失;immortal:不会死的,永恒的;ruthlessness:无情,残忍,冷酷;sweep under the rug:忽略,否认,隐藏,掩盖


  • Greed was the hamartia that ultimately brought down the protagonist.

  • “Characters in Greek tragedies usually had a hamartia, or fatal flaw. Hubris, pride, presumption and arrogance were some of the chief character traits that brought down peasants and emperors alike.”
    Christine Barnes, The Tallahassee (Florida) Democrat, 6 May 2010


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