
3050: [Usaco2013 Jan]Seating

Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 128 MB
Submit: 132 Solved: 76

To earn some extra money, the cows have opened a restaurant in their barn specializing in milkshakes. The restaurant has N seats (1 <= N <= 500,000) in a row. Initially, they are all empty. Throughout the day, there are M different events that happen in sequence at the restaurant (1 <= M <= 300,000). The two types of events that can happen are: 1. A party of size p arrives (1 <= p <= N). Bessie wants to seat the party in a contiguous block of p empty seats. If this is possible, she does so in the lowest position possible in the list of seats. If it is impossible, the party is turned away. 2. A range [a,b] is given (1 <= a <= b <= N), and everybody in that range of seats leaves. Please help Bessie count the total number of parties that are turned away over the course of the day.

1.A p,表示把编号最小的空着的长度为p的区间图上颜色。
2.L a b,表示把从a到b的区间(包括端点)全部擦干净(没颜色还是没颜色)。


  • Line 1: Two space-separated integers, N and M.
  • Lines 2..M+1: Each line describes a single event. It is either a line of the form “A p” (meaning a party of size p arrives) or “L a b” (meaning that all cows in the range [a, b] leave).


  • Line 1: The number of parties that are turned away.

Sample Input

10 4

A 6

L 2 4

A 5

A 2

INPUT DETAILS: There are 10 seats, and 4 events. First, a party of 6 cows arrives. Then all cows in seats 2..4 depart. Next, a party of 5 arrives, followed by a party of 2.

Sample Output


OUTPUT DETAILS: Party #3 is turned away. All other parties are seated.





using namespace std;
int n,m,ans,p,x,y;
char ch;
struct os
{int ls,rs,sum,lazy;
void pushdown(int now,int begin,int end)
{if (tree[now].lazy==0||begin==end) return;int mid=(begin+end)>>1;if (tree[now].lazy==1)tree[now<<1|1]=tree[now<<1]=(os){0,0,0,1};elsetree[now<<1]=(os){mid-begin+1,mid-begin+1,mid-begin+1,-1},tree[now<<1|1]=(os){end-mid,end-mid,end-mid,-1};tree[now].lazy=0;
void pushup(int now,int begin,int end)
{int mid=(begin+end)>>1;tree[now].sum=max(max(tree[now<<1].rs+tree[now<<1|1].ls,tree[now<<1].sum),tree[now<<1|1].sum);tree[now].ls=tree[now<<1].ls;if (tree[now<<1].ls==mid-begin+1) tree[now].ls+=tree[now<<1|1].ls;tree[now].rs=tree[now<<1|1].rs;if (tree[now<<1|1].rs==end-mid) tree[now].rs+=tree[now<<1].rs;
void build(int now,int begin,int end)
{tree[now]=(os){end-begin+1,end-begin+1,end-begin+1,0};if (begin==end) return;int mid=(begin+end)>>1;build(now<<1,begin,mid);build(now<<1|1,mid+1,end);
int find(int now,int begin,int end,int need)
{if (begin==end) return end;int mid=(begin+end)>>1;if (tree[now<<1].sum>=need) return find(now<<1,begin,mid,need);else if (tree[now<<1].rs+tree[now<<1|1].ls>=need) return mid+1-tree[now<<1].rs;else return find(now<<1|1,mid+1,end,need);
void update(int now,int begin,int end,int l,int r,int num)
{if (l<=begin&&end<=r){if (!num) tree[now]=(os){end-begin+1,end-begin+1,end-begin+1,-1};else tree[now]=(os){0,0,0,1};return;}pushdown(now,begin,end);int mid=(begin+end)>>1;if (mid>=l) update(now<<1,begin,mid,l,r,num);if (mid<r) update(now<<1|1,mid+1,end,l,r,num);pushup(now,begin,end);
{scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);build(1,1,n);for (int i=1;i<=m;i++){ch=getchar();while (ch!='A'&&ch!='L') ch=getchar();if (ch=='A'){scanf("%d",&p);if (tree[1].sum<p){ans++;continue;}x=find(1,1,n,p);update(1,1,n,x,x+p-1,1);}else scanf("%d%d",&x,&y),update(1,1,n,x,y,0);}printf("%d",ans);


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