
  • Word Preparation
    • baker: 面包师
    • tiring: 使人疲劳的
    • work of art: 艺术品
    • get used to: 习惯于
    • Swiss roll: 瑞士卷
  • Grammar
    • as much as vs. as many as

Word Preparation

baker: 面包师

a person whose job is baking and selling bread and cakes

Being a baker should be an interesting job.

My aunt, who is a baker, can make a big delicious birthday cake.

tiring: 使人疲劳的

make you feel tired

This is a long and tiring day.

Running in the wrong way can be really tiring.

work of art: 艺术品


This evening dress is a work of art.

This is not just a watch. It is a work of art.

get used to: 习惯于

I don’t think I could get used to London’s life although it is a great place to visit.

You will get used to this music style after a few days.

Swiss roll: 瑞士卷

That Swiss roll is just amazing.

Do you know how I can make a Swiss roll?


as much as vs. as many as

as much as 用于不可数概念 (non-countable);as many as 用于可数概念 (countable)

  • It cost me as much as 100 dollars.
  • I am thirsty so I need drink as much as I can.
  • It cost me as many as 6 days to finish it.
  • These are cakes I made this afternoon, you could eat as many as you want.

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