
这是卡内基梅隆大学 ELAHE SOLTANAGHAEI 于2021年3月份发表的一篇利用WiFi实现有源定位的文章,利用WiFi信号的 CSI 获得 AoA、DoA 和 ToF,对目标位置进行估计,定位精度为0.2m。


  • TagFi: a novel tag localization and identification system that only uses the existing WiFi infrastructure and commodity wireless devices. So, it fully piggybacks tag localization on regular WiFi communications without requiring devices to operate in different frequency channels.
  • Asynchronous tag design: We use a tag design that is fully asynchronous in favor of practicality, which enables a minimal architecture at the tag while addressing the high in-band interference with more powerful signal processing techniques at the receiver.
  • Code-optimized super resolution: TagFi leverages the backscatter modulation and spatial structure of the signal to overcome complex multipath interference. This enables extracting a weak wireless reflection in the presence of strong line-of-sight path. While this method is general, we show that it enables tag localization with no need for complex operations at the tag such as frequency shifting.
  • Single-point localization: TagFi provides decimeter-level tag localization from a single channel in a single WiFi receiver. So, combined with asynchronous tag architecture and its compatibility with existing WiFi infrastructure, it enables a new primitive of ubiquitous and infrastructure-less sensing and localization.

System design

Localization algorithm

where Tx(xt,yt)T_x(x_t,y_t)Tx​(xt​,yt​), Rx(0,0)R_x(0,0)Rx​(0,0), Tag(x,y)Tag(x,y)Tag(x,y), a=(xt2+yt2)1/2a = (x_t^2+y_t^2)^{1/2}a=(xt2​+yt2​)1/2

where QQQ is the number of WiFi transmitters.

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