
I’ve always said that Unity as a product is made up of 60% community, 20% grand ideas and concepts, 15% groovy tech and 15% wicked developers (yes I am aware that this amounts to 110% – would you have expected anything less?).


Since my first day at Unity Tech, I’ve wanted to do this post, but quite simply I’ve been way too busy on this end. I still am, but I’m taking some time off to do this anyway, ha!

从我在Unity Tech的第一天起,我一直想写这篇文章,但是很简单,我为此一直太忙了。 我仍然在,但是我还是要抽些时间做这个,哈!

I’ve surfed most corners of the community for a while now (shout-out to #unity3d on irc.freenode.net! You should stop by and check it out!) and being part of this is really, really (really) grand. In my first blog post from UT, I’d like to mention a few of the groovy community projects I’ve stumbled on and could remember at the time of writing (I’ll try remembering/researching some more projects later). So without further ado, I present *drumroll* amazing community projects!:

我现在已经在社区的大多数角落冲浪了一段时间( 在irc.freenode.net上向#unity3d大喊大叫 !您应该停下来并检查一下!),参与其中确实是(真的)非常盛大。 在我来自UT的第一篇博客文章中,我想提到我偶然发现的一些时髦的社区项目,这些项目在撰写本文时可能还记得(稍后我将尝试记住/研究更多项目)。 因此,事不宜迟,我介绍了* drumroll *令人惊叹的社区项目!:

Atmospheric environment wizard


So you’ve finally set up a lovely terrain in your outdoors unity project, but something is missing. Why is it always dry and sunny? No-one ever solved grand inter-stellar corporation conspiracies under blue skies and white clouds, right? If this sounds familiar, perhaps you should give this project a look.

因此,您终于在户外统一项目中设置了一个漂亮的地形,但是缺少了一些东西。 为什么总是干燥而阳光明媚? 在蓝天白云下,没有人解决过星际大公司的阴谋,对吗? 如果听起来很熟悉,也许您应该看看这个项目。

Oh yes, please!


Collision ignore manager


All players except robots should be blocked by the bio force fields. Makes sense and doesn’t sound too hard to implement, right? Unfortunately the current PhysX implementation in Unity does not support setting up groups to ignore the colliders of one-another.

除机器人外,所有玩家都应受到生物力场的阻挡。 有道理,听起来并不难实施,对吧? 不幸的是,Unity中当前的PhysX实现不支持设置组以忽略彼此的碰撞。

Until all the roadblocks currently keeping us from addressing this are out of the way, the CollisionIgnoreManager project is an excellent solution for managing such groups. I know a lot of people, myself included, have been pulling around similar systems for their own projects, but I really like the simplicity and cleanliness of this one.

直到当前阻止我们解决所有障碍的所有障碍之前,CollisionIgnoreManager项目都是管理此类组的绝佳解决方案。 我知道很多人,包括我自己在内,一直在为自己的项目使用类似的系统,但是我真的很喜欢这个系统的简单性和简洁性。

You should check it out


Light-mapper and screen space ambient occlusion


So from our quick dive into a more tech-y project, lets quickly return to some visuals. Your game is freggin awesome, you’ve been seeding some test builds to friends and family and you’re more or less ready to blow this bomb. But something is missing…

因此,从我们的快速入门进入更具技术性的项目,让我们快速返回一些视觉效果。 您的游戏很棒,您已经给朋友和家人播下了一些测试版本,您或多或少准备炸弹。 但是缺少了一些东西……

To give your project that extra visual edge, you should really check out these two projects. While work in progress, they could still be used to up the wickednessness of your product.

为了使您的项目更具视觉优势,您应该真正检查这两个项目。 在进行工作时,它们仍然可以用来提高产品的邪恶性。

Build light-maps directly inside unity:


Don’t mind if I do


Run screen space ambient occlusion like we’re all Crytek mages:


GPU power! Yea baby!

GPU的力量! 是的,宝贝!

Ocean shader


You have just spiced up your game with the atmospheric environment wizard project and it looks good. But then you reach the shoreline and it just doesn’t really do it much justice. Plus when you’re jumping into the speeding powerboat from your crashing combat helicopter later on, you’ll need at least 2 metres tall waves to add some kind of challenge to it.

您刚刚通过大气环境向导项目增添了游戏趣味性,它看起来不错 。 但是,当您到达海岸线时,它并没有真正做到很多正义。 另外,当您稍后从坠毁的战斗直升机跳入飞速的摩托艇时,您将需要至少2米高的海浪,以对其施加某种挑战。

Water and foam and waves, oh my!


Unity/Flash integration system

Unity / Flash集成系统

Now, in order to sell as many coffee mugs, t-shirts and pencil sharpeners with our Interstellar Laser Powerboat Helicopter Hero 2000x game as possible, we’ll need to have the game live in the browser for a completely immersive experience. Now I don’t know how many pencil sharpeners they sell, but at Aquiris they definitely managed to pull off the immersive part. And not only that – they decided to toss their solution right back at the community – free to use.

现在,为了尽可能多地使用我们的星际激光摩托艇Helicopter Hero 2000x游戏销售咖啡杯,T恤和卷笔刀,我们需要在浏览器中直播该游戏,以提供完全身临其境的体验。 现在我不知道他们卖出了多少卷笔刀,但是在Aquiris,他们肯定设法完成了沉浸式部分。 不仅如此-他们决定将解决方案直接回社区-免费使用。

Their u3dobject solution is an integration layer between Unity and Flash, via Unity’s website integration feature, in order to run Unity webplayers from within flash content.

他们的u3dobject解决方案通过Unity的网站集成功能,是Unity和Flash之间的集成层,以便从Flash内容中运行Unity Webplayer。

Neat, huh?


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/07/08/digging-into-the-community-projects/



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