Apple’s iPhones are extremely secure once you’ve used TouchID or FaceID and a passcode to lock them down, but there was a loophole with specialized USB tools plugging into the lightning port. Here’s how to enable USB Restricted Mode to secure against it.

一旦使用TouchID或FaceID以及用于将其锁定的密码,Apple的iPhone将非常安全,但是在闪电端口中插入了专用USB工具,这是一个漏洞。 这是启用USB受限模式保护其安全的方法。

USB受限模式如何工作? (How Does USB Restricted Mode Work?)

The hacks work by connecting through to your iPhone’s Lightning port over USB, the same way that you’d plug in your iPhone to backup using iTunes, but there are passcode cracking tools that abuse this port to hack your iPhone.


Once you’ve enabled USB Restricted Mode, your iPhone will completely shut off USB access to the iPhone if your phone hasn’t been unlocked for more than an hour, eliminating the potential for attack.


It’s worth noting that depending on where you live, you can be compelled to provide a fingerprint to unlock your phone, so if you’re traveling and you want to prevent that, you can temporarily disable FaceID or TouchID and require your passcode instead.


启用USB受限模式 (Enabling USB Restricted Mode)

Yesterday Apple released iOS 11.4.1, which is a small release that brings the new iOS 12 security feature back to iOS 11 users. So if you want to enable USB Restricted Mode, you had better go tend to the red notification on the settings icon and upgrade to the latest update.

昨天苹果发布了iOS 11.4.1,这是一个小版本,它将新的iOS 12安全功能带回给iOS 11用户。 因此,如果要启用USB受限模式,则最好转到设置图标上的红色通知,然后升级到最新更新。

Once you’re done with that, open up Settings, and head to Touch ID & Passcode (or if you’re on an iPhone X, you’ll need Face ID & Passcode). You’ll be prompted to enter your passcode to get into the next screen.

完成此操作后,打开“设置”,然后转到“ Touch ID和密码”(或者,如果您使用的是iPhone X,则需要Face ID和密码)。 系统将提示您输入密码以进入下一个屏幕。

Now you’ll want to make sure that the USB Accessories toggle is turned off in order to enable USB Restricted Mode. Does that make sense? No, it’s kinda confusing.

现在,您要确保USB附件开关已关闭 ,以便启用USB受限模式。 那有意义吗? 不,这有点令人困惑。

The better way to think of this is “Do you want to enable USB accessories to hack your phone?”, and of course the answer is “No thank you”. So you’ll turn that toggle off.

考虑这一点的更好方法是“您是否要启用USB附件来破解您的手机?”,当然答案是“不,谢谢”。 因此,您将关闭该开关。

还有一件事 (There’s One More Thing)

It’s worth noting that nobody has been able to hack USB Restricted Mode yet, once it’s actually been an hour since you unlocked the phone.


But almost immediately after this feature made it out to the public, a cybersecurity firm found a loophole (ElcomSoft via The Verge) that resets the counter that determines whether it’s been an hour since you’ve locked the phone.

但是几乎在此功能向公众展示之后,一家网络安全公司立即发现了一个漏洞 (ElcomSoft通过The Verge ), 该 漏洞会重置计数器,以确定您锁定手机是否已经一个小时了。

So while Apple will definitely patch this, if somebody steals your phone before that patch comes out, and then immediately plugs in a special accessory into the Lightning port, and then rushes it to the lab where they have hacking tools, they will be able to hack your phone.


None of this solves the $5 wrench problem though.



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