1. 气候学家将海洋表面温度的历史数据输入了一系列测算大气变化的计算机模型中。

Climate scientists fed historical sea-surface temperatures into a variety of computer models of atmospheric change.

2. 输入数据的第一行的给你的吨数的情况下,T检验的个案跟进。

The first line of the input data gives you the number of cases, T. T test cases follow.

3. 数据输入的解释

3. 从比赛中的一个串行数据流的地址必须与输入的地址,以便取得主动与SN74LVCU04APW沟通。

A match in the slave address serial data stream must be made with the Address input in order to initiate communication with the SN74LVCU04APW.

4. 方法在水稻的不同生长期,采用容积为1000ml幼虫勺进行调查;数据输入计算机,进行统计学和群落学特征分析。

Results In this community, there were 9 species of 3 subgenera of 2 genera in subfamilies Anophelinae and Culicinae.

5. 本文还对符号编译器的用户接口进行了设计,它包括用于符号输入的交互式符号图形编辑器,用于在CRT和绘图仪上输出CIF格式数据的绘图程序。

User interface was discussed in the paper. It includes an interactive symbolic layout graphics editor for input and plotting programs which are used to output on display screen and plotter.

6. 为完成输入输出操作而暂时保存数据的存储器的一个区域。

An area of storage that is temporarily reserved for use in performing an input/output operation.

7. 您的代码也应该验证用户输入的数据以免程序出错。

Your own code should validate user-entered data to prevent it from causing problems later.

8. 通常认为s—过程的主要中子源是由核反应〓C〓O提供的,中子源最重要的核数据输入是〓C〓O的天体核反应率。

One of the important problems of nucleosynthesis of heavy element is the neutron source. A steady neutron source is necessary of nucleosynthesis of heavy element.

9. 交流电线周围存在一个很弱的交变磁场,通电螺线也会产生一个较强的交变磁场,我们通过磁感应器采集信号,再输入声卡,声卡对信号进行模数转换,将采集模拟信号转换成数字信号输入电脑并显示出来,通过对测的数据,图形进行比较和分析,得出磁场的变换频率和相对大小。

Make the magnitude of the magnetic field and AC Frequency Visualization, An electrical current in a wire produces a weak magnetic field H around the wire, We use magnetic sensors to Acquisition the Weak signal, then, input sound card, the analog signals have been transformed into digital signals by the sound card and been displayed by the personal computer.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 最佳钙highlightsLarge模式显示indicatorsPrecedence与大量的图形-减少输入括号(如2 +2-2 = 6)业务和十进制的转换,可进行二进制,八进制,和十六进制formCalculate基本算术functionsCalculate根,平方根或多维数据集的numberRaise根电源functionsLogarithmic和指数functionsCalculate正弦,余弦,正切,圆弧正弦,余弦弧或弧tangentCalculate度数,弧度或梯度,密尔,revDisplays结果正常,科学化,或修复modeMemory行动电话与大,小号码的最后结果functionOperations支持(最多10个在零下308电源或功率10 308)以及更多探索!

Best Calc highlightsLarge display with lots of graphic indicatorsPrecedence mode - to reduce entering parenthesis (e. g. 2+2-2=6)Operations and conversions can be performed in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal formCalculate basic arithmetic functionsCalculate the root, square root or cube root of a numberRaise to power functionsLogarithmic and exponent functionsCalculate sine, cosine, tangent, arc sine, arc cosine or arc tangentCalculate in degrees, radians or grads, mil, revDisplays results in normal, scientific, or fix modeMemory operations Call last result functionOperations with big and small numbers are supported (up to ten in 308th power or ten in minus 308th power)and much more to explore!

11. 于是,只需在各主记录中输入针对各净化工厂的数据即可。

You then only need to enter the data that is specific to each individual clarification plant in each master record.

12. 任何未被子扫描器读出的行李都将被分拣到人工编码点,由人工输入数据,速度是每分钟10-20件。

Any child has not been read out of the baggage scanner will be sorted according to the manual coding, the input data manually, the speed of 10-20 cases per minute.

13. 我们必须重新输入数据了!

Now we have to enter the data all over again!

14. 数据输入

14. 采用双时钟同步先进先出存储器作缓冲器,解决了时钟隔离和切换问题,实现了输入缓冲功能,并利用存储器的使用情况对输入端口进行水线流量控制,这种流量控制机制比采用异步数据传输的交换机提高了链路的利用率和加快传输速度。

The prototype of FRAMP switch is a 4×4 FPGA-based fast switch, which adopts an input-queued distributed-scheduling crossbar as main switching structure. It uses dual-clock synchronized FIFOs as packet buffers, which isolate output clocks from input clocks. FRAMP switch adopts slack flow control based on the status of FIFOs, which improves link availability and increases transmission rate.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 由于PLC具有逻辑运算,计数和定时以及数据输入输出的功能。

Because PLC has the logic operation, counting

16. 在昆市亚洲协调会工作了几个星期,我的工作是数据输入。

Work in QARI had some weeks, I did data entry on this job.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 计算机熟练,能熟练的应用软件:各种办公软件Word、Excel、PowerPoint等专业数据输入、分析、各类计算机软件比较能上手,学习与实际操作能力强。

I can use the Computer skillful, proficiency in the application of software: a variety of office software Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other professional data entry, analysis, and various types of computer software, can get down something fluquently, learning and practicel ability is good.

18. 以文字交互的方式输入数据和显示结果。

Interactive way to input text data and the result will be displayed.

19. 曼彻斯特编码器收到前导产生器的通知后开始对输入FIFO的数据开始编码。

The Manchester encoder starts encoding the data in the input FIFO after it is notified by the preamble generator.

20. 每个输入或输出的数据都保存在相应的输入或输出寄存器。

The data for each Input or Output is kept in the corresponding Input or Output register.


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