


1. Response开头

清楚的展示标题“Respose to the Review Comments”,然后用一段话来感谢审稿人和编辑:
We would like to thank you for your careful reading, helpful comments, and constructive suggestions, which has significantly improved the presentation of our manuscript.

We have carefully considered all comments from the reviewers and revised our manuscript accordingly. The manuscript has also been double-checked, and the typos and grammar errors we found have been corrected. In the following section, we summarize our responses to each comment from the reviewers. We believe that our responses have well addressed all concerns from the reviewers. We hope our revised manuscript can be accepted for publication.

In our revisions, we paid specific attention to 1)… , 2)…, 3)…, and 4)…

2. 针对审稿人的具体意见进行回复


1. We gratefully appreciate for your valuable suggestion/ comment.
2. Thank you for your rigorous consideration/ comment/ nice suggestion/ advice.
3. We gratefully thanks for the precious time the reviewer spent making constructive remarks.
4. We feel sorry for the inconvenience brought to the reviewer.
5. Thank you so much for your careful check.
6. We totally understand the reviewer's concern.
7. Thank you for pointing out this problem in manuscript.
8. Thank for your comments.
9. Thank you for the above suggestions.
10. It is really true as Reviewer suggested that……
11. We are very sorry for our negligence of ……...
12. We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion
13. We are very sorry for our incorrect writing ……...
14. We have made correction according to the Reviewer’s comments.
15. As Reviewer suggested that……
16. Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have ……

this paper provides a very comprehensive analysis and review on ****. It includes different levels of reviews on ***, ***, and ***. The logic is very clear and whole article is well written. In addition, to prove more insight about how to integrate the knowledges on current ****, authors run different levels of experiments to make further analysis. Finally, future direction and challenges are demonstrated for other researchers to make improvement.

We thank the reviewer for reading our paper carefully and giving the above positive comments.

In this manuscript, the authors proposed a survey study, reviewing the applications of ***, in the framework of ****. This is a critical topic and the number of research studies that came out in the last 2 years is immense; however, the number of recent papers included in this survey are quite low, which negatively effects the timeliness/currentness of the study. There are many critical issues related to the current state of the manuscript. Below, I list my specific concerns/issues:

Thank for your comments.


2.1 存在疑惑:


(1) 在你肯定论文表述没有出错的情况下,审稿人认为你的论文中存在疑点,没有看懂,需要你来解释,那么你可以在response中进行解释,最好是引经据典,让审稿人明白你的意图。

(2) 如果是因为论文中的错误或者表述不清而造成的疑惑,那我们需要对论文进行修改,然后依据修改的部分进行回复。
    The authors may want to explain the reason why they have chosen to mention some of the methods at the beginning of Section 3.2 rather than mentioning them in the subsections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2?
    Thank you for pointing out this problem in manuscript. We have restructured Section 3 in the revised manuscript. Some methods mentioned at the beginning of subsection 3.2 have been moved to another subsection. In the revised manuscript, subsection 3.1 is dedicated to describing methods of using unsupervised learning for descriptors. Consequently, the descriptions of methods [63], [65], [69], [70], [71] have been moved to subsection 3.1. Subsection 3.2 focuses on the extraction of sequence features. The descriptions of methods [74], [75] remain in subsection 3.2.

Case 2:

Why are references 122 and 124 not indicated in Table 6?
    We thank the reviewer for pointing out this issue. The reference [140] (reference [122] in the original manuscript) is a model based on multi-modality, and reference [93] (reference [124] in the original manuscript) uses CNN-RNN structure for descriptors. So, it is inappropriate to introduce them in subsection 4.1. We have moved the description of reference [140] to subsection 4.4 and the description of reference [93] to subsection 4.6 in the revised manuscript. They are not indicated in Table 8 (Table 6 in original manuscript) in the revised manuscript.

2.2 指出问题:

Case 1:

I am not sure if reference 124 relevant to be placed in Section 4.1.
    We thank the reviewer for pointing out this issue. We have moved the description of reference [93] (reference [124] in the original manuscript) to subsection 4.6 in the revised manuscript.

Case 2:

The problem of fixed length input sequence (for protein sequences or for compound SMILES sequences) for the deep neural network models is not mentioned at all.


    Thank you for the above suggestion. Following your suggestion, we have added a new subsection called “Fixed length size” in Section 6 to described the problem of fixed length input sequence for the deep neural network models.

Case 3:



    Thank you for your comment. In the revised manuscript, we have restructured our manuscript and focused on feature extraction and CPR prediction based on deep learning in content to highlight the significance of this manuscript. The main modifications are as follows:
(1) We have updated the statistical information in all tables in our manuscript to ensure that it is the latest data. And we have collected some publicly available datasets and described them in Section 1 of the supplementary material. We have also provided statistical information, attributes, and download links of these datasets to guide the readers in choosing the dataset for developing and testing their methods.
(2) In Section 3, various feature extractions in CPR prediction are comprehensively discussed. In addition to the commonly used neural networks such as CNN, RNN and GCN, this section contains the current relatively novel models, such as Transformer [97] and GAT [99].
(3) In the revised manuscript, we have deleted 43 old references which had already been reported in detail in other reviews. And we have expanded 27 methods published in recent 2 years. The introduction of these methods will improve the comprehensiveness of our manuscript and provide readers with more perspectives. For example, we added DGraphDTA [102], GraphDTI [101], the model proposed by Wang et al. [83], and InterpretableCNN-CPR [120] to the convolution-based method and added GNN-CPI [88], MolTrans [131], MT-DTI [129], TransformerCPI [132] and DeepCDA [92] to the attention-based model. Furthermore, we have added three new subsections, “Multi-modal-based methods”, “Generative deep learning approaches” and “Other methods”, in Section 4. These methods take different perspectives to facilitate the discovery of deep learning in CPR prediction and present novel directions that deserve to be explored.
(4) To follow the latest research, we have added more state-of-the-art methods, which have been proposed in the past three years, for comparison in Section 5. In the revised manuscript, we compared 9 methods on CPI prediction task and 10 methods on CPA prediction task.

Case 4: 语法错误

The use of language in the manuscript is generally okay but the way the sentences are structured are problematic from place to place. It feels like they are written in the style of the everyday use of the English language, different from the style of the scientific literature. Since this is a survey study, the text is naturally quite lengthy and the problematic sentences are scattered throughout the manuscript. The authors should go over the entire text carefully to change the style considering the customary style of scientific literature
    Thank for your comments. We have thoroughly checked and corrected the grammatical errors and typos we found in our revised manuscript.
    We are very sorry for the mistakes in this manuscript and inconvenience they caused in your reading. The manuscript has been thoroughly revised and edited by a native speaker, so we hope it can meet the journal’s standard. Thanks so much for your useful comments.

2.3 给出建议:
Case 1:

Figure. 2 is a little bit confusing for the readers. It is supposed to demonstrate ***. however, based on figure 2, it is more like to pipeline graph which may need to be modified.


Response:Thank you for pointing out this problem in our manuscript. According to the revised content, we have redrawn Figure 2 to clearly show ***.


Case 2:

In terms of results in section 5, it would be good to demonstrate the details of each model, like graph or others. Then readers would know more details about how to compare those results.


Response:Thank you for the above suggestion. In Section 2 of supplementary material, we have provided detailed descriptions of the models, which are compared in Section 5. Descriptions of the models for CPI prediction are shown in Figures S.1 to S. 9 in the supplementary materials. And overviews of the models for CPA prediction are shown in Figures S.10 to S. 19 in the supplementary material.

Case 3:

Can the authors guide the readers about the datasets they can use for their methods?


Thank you for the above suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have collected some publicly available datasets and described them in Section 1 of the supplementary material. We have also provided statistical information, attributes and download links of these datasets to guide the readers in choosing the dataset for their methods.
The statistical information and attributes of these datasets are presented in Tables S.1 and S.2. and the download links are presented in the Tables S.3 and S.4 of the supplementary material.

Case 4:

There is something about the structure and organization of the manuscript that could be improved.

(1) Some of the methods are explained in too much detail; for example, Graph Neural Network while the other methods are coarsely given; for example, “Xie et al. [117] developed a DNN model using only the z-scores of 978 marker genes”?

(2)For example, information regarding CNN is given at the very end of Section 3.2.1. This could be moved to a previous subsection.“CNNs are considered as one of the best models for learning image feature. The topology of CNN is divided into multiple learning stages, which are composed of convolutional layer, non-linear activation and sub-sampling layer. Each layer uses a set of convolution kernels (filters) to perform multiple transformation. The main advantage of CNNs is that the feature extraction is performed in a fully automatic and data-driven manner, so there is no need to design feature selection or convolution kernels in advance. At present, there are many excellent image feature extraction networks that can be used by researchers, such as AlexNet [103], GoogleNet [104], DenseNet-201 [105], ResNet152 [106] and VGG-19 [107].”


Thank you for the above suggestions. As suggested by the reviewer, we have improved the structure and organization of the manuscript. We have revised the Sections 3 and 4. We have deleted some redundant descriptions, and made supplementary explanations for some confusing descriptions.
(1) The overly detailed descriptions of graph neural network in Section 3 have been deleted. And the necessary information of the literature [114] in the second paragraph of subsection 4.1 has been added in the revised manuscript.
(2) The descriptions of CNN at the end of subsection 3.2.1 overlap with the first paragraph of Section 3 and the second paragraph of subsection 3.2. Therefore, the descriptions of CNN have been deleted in the revised manuscript.

Case 5:

I would suggest discussing more the details of the DNN models and their impact/relation on feature extraction and prediction. For example, in a CNN model, what are the impacts of using a convolutional layer+max pooling layer on the input protein or compound sequence? Similar discussions can be carried out on the layers of other convolution-based models, FFMLP-based models, and attention-based models.


    Thank you for the above suggestion. We have added more details of some DNN models to illustrate their impact/relation on feature extraction and prediction. These DNN models include CNN+Max-pooling (in the second paragraph of subsection 3.2), Transformer (in the second paragraph of subsection 3.2), Graph attention network (in the first paragraph of subsection 3.3), stacked CNNs (in the third paragraph of subsection 4.2), FCDNN-based models (in the last paragraph of subsection 4.1), convolution-based models (in the last paragraph of subsection 4.2), attention-based models (in the first and last paragraph of subsection 4.3), and multi-modal-based models (in the last paragraph of subsection 4.4).

Case 6:

I would suggest using “Feed-forward Multi-layer Neural Networks” for the title of Section 4.1 which is currently DNN-based models.


    Thank you for the above suggestion. In most cases, Feed-forward Multi-layer Neural Networks and Deep Neural Networks include convolutional neural networks and graph convolutional networks. Their input form is changeable, including one-dimensional tensor, two-dimensional tensor and three-dimensional tensor. While subsection 4.1 focuses on the methods processing one-dimensional feature descriptors. Fully connected deep neural network is a type of artificial neural network to process one-dimensional inputs, in which all the nodes in one layer are connected to the neurons in the next layer while there is no connection between nodes on the same layer. So, “Fully connected deep neural network-based models” may be more suitable as the title of subsection 4.1, which is “DNN-based models” in the original manuscript.

首先感谢审稿人的意见,然后委婉的指出审稿人意见中的不足指出,并给出充足的理由,最后提出自己的观点。注意文中的用词: “In most cases”," may be more suitable"等.
Case 7:当你完成不了审稿人的建议时,你应该详细说明原有,证明你努力过,只是没成功。

    Indeed, it will be more convincing if we get a comparative assessment on normal keratinocytes. However, the normal skin cell line TE 353.SK that we recently obtained could not be cultured stably under the condition of our lab at this time. We are also collecting human tissue samples from patients with primary melanoma and benign nevi. Based on our data, XXX expression will be analyzed in clinical samples by immunohistochemistry, and the correlation between XXX expression and the prognosis of melanoma will be determined in our subsequent investigations. Therefore, the referee’s concern is of importance for our further study, and we will show the results in our next paper for XXX.
We are appreciative of the reviewer’s suggestion. Indeed, it will be more profound if we get the relevant results in vivo. We have purchased 10 thymus-null BALB/c nude mice (female, age 4-6 weeks) from the Animal Center of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Osteosarcoma xenografts were established in nude mice according to a previous report (Gao et al., 2009) (我们去买了若干只小鼠,按照文献的方法操作). Briefly, control lentivirus or XXX gene shRNA-expressing lentivirus infected XXX cells (1×105) were suspended in 0.1 ml PBS and then injected subcutaneously into the proximal tibia of each anesthetized nude mice (n=5 in each group). Unfortunately, the xenografts could not grow after inoculation for three weeks (满怀欣喜的接种到动物身上,然而实验这东西,哪能一遍就成呢,我们做了一遍,结果没能成瘤,实在是悲剧了). The limitation of technical condition may be the main reason. Also, we doubt that the cell viability could be insufficient to initiate osteosarcoma tumorigenesis in vivo due to the long-distance transport. Therefore, we seek for the editor’s tolerance and understanding. Many thanks for your kind help!


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