
The headings are an important aspect in a document. The heading could be provided on the webpage through HTML.

标题是文档中的重要方面。 该标题可以通过HTML在网页上提供。

There six types of heading given in HTML. Below are the six HTML heading tags used and their respective effects. <h1> defines the most important heading and it gives the largest heading while the <h6> is the smallest heading and thus defines the least important headings in HTML.

HTML提供了六种标题。 以下是使用的六个HTML标题标签及其各自的效果。 <h1>定义了最重要的标题,并且给出了最大的标题,而<h6>是最小的标题,因此定义了HTML中最不重要的标题

Consider the Example:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Basic Structure of a HTML5 Webpage</title>
<!--HEADING (there are total 6 Heading Elements in HTML5)-->
<h1>Heading One</h1>
<h2>Heading Two</h2>
<h3>Heading Three</h3>
<h4>Heading Four</h4>
<h5>Heading Five</h5>
<h6>Heading Six</h6>
<p>Paragraph One</p>



上例中的标签和元素: (Tags and Elements in the above Example:)

<!DOCTYPE html>

<!DOCTYPE html>

This is Document Type declaration made just before the starting of <html> tag, It helps the browser choose the version of HTML to be rendered, the declaration which we have used in the above example is specific for HTML5.




This is the starting tag of a HTML document, it is necessary to have a closing HTML tag.


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta charset =“ UTF-8”>

This meta information helps the browser to encode the text type properly, charset stands for Character Set. UTF stands for Unicode Transformation Format.

此元信息可帮助浏览器正确编码文本类型,charset代表字符集。 UTF代表Unicode转换格式。



This is the heading element of the HTML document, it contains the title (<title> TITLE INFO. </title>) element of our webpage, the title is displayed in the browser’s tab, heading element also contains the meta information of the webpage.

这是HTML文档的标题元素,它包含我们网页的标题(<title> TITLE INFO。</ title>)元素,标题显示在浏览器的选项卡中,标题元素还包含该网页的元信息。



Everything which we see in the browser’s windows comes under the body tag.




This tag is used to add comments in our HTML document, these are not to be rendered in the browser.



<h1> ... <h6>

This is the heading tag which ranges from <h1> to <h6>, <h1> tag is used to render the biggest heading and gradually the size is reduced while we use <h2>, <h3>, <h4>,<h5> & <h6>.




This is paragraph tag used to write paragraphs in a HTML document.


For word wrapping in HTML, one can use the   entity for the non-breaking space character, when you want to make sure that a line isn't broken. Alternatively, use the NOWRAP attribute to disable word wrapping and the <br/> element to force line breaks where desired.

对于HTML中的自动换行,可以使用   要确保行不中断时,不间断空格字符的实体。 或者,使用NOWRAP属性禁用自动换行,并使用<br/>元素在需要的地方强制换行。

The heading could be given with a horizontal rule. The <hr/> tag is used for specifying a horizontal rule in an HTML page. It is used to separate content.

可以给定水平方向的标题。 <hr />标记用于在HTML页面中指定水平线。 它用于分隔内容。

<!--non breaking (&nbsp;) Examples-->
<p>Include &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Help</p>
The heading could be given with a horizontal rule.
<br/> The "hr" tag is used for a horizontal rule in an HTML page.
<br/> It is basically used to separate content.

The output of the following HTML code would be as follows,


The CSS file also could be applied to the HTML code for the element heading. Inline CSS could be applied by using the style attribute.

CSS文件也可以应用于元素标题HTML代码。 内联CSS可以通过使用style属性来应用。

<h1 style="font-size:60px;color: #0000ff;">
H1 heading with a new size.

The output would be as,





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