Following Unilever’s renewed Membership at Sensor City earlier this year, our joint commitment to driving innovation within Liverpool City Region is well underway.

Last week, we ran our first ‘Unilever Student Project’ online event, aimed at strengthening industry and academic engagement in the region, by facilitating collaboration between Unilever and student talent within Liverpool and beyond.

During the event, Unilever’s Beauty and Personal Care Team discussed a number of R&D project opportunities involving sensors, data analysis, programming and robotics, which the attending 70 students and researchers from a range of disciplines were invited to participate in.

It is hoped that future opportunities with Unilever may arise for participants following the successful delivery of these first projects, with more projects expected to be shared in the coming months.
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Sensor City Prototyping Engineer, Gabriela Adamczyk, has been shortlisted in the top 200 of the ‘TechWomen 100’ awards.

Nominated for her impressive engineering career progression and constant willingness to learn new tech skills, Gabi was also recognised for her STEM role model status and commitment to mentoring female students.

The final list of 100 women will be named following a public vote, so we would be delighted if you could please join us in supporting Gabi and vote for her below!
Please vote for Gabi here

It could be argued that the last 12 months have not been an ideal environment in which to start a business, but Sensor City based DATAHONE have defied market expectations, thanks to the growing demand for Industry 4.0 applications.
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On behalf of Modern Designers, Sensor City based DefProc Engineering was recently commissioned to build an interactive exhibit for a new exhibition opening in Port Sunlight’s Lyceum Centre, involving CAD, 3D printing, laser cutting, and electronics design and build.
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An innovative solution to keep face masks clean and protected when not in use, has been created in collaboration between two start-ups, founded by university students.
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Smart Building solution provider, Sensicon, is looking to find a creative, self-motivated student to undertake a Digital Marketing Internship. The successful candidate will work closely with their
in-house Marketing and Innovation Directors to design marketing materials and web content, and will start immediately.
Read more and apply

Sensor City member, Busby, have been shortlisted for the 2020 BizBike Awards, which honour innovative brands that keep the wheels of the UK’s cycling industry turning.

The winner of the ‘Innovation from a newcomer’ award will be decided following a public vote, so please help Busby to win this title by voting for them by Friday 27th November.
Vote here

From 9-13th November 2020, Digital Manufacturing Week returns to Liverpool, as an online event. Join us on the virtual Invest Liverpool stand as we showcase the best robotics, machine learning, immersive technology and IIoT technologies in LCR.
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On Thursday 19th November, our next Smart Cities event will focus on Smart Data and Cyber Security. Organised by Sensor City and Whitecap Consulting, this online event is free to attend and will feature a range of expert speakers and panelists, alongside participant Q&A opportunities.


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