
1、Choosing an object-relational mapping tool by Fabrice Marguerie (

2、Which ORM is the BEST?

3、MyGeneration: A highly recommended template based code generation engine, written by Mike Griffin and Justin Greenwood of MyGeneration Software. They have also committed to keep version 2.0, which is planned for release by the end of 2005 as a free product. With ASP-like syntax, flexible UI, and good community and developer support it's a product that's ready for prime time.
      MyGeneration so far as I have understood stands above the rest, with its flexible template based approach (in four different languages- JScript, VBScript, C#, and VB.NET), long term commitment from the developers, and an active community support.

4、ORM工具之一:CodUS: Codus is a comprehensive code generation tool for object-relational mapping. It takes an existing database and automatically generates all the code for updating, deleting, inserting and selecting records. In addition, it creates web services for distributed programming, strongly-typed collections, and a full set of unit tests. I haven’t got an opportunity to test this product, but it looks very promising (hopefully I shall get an opportunity to experiment with it soon).


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