1 importandroid.content.Context;2 importandroid.view.View;3 importandroid.widget.ImageView;4 importandroid.widget.LinearLayout;5 importandroid.widget.Toast;6 7 /**

8 * Created by wangwentao on 2017/1/25.9 * Toast统一管理类10 */

11 12 public classToastUtil {13  private static boolean isShow = true;//默认显示

14  private static Toast mToast = null;//全局唯一的Toast

15 16 /**

17 *private控制不应该被实例化*/

18  privateToastUtil() {19   throw new UnsupportedOperationException("不能被实例化");20 }21 22  /**

23 * 全局控制是否显示Toast24 *@paramisShowToast25 */

26  public static void controlShow(booleanisShowToast){27   isShow =isShowToast;28 }29 30  /**

31 * 取消Toast显示32 */

33  public voidcancelToast() {34   if(isShow && mToast != null){35 mToast.cancel();36 }37 }38 39  /**

40 * 短时间显示Toast41 *42 *@paramcontext43 *@parammessage44 */

45  public static voidshowShort(Context context, CharSequence message) {46   if(isShow){47    if (mToast == null) {48     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);49    } else{50 mToast.setText(message);51 }52 mToast.show();53 }54 }55 56  /**

57 * 短时间显示Toast58 *59 *@paramcontext60 *@paramresId 资源ID:getResources().getString(R.string.xxxxxx);61 */

62  public static void showShort(Context context, intresId) {63   if(isShow){64    if (mToast == null) {65     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, resId, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);66    } else{67 mToast.setText(resId);68 }69 mToast.show();70 }71 }72 73  /**

74 * 长时间显示Toast75 *76 *@paramcontext77 *@parammessage78 */

79  public static voidshowLong(Context context, CharSequence message) {80   if(isShow){81    if (mToast == null) {82     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);83    } else{84 mToast.setText(message);85 }86 mToast.show();87 }88 }89 90  /**

91 * 长时间显示Toast92 *93 *@paramcontext94 *@paramresId 资源ID:getResources().getString(R.string.xxxxxx);95 */

96  public static void showLong(Context context, intresId) {97   if(isShow){98    if (mToast == null) {99     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, resId, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);100    } else{101 mToast.setText(resId);102 }103 mToast.show();104 }105 }106 107  /**

108 * 自定义显示Toast时间109 *110 *@paramcontext111 *@parammessage112 *@paramduration 单位:毫秒113 */

114  public static void show(Context context, CharSequence message, intduration) {115   if(isShow){116    if (mToast == null) {117     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, message, duration);118    } else{119 mToast.setText(message);120 }121 mToast.show();122 }123 }124 125  /**

126 * 自定义显示Toast时间127 *128 *@paramcontext129 *@paramresId 资源ID:getResources().getString(R.string.xxxxxx);130 *@paramduration 单位:毫秒131 */

132  public static void show(Context context, int resId, intduration) {133   if(isShow){134    if (mToast == null) {135     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, resId, duration);136    } else{137 mToast.setText(resId);138 }139 mToast.show();140 }141 }142 143  /**

144 * 自定义Toast的View145 *@paramcontext146 *@parammessage147 *@paramduration 单位:毫秒148 *@paramview 显示自己的View149 */

150  public static void customToastView(Context context, CharSequence message, intduration,View view) {151   if(isShow){152    if (mToast == null) {153     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, message, duration);154    } else{155 mToast.setText(message);156 }157    if(view != null){158 mToast.setView(view);159 }160 mToast.show();161 }162 }163 164  /**

165 * 自定义Toast的位置166 *@paramcontext167 *@parammessage168 *@paramduration 单位:毫秒169 *@paramgravity170 *@paramxOffset171 *@paramyOffset172 */

173  public static void customToastGravity(Context context, CharSequence message, int duration,int gravity, int xOffset, intyOffset) {174   if(isShow){175    if (mToast == null) {176     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, message, duration);177    } else{178 mToast.setText(message);179 }180 mToast.setGravity(gravity, xOffset, yOffset);181 mToast.show();182 }183 }184 185  /**

186 * 自定义带图片和文字的Toast,最终的效果就是上面是图片,下面是文字187 *@paramcontext188 *@parammessage189 *@paramiconResId 图片的资源id,如:R.drawable.icon190 *@paramduration191 *@paramgravity192 *@paramxOffset193 *@paramyOffset194 */

195  public static void showToastWithImageAndText(Context context, CharSequence message, int iconResId,int duration,int gravity, int xOffset, intyOffset) {196   if(isShow){197    if (mToast == null) {198     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, message, duration);199    } else{200 mToast.setText(message);201 }202 mToast.setGravity(gravity, xOffset, yOffset);203    LinearLayout toastView =(LinearLayout) mToast.getView();204    ImageView imageView = newImageView(context);205 imageView.setImageResource(iconResId);206    toastView.addView(imageView, 0);207 mToast.show();208 }209 }210 211  /**

212 * 自定义Toast,针对类型CharSequence213 *@paramcontext214 *@parammessage215 *@paramduration216 *@paramview217 *@paramisGravity true,表示后面的三个布局参数生效,false,表示不生效218 *@paramgravity219 *@paramxOffset220 *@paramyOffset221 *@paramisMargin true,表示后面的两个参数生效,false,表示不生效222 *@paramhorizontalMargin223 *@paramverticalMargin224 */

225  public static void customToastAll(Context context, CharSequence message, int duration,View view, boolean isGravity,int gravity, int xOffset, int yOffset,boolean isMargin,float horizontalMargin, floatverticalMargin) {226   if(isShow){227    if (mToast == null) {228     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, message, duration);229    } else{230 mToast.setText(message);231 }232    if(view != null){233 mToast.setView(view);234 }235    if(isMargin){236 mToast.setMargin(horizontalMargin, verticalMargin);237 }238    if(isGravity){239 mToast.setGravity(gravity, xOffset, yOffset);240 }241 mToast.show();242 }243 }244 245  /**

246 * 自定义Toast,针对类型resId247 *@paramcontext248 *@paramresId249 *@paramduration250 *@paramview :应该是一个布局,布局中包含了自己设置好的内容251 *@paramisGravity true,表示后面的三个布局参数生效,false,表示不生效252 *@paramgravity253 *@paramxOffset254 *@paramyOffset255 *@paramisMargin true,表示后面的两个参数生效,false,表示不生效256 *@paramhorizontalMargin257 *@paramverticalMargin258 */

259  public static void customToastAll(Context context, int resId, int duration,View view,boolean isGravity,int gravity, int xOffset, int yOffset,boolean isMargin,float horizontalMargin, floatverticalMargin) {260   if(isShow){261    if (mToast == null) {262     mToast =Toast.makeText(context, resId, duration);263    } else{264 mToast.setText(resId);265 }266    if(view != null){267 mToast.setView(view);268 }269    if(isMargin){270 mToast.setMargin(horizontalMargin, verticalMargin);271 }272    if(isGravity){273 mToast.setGravity(gravity, xOffset, yOffset);274 }275 mToast.show();276 }277 }278 }


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