SAP Spartacus 端到端的集成测试代码实现,位于下列文件夹内:


CypressError: cy.route cannot be invoked before starting the cy.server()


先执行Spartacus B2B模块budget的集成测试:

再执行cost center:


再执行purchase limit:

第一次build失败,我在Travis的控制台上点了Restart job,第二次就成功了:

Coverage summary:测试覆盖率一览。


No output has been received in the last 10m0s, this potentially indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself.
1364Check the details on how to adjust your build configuration on:
1366The build has been terminated


Success: Spartacus production build was successful.

Running Cypress end to end tests
1011yarn run v1.22.5
1012$ start-server-and-test start:ci:b2b http-get://localhost:4200 e2e:cy:run:ci:2005:b2b
10131: starting server using command "npm run start:ci:b2b"
1014and when url "[ 'http-get://localhost:4200' ]" is responding with HTTP status code 200
1015running tests using command "npm run e2e:cy:run:ci:2005:b2b"
1017npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /tmp/yarn--1612152243389-0.11358567514273044/node but npm is using /home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/bin/node itself. Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.
1019> storefrontapp@3.0.0 start:ci:b2b /home/travis/build/SAP/spartacus
1020> cross-env SPARTACUS_BASE_URL= SPARTACUS_API_PREFIX=/occ/v2/ SPARTACUS_B2B=true yarn start
1022$ ng serve
1023env= {1024  SPARTACUS_API_PREFIX: '"/occ/v2/"',
1026  SPARTACUS_B2B: '"true"'

下图可以看到ng serve 命令行启动时,如何通过环境变量的方式注入参数到启动命令行:


The command ./ sonar exited with 0

这只是Travis build其中之一。


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