Refining activation downsampling with SoftPool-论文链接-代码链接


  • 1、需求解读
  • 2、SoftPool算法简介
  • 3、SoftPool算法详解
    • 3.1 池化算法变种
    • 3.2 SoftPool计算
  • 4、SoftPool代码实现
  • 5、SoftPool效果展示与分析
    • 5.1、SoftPool主观效果展示与分析
    • 5.2、SoftPool客观效果展示与分析
  • 6、总结与分析
  • 参考资料
  • 注意事项




epi∑i=14epi\frac{e^{pi}}{\sum_{i=1}^{4}e^{pi}} ∑i=14​epiepi​


3.1 池化算法变种

  上图展示了多个变种的池化层,具体包括Average Pooling、Max Pooling、Power Average Pooling、Stochastic Pooling、S3 Pooling、Local Importance Pooling与SoftPool。通过观察我们可以发现:(1)其它的池化操作基本都是在最大池化或者平均池化的变种;(2)S3池化操作的思路与最大池化类似;(3)其它的池化操作基本都是平均池化的变种;(4)Local Importance Pooling与SoftPool池化操作的思路类似,都给原图的区域计算了对应的区域,并进行了累计操作。

3.2 SoftPool计算

  反向计算的步骤包括:(1)计算a~\tilde{a}a~的梯度值▽a~\bigtriangledown \tilde{a}▽a~;(2)将 ▽a~\bigtriangledown \tilde{a}▽a~与权重w相乘获得▽a\bigtriangledown {a}▽a。



---  S T A R T  O F  F U N C T I O N  S O F T _ P O O L 1 D  ---[About]Function for dowsampling based on the exponenial proportion rate of pixels (soft pooling).If the tensor is in CUDA the custom operation is used. Alternatively, the function usesstandard (mostly) in-place PyTorch operations for speed and reduced memory consumption.It is also possible to use non-inplace operations in order to improve stability.[Args]- x: PyTorch Tensor, could be in either cpu of CUDA. If in CUDA the homonym extension is used.- kernel_size: Integer or Tuple, for the kernel size to be used for downsampling. If an `Integer`is used, a `Tuple` is created for the rest of the dimensions. Defaults to 2.- stride: Integer or Tuple, for the steps taken between kernels (i.e. strides). If `None` thestrides become equal to the `kernel_size` tuple. Defaults to `None`.- force_inplace: Bool, determines if in-place operations are to be used regardless of the CUDAcustom op. Mostly useful for time monitoring. Defaults to `False`.[Returns]- PyTorch Tensor, subsampled based on the specified `kernel_size` and `stride`
def soft_pool1d(x, kernel_size=2, stride=None, force_inplace=False):if x.is_cuda and not force_inplace:x = CUDA_SOFTPOOL1d.apply(x, kernel_size, stride)# Replace `NaN's if foundif torch.isnan(x).any():return torch.nan_to_num(x)return xkernel_size = _single(kernel_size)if stride is None:stride = kernel_sizeelse:stride = _single(stride)# Get input sizes_, c, d = x.size()# Create per-element exponential value sum : Tensor [b x c x d]e_x = torch.exp(x)# Apply mask to input and pool and calculate the exponential sum# Tensor: [b x c x d] -> [b x c x d']return F.avg_pool1d(x.mul(e_x), kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)).div_(F.avg_pool1d(e_x, kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)))


---  S T A R T  O F  F U N C T I O N  S O F T _ P O O L 2 D  ---[About]Function for dowsampling based on the exponenial proportion rate of pixels (soft pooling).If the tensor is in CUDA the custom operation is used. Alternatively, the function usesstandard (mostly) in-place PyTorch operations for speed and reduced memory consumption.It is also possible to use non-inplace operations in order to improve stability.[Args]- x: PyTorch Tensor, could be in either cpu of CUDA. If in CUDA the homonym extension is used.- kernel_size: Integer or Tuple, for the kernel size to be used for downsampling. If an `Integer`is used, a `Tuple` is created for the rest of the dimensions. Defaults to 2.- stride: Integer or Tuple, for the steps taken between kernels (i.e. strides). If `None` thestrides become equal to the `kernel_size` tuple. Defaults to `None`.- force_inplace: Bool, determines if in-place operations are to be used regardless of the CUDAcustom op. Mostly useful for time monitoring. Defaults to `False`.[Returns]- PyTorch Tensor, subsampled based on the specified `kernel_size` and `stride`
def soft_pool2d(x, kernel_size=2, stride=None, force_inplace=False):if x.is_cuda and not force_inplace:x = CUDA_SOFTPOOL2d.apply(x, kernel_size, stride)# Replace `NaN's if foundif torch.isnan(x).any():return torch.nan_to_num(x)return xkernel_size = _pair(kernel_size)if stride is None:stride = kernel_sizeelse:stride = _pair(stride)# Get input sizes_, c, h, w = x.size()# Create per-element exponential value sum : Tensor [b x c x h x w]e_x = torch.exp(x)# Apply mask to input and pool and calculate the exponential sum# Tensor: [b x c x h x w] -> [b x c x h' x w']return F.avg_pool2d(x.mul(e_x), kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)).div_(F.avg_pool2d(e_x, kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)))


---  S T A R T  O F  F U N C T I O N  S O F T _ P O O L 3 D  ---[About]Function for dowsampling based on the exponenial proportion rate of pixels (soft pooling).If the tensor is in CUDA the custom operation is used. Alternatively, the function usesstandard (mostly) in-place PyTorch operations for speed and reduced memory consumption.It is also possible to use non-inplace operations in order to improve stability.[Args]- x: PyTorch Tensor, could be in either cpu of CUDA. If in CUDA the homonym extension is used.- kernel_size: Integer or Tuple, for the kernel size to be used for downsampling. If an `Integer`is used, a `Tuple` is created for the rest of the dimensions. Defaults to 2.- stride: Integer or Tuple, for the steps taken between kernels (i.e. strides). If `None` thestrides become equal to the `kernel_size` tuple. Defaults to `None`.- force_inplace: Bool, determines if in-place operations are to be used regardless of the CUDAcustom op. Mostly useful for time monitoring. Defaults to `False`.[Returns]- PyTorch Tensor, subsampled based on the specified `kernel_size` and `stride`
def soft_pool3d(x, kernel_size=2, stride=None, force_inplace=False):if x.is_cuda and not force_inplace:x = CUDA_SOFTPOOL3d.apply(x, kernel_size, stride)# Replace `NaN's if foundif torch.isnan(x).any():return torch.nan_to_num(x)return xkernel_size = _triple(kernel_size)if stride is None:stride = kernel_sizeelse:stride = _triple(stride)# Get input sizes_, c, d, h, w = x.size()# Create per-element exponential value sum : Tensor [b x c x d x h x w]e_x = torch.exp(x)# Apply mask to input and pool and calculate the exponential sum# Tensor: [b x c x d x h x w] -> [b x c x d' x h' x w']return F.avg_pool3d(x.mul(e_x), kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)).div_(F.avg_pool3d(e_x, kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)))










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