bkg bnc

BNC:刺刀Neill–Concelman (BNC: Bayonet Neill–Concelman)

BNC is an abbreviation of "Bayonet Neill–Concelman".


It is also known as "British Naval Connector" or "Bayonet Nut Connector". It is an instant connect/disconnect electrical connector developed to function at the frequencies of radio in the multi-megahertz range, which normally used with coaxial cable.

它也被称为“ 英国海军连接器”或“ 刺刀螺母连接器” 。 它是一种即时连接/断开电连接器,开发用于在通常与同轴电缆一起使用的数兆赫兹范围内的无线电频率下工作。

In the BNC, an outer conductor is used with slots and a number of plastic dielectrics are used on both the left and right male and female connectors. At higher frequencies, dielectric turns out to be the source of increased losses. The slots of BNC may radiate signals higher than 4 GHz, as an effect the connector is in working condition, other than not at all essentially secure up to about 11 GHz.

BNC中 ,外部导体用于插槽,左,右公母连接器均使用多种塑料电介质。 在更高的频率下,电介质被证明是损耗增加的根源。 BNC的插槽可能会辐射高于4 GHz的信号,这实际上是影响连接器处于工作状态的原因,但实际上根本无法确保高达11 GHz的频率。

In the categories of BNC, there is an availability of most frequently developed versions 50 ohms and 75 ohms for typical use. The development of a 75-ohm connector, according to its dimensions to some extent not as same as from the 50-ohm modification, however, there is a possibility on the other hand that they can be developed to connect mechanically.

BNC类别中,最常用的版本有50欧姆和75欧姆。 75欧姆连接器的开发在某种程度上与50欧姆修改的尺寸不同,但是,另一方面,也有可能将其开发为机械连接。

  • Occasionally, the 75-ohm categories can be acknowledged by the compacted or missing dielectric at the connecting ends. The use of a 75-ohm version of BNC connectors is in general defined at frequencies up to 2 GHz. The fundamental use of the 75-ohm version of BNC connectors is in Video and DS3 Telco central office applications.

    有时,可以通过连接端的压紧或缺失电介质来确认75欧姆类别。 通常定义在最高2 GHz的频率下使用75欧姆的BNC连接器。 Bohm连接器的75欧姆版本的基本用途是在Video和DS3 Telco中心局应用中。

  • The use of the 50-ohm version of BNC connectors is normally defined at frequencies up to 4 GHz. They are mainly used for data and RF.

    通常在高达4 GHz的频率上定义使用50欧姆版本的BNC连接器。 它们主要用于数据和RF。

使用BNC连接器 (Use of BNC connector)

  • The connection between analog and serial digital interface video signals.


  • Radio waves signaling and communicating connections.


  • Signal connections associated with electronic systems used on aircraft, artificial satellites, and spacecraft.


  • Nuclear instrumentation.


  • Electronic test equipment, in the duration of signaling and laying hold of responses from equipment under test.


Reference: BNC_connector

参考: BNC_connector

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/bnc-full-form.aspx

bkg bnc

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