



.bot add 法师宝宝



.summon 法师宝宝


co +fire



tank - 机器人使用吸仇恨的战斗技能 支持职业:战士,圣骑,德鲁依(熊德)

dps - 机器人使用少仇恨,高DPS技能 支持职业:盗贼,猎人,德鲁依(猫德),萨满,牧师

heal - 专门负责加血 支持职业:萨满,牧师


frost - 冰法

fire - 火法

bear - 野性坦克德鲁依

cat - 野性DPS德鲁依

caster - 平衡DPS德鲁依


bdps - 自动给自己和其他玩家DPS的Buff

bspeed - 移动速度Buff,只对猎人宝宝有用

bhealth, bmana - 生命和法术的Buff


rfire - 火焰抗性

rfrost - 冰霜抗性

rshadow - 暗影抗性

rnature - 自然抗性


注意:使用上面策略的时候要用命令“co +策略名称”,“co -策略名称”就是删除这个策略,并且要在密这个机器人的时候才行





MaNGOS-Bot by ike3

This is a modification of MaNGOS (R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.

Welcome to the MaNGOS-Bot project! Basic features:

  • Finest bot control using chat commands
  • Hundreds of bots spread around the world at any time waiting for your invitation or dungeon finder
  • More than 100 chat commands to interact with the bots
  • More than 30 strategies to choose from
  • Improved auction house bot with bots as bidders and market price calculations
  • Structured and simple source code.

This makes possible:

  • Inviting bots to party (or using the Dungeon Finder) and playing dungeon, raid or doing some PvP
  • Summoning your alts as bots to quick item exchange, casting some spells, buffing, leveling, crafting, etc.
  • Random PVP with bots of opposite faction or dueling with bots from your faction
  • Trading and auctioning
  • Making World of Warcraft even a completely single-player game!

This project is based on Blueboy's playerbot (actually MaNGOS-Bot was forked from it but the codebase is now almost fully rewritten and incompatible with the original version).


Thanks to Conan513 for the video!


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats. You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone https://github.com/ike3/mangosbot.git


Install Guide 
Quick Start Guide 
How to control bots 
Items and Trade 
Command Reference 
Random Bots 
Auction House Bot



I wish to thank the creators of MaNGOS, ScriptDev2, TrinityCore, Ahbot, original Playerbot, world database maintainers (udb, ytdb, etc.) and everybody else related to mangos project. You did awesome job!

Licensing and disclaimer

The main goal of this project is learning. MaNGOS-Bot is availabe under the same license terms as original MaNGOS project. 
Author maintains this only for his own interest in his free time so please do not expect anything :)

get the source code on GitHub : ike3/mangosbot

Install Guide

Installing mangosbot can be tricky but easy if you are famillar with the original cores. Although this guide is for Trinity branch, it can used with others as well.

1. Checkout the code from the appropriate branch. There is no core changes, so build and install it using instructions provided by the core team.

2. Configure AhBot and MaNGOS-Bot by putting ahbot.conf and aiplayerbot.conf to your config directory (where worldserver.conf is located). Feel free to change any value although the default ones are fine.

3. Apply sql/characters_ai_playerbot.sql, sql/characters_auctionhousebot.sql and sql/characters_ai_playerbot_names.sql files to your characters database.

4. This is not required but recommended. Add "Logger.playerbot=3,Console Server" and "Logger.ahbot=3,Console Server" to worldserver.conf.

5. Run the server. The first run can be slow as a number of random characters will be created. It is recommended to init them all at once by running "rndbot init" console command.


get the source code on GitHub : ike3/mangos

Quick Start Guide

Welcome to MaNGOS-Bot. In this guide you will learn in 5 minutes how to play WoW with your bot. So, let's get started.

Create two characters of the same race. Class does not matter - just pick anything you like. Let's name the first character Cali and the second one - Juve.

Log on with your first character, Cali. Don't go anywhere. Hit Enter and say:

.bot add Juve

You'll notice Juve appears nearby. He is your bot.

Invite Him to a party, just as any other player. He will accept.

Whisper to Juve now:


He will start following you. Just go to the first quest giver and accept his quest. Juve will accept it as well.

Go and kill something now. Juve will assist you in combat. When target is dead He will loot it and get those items He need for quest. Play a bit until the quest is completed.

Ask Juve about the quest:


He will probably tell you that the quest is completed or explain which objectives needs to be done.

Return to the quest giver and turn the quest in. Juve will turn it in as well. If there are more than one reward, tell Him what to pick (remember shift+clicking for links):

r [item]

Now bot has a new item He can equip. Tell Him:

e [item]

He will equip the item.

So, continue playing. What? Juve has got an item you want? Just open the trade window and tell


Accept trade and the item is yours. You can give items and gold to Juve as well. To ask Him for a gold, open a trade window and say

2g 3s 5c

And he will put 2 gold 3 silver and 5 copper to the trade.

Ok, you and Juve are level 2. Go to your trainer, learn new spells. Now go to Juve's class trainer and say

trainer learn

He will learn his spells as well.

For some quests some game objects needs to be gathered. Start gathering the object and interrupt it in the middle. Juve will gather it instead you.

This is just the basics how to start playing. There are lots of chat commands and actions available to control your bot. Just play a little more then read the rest of this documentation. Then create more bots and go to a dungeon or even raid!


First, create some characters that you wish to use as bots. 
Note that any character from your account or guild can be used as bot, nothing special is required. You can pick one to play yourself while controlling others as bots. Just remeber that only characters from your guild can be used as bots and they will obey their master only.

After you've made your characters just log in to the world and type in chat window

.bot add name1,name2,etc

where name1,name2,etc is comma-separated list of your guild characters you want to be bots.

Invite them to group (party or raid) and start playing.

When you don't require specific bots anymore type:

.bot remove name1,name2,name3

And they will log off

You can quickly add/remove in all bots from your group with the commands:

.bot add *
.bot remove *

To quickly boost your bot level and equipment the command:

.bot init=rare name1,name2,name3

This will change specified bot level to the same your character has. The bot will learn all spells and abilities available at trainers at this level. Also bot's equipment will be randomized for some rare items ("rare" can be changed to "uncommon" or "epic"). This command is available only for random bots.

When your bots are logged in you can start playing with them: leveling, questioning, instances, raids awaits you!

Controlling Bots

When you have bots in your group you can control them using commands from chat window. Although this guide uses whisper term it can be replaced with party, raid or guild chat. To know what can be whispered to them whisper


They will enlist all avaialble actions. If you whisper something else, they will ignore the command and answer the same list.

IMPORTANT: bots will obey their master only! The master must be in range of 100 yards from bot (configured).

When you want bot to do something, type

do action

in the chat window replacing word action with specific action you want bot to do, i.e. follow, stay, frostbolt, etc.


do flametongue totem
do frostbolt
do follow
do grind

do action is just a basic and quick way to tell them what to do. More efficient is to tell them which strategy to use.

It is very important to understand how strategies work as this is the main feature of MaNGOS-Bot. Basically the are three entities you must know: 
trigger - triggers when something occured. E.g. target started using some abililty, has some aura, health became critical, etc. 
action - something bot can do. E.g. move, cast a spell, use an item, etc. 
stragegy - tells bot which action to do if some trigger triggers. Basically they usually say, if something happened, add some action to the bot action queue with some priority. E.g., if target health became less than 20%, add hammer of wrath action with priority 50.

Bot then will pop from the action queue the most prioritized action and executes (if it is still useful). Then it gets another from the queue and so on. Usually triggers will add something new to the queue, so it will never be empty. Strategies can be combined, so they will merge their effects and add even more actions to the queue.

Bots use two strategy categories: combat and non-combat depending on combat status. There is a wide range of strategies available under both categories, for instance frost and fire for a mage; catbear and caster for a druid, etc. Some can be used under both categories, e.g. follow and stay. Basically when bot is out of a combat, it uses the non-combat strategy list, when the combat starts it switches to combat list, returning back to non-combat one when the attack is over.

By default bots have some strategies configured. To know which are active whisper to the bot

co ?

and it will reply with list of combat (co) strategies. For non-combat list

nc ?

command must be used and

dead ?

for dead state.

To add/remove/replace some strategy whisper

co +strategy1,-strategy2,~strategy3

Any strategy name begins with '+' symbol will be added to bot strategy list, '-' - removed from the list, '~' - toggled (added if there was no such strategy in the list, removed otherwise)

Some strategies are incompatible with the others, e.g. stay and follow. If you add one to the list, all other incompatible strategies will be removed.

For non-combat strategies, co must be replaced with nc.


nc +follow
nc +stay
co +dps
co +tank

Hint: you can create several macros to change the strategies you find useful often.


MaNGOS-Bot by ike3

This is a modification of MaNGOS (R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.


By default your bots will stay in place until you command them to do some other thing.

The following strategies can be used to control bot movement: 
stay - stay in place (default) 
follow - follow master - including teleporting to instances and taking taxi nodes (flight masters) 
passive - don't attack, loot, etc. Usually combined with follow to make bots flee with you from some danger. Without this strategy they will try to attack something and will eventually die.

While the bot is somewhere far away from the master it needs to be teleported. If there is a meeting stone nearby, select the bot and right-click the stone. When the summoning portal is open, select the bot you want to teleport, then right-click the portal. Bot will be summoned soon. NOTE: there is no need of another player to summon bots.

Although controlling strategies is very powerful technique it is not very easy. So there are predefined shortcut commands for adding/removing such strategies:

  • stay - stay in place
  • follow - follow master
  • flee - flee with master (do not attack anything)
  • grind - start grinding
  • runaway - flee from current target (kite)

These shortcuts mean adding one strategies and removing others such as:

To make bots flee with you from the danger:

/g reset
/g nc -stay,+follow,+passive
/g co +passive
/g do follow

To make bots follow you and assist you in attack:

/g nc -stay,+follow,-passive
/g co -passive
/g do follow

To make bots stay in place and assist you in attack:

/g nc -follow,+stay,+passive
/g co +passive
/g do stay

HINT: you can create several macros and bind them to action bar or keys:


get the source code on GitHub : ike3/mangosbot


MaNGOS-Bot by ike3

This is a modification of MaNGOS (R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.


Combat is an essential part of MaNGOS-Bot. By default bot has some strategies so they will assist its master and other bots when attacked. You can start combat by pulling mobs yourself and bot will assist you. If you want bot to start attacking some creature himself, target the creature and whisper

do attack

This is very useful and the macro can be created and bound to the some key which will start the combat when you want. Note: bots will never start the combat until they are attacked or told to do so. Exception is the grind strategy which instructs bots to attack everything they see.

Basically there are several non-combat strategies that can be used to instruct bot how to select their target.

tank assist 
Assist party players (including other bots in party) by attacking the most threating target. This is single tanking stategy.

tank aoe 
Frequently switch target between targets. This is AOE tanking strategy. Note: some classes (e.g. paladin) will use aoe tanking abilities in combat so tank assist can have the same effect as tank aoe.

dps assist 
Assist party players by attacking more threated target. This is single dps stategy.

dps aoe 
Frequently switch target between less threated targets. This is AOE dps strategy. Note: some classes will use aoe dps abilities in combat so dps assist will do the same as dps aoe.

attack weak 
Always attack the weakest target (target having the least health points) and switch to other one if it is weaker than the current target.

Attack any visible target, then switch to another one and so on.

By default tank classes have tank aoe strategy, others have attack weak. This will result in tank holding the threat and dps damaging it, so the combat should be balanced. Anyway do attack action with a target selected will change bot mind and they switch to this target immediately. Althought with tank aoe and dps aoe strategies the bot will switch the target after some time.

Note that you need to add/remove this stategies to both combat and non-combat category unless you want bot to stop assisting if it is in combat for example.

When the target is selected the bot switches to combat strategy. It tells which abilities needs to be used in which sequence, how to react to some game events, etc. Although some default strategies are configured, they may not reflect your character talent build, your group or anything else. So you can replace it with more appropriate ones.

There is a wide range of combat strategies based on bot abilities, talent builds and class. Generally they can be divided into several groups.

Direct combat stragegies which are intended to be the main strategy of the bot. They can differ depending on bot class but the basic ones are: 
tank - bot will use threat-generating abilities. Supported classes: warrior, paladin and druid. For druid it also known as bear
dps - obvious, less threat, more dps. Supported classes: rogue, hunter, druid, shaman, priest. For druid it also known as cat
heal - focus on party healing other that damage or tanking. Supported classes: shaman, priest.

Talent-specific direct combat strategies frost - Useful only for frost mages. 
fire - Useful only for fire mages. 
bear - Feral tanking druid. 
cat - Feral dps druid. 
caster - Balance dps druid.

Buff stragegies which are intended to be used with the main combat strategy. 
bdps - buffs dps of self and other players. Example: paladin will use seal of might. 
bspeed - buffs movement speed. Only for hunter - allows him to use aspect of the cheetach/pack when not in combat 
bhealthbmana - buffs health or mana. Example: paladin will use seal of light vs seal of wisdom.

Resistance stragegies are some kind of buff strategies, but affects magic resistance so moved to separate group. 
rfirerfrostrshadowrnature - supported only for paladin auras and hunter aspects.


get the source code on GitHub : ike3/mangosbot


MaNGOS-Bot by ike3

This is a modification of MaNGOS (R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.


Bot can loot corpses, gameobjects, use gathering skills etc. Basically bot has a loot list that you can add objects to. Then you instructs the bot to loot ojects from this list based on reachability and usefulness. Also there is a possibility to make bot maintain the list itself based on loot strategies.

By default bot add corpses and game objects to their loot list automatically and loot them if have appropriate non-combat strategies, such as gather - gather herbs, minerals and skin mobs if have appropriate skill, loot - do actual corpse looting. NOTE: gather strategy without loot has no effect.

If you want bot to loot something, select the loot object and whisper

d loot

If the object can't be selected (i.e. mineral vein), right-click it even if you don't have the necessary skill.

This involves two steps. When you select something (or right-click it) it is being added to the bot loot list. Actual d loot action instrcuts the bot to loot the first object from the list (this almost always will the object you've selected). After looting is done the object will be removed from the loot list.

If you want bots to loot automatically, apply loot non-combat strategy:

nc +loot

Bot will add any creature they kill to its loot list. Although some game objects (e.g. herbs, minerals, etc.) still must be added manually by right-clicking them (but there is no need of do loot action). Note: there is special grind strategy that allows bot to loot everything they see, can be dangerous thought.

By default bots will not loot all items from the list. You can control which items to loot by whispering (ll stands for loot list):

ll gray

They will loot only gray (poor quality) items.

ll quest

They will loot only quest items.

ll skill

They will loot items based on their skills (herbalism, mining or skinning)

ll normat

They will loot anything except BOP (bind-on-pickup) items.

ll all

They will loot everything.

You can specify which items must be always looted or skipped by adding and removing them from bot's loot list. Whisper

ll [item]

to add an item to the always loot list, or

ll -[item]

to remove.

Hint: you can combine looting with grind strategy. Bots will attack and loot everything they see including corpses, gameobjects, herbs, mining, skinning, etc. You can just stand still and wait they do all the dirty work. Just make sure they are appropriate level and gear to sustain the combat.

Although looting is useful it can be dangerous sometimes. Usually it is better to leave it disabled but have do loot action as a macro so you can quickly tell bot when to loot.


get the source code on GitHub : ike3/mangosbot


MaNGOS-Bot by ike3

This is a modification of MaNGOS (R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.


Beside strategies there is a number of commands can be used to interact with bots in some way. This is usually used to get some information about the bot (i.e. quest status, items, etc.). Bot can provide some information if you whisper them a item, quest or game object link (i.e. quest status, item usefulness, etc.)


Bot will reply about their gold, experience, bag space, equipped items repair cost.


Bot will reply with their quest summary divided by status (completed/incompleted). Can be enhanced by whispering quests all - full quest report, quests completed - only quests that can be turned in, quests incompleted - only incompleted quests, quests summary - same as quests

q [quest]

Bot will tell specified quest status with progress by objectives

drop [quest]

Bot will drop the specified quest

accept [quest]

Bot will accept the specified quest from the selected quest giver (quest link can be replaced with * so bot will accept all available quests)

If you pick a quest when bot is in range, he will pick the quest as well. When you turn-in the quest, bot will turn-in it as well (of course if it is completed). You can share any shareable quest with the bot - it will accept it if allowed by the game.

When turning in a quest with reward selection bot will not select reward by himself. You need to whisper them

r [item]

where [item] is reward item link


MaNGOS-Bot by ike3

This is a modification of MaNGOS (R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.

Items and Trading

Items are the essential part of the game, so MaNGOS-Bot offers you some functionality to interact with the bot about getting the information and trading the items. Note: bot will respond and trade only with his master for security reason.

If you open a trade window the bot will tell how many of which item it currently has. The items will be told as links so you can use this in your further conversation. You can place some your items and gold to the trade window and the bot will accept the trade and get the items and gold you trade. When you need the bot to place and item to the trade, just whisper item link to them (you can pick the link from the list bot gave you when the trade begins). You can replace item link with item quality word (e.g. gray, green, rare, epic etc. followed by optional item count). If you need gold, whisper a number in format 3g7s5c and it will be added to trade. Accept the trade and the items will be yours.

To get information about some item several commands are available. The commands usually end with an item link which you can create by shift-clicking the item while cursor is in chat window.


Bot will tell how many of that item he has and how this item is useful for he (i.e. for a quest, including information how many items is still needed)

u [item]

Bot will use this item. Optional [target] link can be appended to this command making the bot use the item against this target (can be any player, npc, game object, etc.)

e [item]

Bot will equip this item in the appropriate slot. If the slot is occupied the existing item will go to the backpack and replaced with given one. [item] link can be replaced with equipment set name so bot will activate the specified equipment set

ue [item]

Bot will un-equip this item from the appropriate slot leaving it empty.

destroy [item]

Bot will destroy this item. This cannot be undone.

Although bot is allowed to interact with its master only, it still can trade with any vendor. Just make sure you have the vendor selected, the vendor trade window is open and the bot is in the reach range with the vendor. The commands are:

s [item]

Bot will sell this item to the vendor, [item] can be replaced with * so bot will sell all gray (poor quality) items

b [item]

Bot will buy this item to the vendor

bank [item]

Bot will place this item to the bank

bank -[item]

Bot will withdraw this item from the bank

gb [item]

Bot will place this item to the guild bank

gb -[item]

Bot will withdraw this item from the guild bank

For banks and vendors the banker or NPC must be within direct contact with the bot.


MaNGOS-Bot by ike3

This is a modification of MaNGOS (R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.

Command Reference

There are lots of chat commands available in MaNGOS-Bot. The following ones are the most frequently used:

Command Description
follow Follow master
stay Stay in place
flee Flee with master (ignore everything else)
d attack my target Attack my target
d add all loot Check every corpse and game object for loot
grind Attack anything
co +s1,-s2,~s3,? Add, remove, toggle and show combat strategies
nc +s1,-s2,~s3,? Add, remove, toggle and show non-combat strategies
ds +s1,-s2,~s3,? Add, remove, toggle and show dead strategies
e [item] Equip item
ue [item] Unequip item
u [item] Use item
u [item] [target] Use item on target (e.g. use gem on item)
destroy [item] Destroy item
[item] Add to trade window if trading, show if it is useful
accept [quest] Accept quest at the selected quest giver
accept * Accept all quests at the selected quest giver
drop [quest] Abandon quest
r [item] Choose quest reward
quests Show quest summary
[quest] Show quest and objectives status
talk Talk to the selected NPC (to complete a quest)
u [game object] Use game object (use los command to obtain the game object link)
los Enlist game objects, items, creatures and NPCs bot can see
stats Show stat summary (inventory, gold, xp, etc.)
leave Leave party
trainer Show what bot can learn from the selected trainer
trainer learn Learn from the selected trainer
spells Show bot's spells
cast [spell] Cast the spell
home Set home at the selected innkeeper
summon Summon bot at the inn
release Release spirit when dead
revive Revive when near a spirit healer

There are some of master's actions bot can react. For example:

Action Bot reaction
accept a quest Bot will accept it as well
talk to a quest giver Bot will turn in his completed quests
use meeting stone Teleport using the stone
start using game object and interrupt Use the game object
open trade window Show inventory and start trading
invite to a party/raid Accept the invitation
start raid ready check Tell his ready status
mount/unmount Mount/unmount as well
go through a dungeon portal Follow into the dungeon

HINT: you can create key-binded macros for any of this command for quick usage, e.g.

Key Macro Decription
F /p follow Follow me
G /p stay Stay
H /p flee Pull back
Shift+T /p d attack my target Attack my target
T /p @tank d attack my target Attack my target (for tanks only)
P /p co ~passive,? Toggle active/passive mode (assist or ignore)
J /p d add all loot Loot everything

/p can be replaced with /r if you are in raid group.

To learn about other commands tell bot someting invalid and it will enlist all the commands and stategies available.


MaNGOS-Bot by ike3

This is a modification of MaNGOS (R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.

Random Bots

Starting from MaNGOS-Bot 0.2 a new feature is available: Random Bots.

When you start the server for the first time a set of accounts and random characters will be created (50 accounts x 10 characters by default). Then a random sub-set will be extracted and all those characters in the sub-set will be randomized in level, spells and equipment, then logged in at random place of the world after the server is started.

The characters will act as bots without any master - usually they attack everything they see, gather some trade materials and even check some objects.

You (a real player) can open a who window, browse for characters availabe, pick some and invite them to your party. If your level and gear is high enough they will accept the invitation and be your bots until you disband the party (the party will persist through logout and server restart for convinience). Some restrictions are introduced for hacking reasons (e.g. you cannot get any item from random bot without giving them some gold)

On R2 branch the random bots will even join the Dungeon Finder (needs to be enabled separately using AiPlayerbot.RandomBotJoinLfg = 1 config parameter).

After some time (about a week by default, configurable) the sub-set will be changed so other bots will be available. At any change the bots will be incrementally randomized emulating level/gear gain.

Please note that by default about 100-200 characters will be used as random bots so you need relatively powerful server to run them (bot AI benefit from multi-threading so multicore CPU is recommended). If your server performance is low you can reduce the number of bots (or disable gathering/grinding) using the configuration parameters.


MaNGOS-Bot by ike3

This is a modification of MaNGOS (R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.

Auction House Bot

MaNGOS-Bot has its own Auction House Bot integrated. It woks almost the same as the original auction bot but has some other features:

  • Using Random Bots as bidders/buyers so you won't know which item was from a real player and which was from a bot.
  • Market price calculation respecting current market situation similar to Auctioneer addon does.
  • Price fluctuation - sometimes some bots will post/buy under- or overpriced items so you can make a profit.
  • Total gold amount restriction - ahbot won't buy too many items until real players spend some gold on other lots. The more gold the players spend the more items it will buy.

Please note that by default the new AhBot is disabled and you need to disable the original AhBot and replace with the new one in the configuration file ahbot.conf


get the source code on GitHub : ike3/mangosbot


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