
If you’re a fan of iGoogle, you probably have a perfect setup with RSS Feeds, Themes, and other gadgets just how you like it. Today we take a look at exporting those settings into another Google account so you don’t have to rebuild your favorite homepage.

如果您是iGoogle的粉丝,那么您可能会对RSS Feed,主题和其他小工具的设置完全满意。 今天,我们来看看将这些设置导出到另一个Google帐户,这样您就不必重建自己喜欢的主页了。



For those of you who don’t know what iGoogle is, it’s a customizable homepage that contains the Google Search box and then your personalized gadgets. There are tons of different things you can add like news, weather, Gmail, stock reports, RSS feeds from any site, games, movie times…etc. In fact you can even design your own iGoogle gadget if you want. It also lets you pick custom themes, move the gadgets around, and create new tabs for even more gadgets.

对于那些不知道iGoogle是什么的人来说,这是一个可自定义的首页,其中包含Google搜索框,然后是您的个性化小工具。 您可以添加许多不同的内容,例如新闻,天气,Gmail,股票报告,来自任何站点的RSS feed,游戏,电影时间等。 实际上,如果您愿意,您甚至可以设计自己的iGoogle小工具 。 它还使您可以选择自定义主题,四处移动小工具,以及为更多小工具创建新标签。

If you have been customizing your iGoogle homepage to perfection over several months, it would certainly be painful to have to start over if you needed to change accounts. To export and save the settings click on My Account located in the top right hand corner of the homepage.

如果您几个月来一直在完善自己的iGoogle主页,那么如果您需要更改帐户,必须重新开始肯定会很痛苦。 要导出并保存设置,请单击主页右上角的“ 我的帐户”

Then under My Products click on the Settings link next to iGoogle.

然后在“ 我的产品 下,单击iGoogle旁边的“设置”链接。

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the iGoogle Settings page and click on Export iGoogle settings to your computer.


Save the XML file to a location on your hard drive.


Now when you sign into your different account go to the bottom of the Settings page. This time browse to the location of your saved iGoogle XML document and then click on Import.

现在,当您登录其他帐户时,请转到“设置”页面的底部。 这次浏览到您保存的iGoogle XML文档的位置,然后单击“导入”。

It only takes a second for the import to complete and when it does, go to the homepage and you’ll have everything there exactly how it was in your old account. This quick tip will save a lot of time and frustration when moving between Google accounts.

只需一秒钟即可完成导入,完成后,请转至主页,您将完全拥有旧帐户中的所有内容。 当在Google帐户之间移动时,此快速提示将节省大量时间和麻烦。

Create Your iGoogle Homepage


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7662/export-your-igoogle-homepage-to-another-account/



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