
Would you like a quick way to access your Gmail account whenever you need to without opening a new tab or window? See how easy it is to get one-click access with the Gmail Popup extension for Firefox

您是否想在不需要打开新标签页或窗口的情况下快速访问Gmail帐户? 了解使用适用于Firefox的Gmail弹出式扩展程序进行一键式访问有多么容易



Usually if you need to do something in your Gmail account you have to open a new tab/window or maintain an open tab/window throughout the day. Think how nice it would be to have that access in a “Popup Window” instead…there when you need it and out of your way when you do not.

通常,如果您需要在Gmail帐户中执行某些操作,则必须全天打开新标签页/窗口或维护打开的标签页/窗口。 想一想,如果在“弹出窗口”中拥有该访问权限将是多么美好……当您需要它时,而当您不需要它时,则不加理会。


Once you install the extension you will need to make certain that your “Status Bar” is visible so that you can access the “Popup Window”. This is what the “Status Bar Icon” looks like…click on it to open Gmail and click on it again to close it. Nice and simple…

安装扩展程序后,您需要确保“状态栏”可见,以便您可以访问“弹出窗口”。 这就是“状态栏图标”的样子……单击以打开Gmail,然后再次单击以将其关闭。 简单又好...

Note: For those who prefer keyboard shortcuts you may also open the “Popup Window” using “Ctrl + /” (Ctrl + Forward Slash).

注意:对于喜欢键盘快捷键的用户,您也可以使用“ Ctrl + /”(Ctrl +正斜杠)打开“弹出窗口”。

For our example we decided to send an e-mail about an article and one of the software items mentioned in it…


As soon as we clicked on the “Status Bar Icon” Gmail immediately opened up. Using the “Popup Window” will mean viewing your account in “Basic HTML Format” but if you have an important e-mail to get sent out then the lack of a “custom theme” is not really going to matter. You can move around your account just like usual and the “shaded border” helps you stay focused on your e-mail instead of items (such as flashing ads) in the background.

一旦我们单击“状态栏图标”,Gmail便立即打开。 使用“弹出窗口”将意味着以“基本HTML格式”查看您的帐户,但是如果您要发送一封重要的电子邮件,那么缺少“自定义主题”并不重要。 您可以像往常一样移动帐户,“阴影边框”可帮助您将注意力集中在电子邮件上,而不是背景中的项目(例如闪烁的广告)。

Note: You can resize the “Popup Window” by grabbing the lower right corner and expanding it to the desired size.


Here is the e-mail that we wrote to send out…it may be kind of plain looking (text formatting) but it will certainly get the job done.




There is only one option for the extension…the ability to modify the “Popup URL”.




If you need frequent access to your Gmail account throughout the day but hate having to open a new tab or window each time then you should definitely take a look at this extension.




Download the Gmail Popup extension (Mozilla Add-ons)





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