pidgin qq

Heard of Pidgin? You should have. It’s one of the best multi-protocol instant messaging apps for Windows and Linux, and it’s open source. Pidgin includes some interesting plugins and features that you might not know about.

听说过毕丁吗? 你应该有。 它是Windows和Linux最好的多协议即时消息应用程序之一,并且是开源的。 Pidgin包含一些您可能不知道的有趣的插件和功能。

This article assumes you’re already familiar with Pidgin. We’ve covered Pidgin in the past, so check out our beginner’s guide if you’re just getting started with Pidgin.

本文假设您已经熟悉Pidgin。 过去我们已经介绍过Pidgin,因此,如果您刚刚开始使用Pidgin,请查阅我们的初学者指南 。

成为通灵者 (Be a Psychic)

Psychic mode is arguably one of Pidgin’s coolest plugins. The psychic mode plugin detects those “Your buddy is typing a new message” notifications, even when you’re not already in a conversation with your buddy. It’ll pop up a new window (or tab) when it does. If you’re quick enough, you can fire off a new message to your buddy before they finish typing their own, surprising them!

Psychic模式可以说是Pidgin最酷的插件之一。 心理模式插件会检测到“您的好友正在输入新消息”通知,即使您尚未与好友进行对话。 这样做时,它将弹出一个新窗口(或选项卡)。 如果您足够快,可以在好友完成自己的键入之前向其发送新消息,让他们感到惊讶!

Just click the Tools menu and select Plugins to open Pidgin’s plugins window.


Scroll down in the list of plugins and enable the Psychic Mode check box. It won’t always work, especially if your buddy has typing notifications disabled.

在插件列表中向下滚动,然后启用“心理模式”复选框。 它并不总是有效,尤其是在您的好友禁用了键入通知的情况下。

自动执行动作 (Automatically Perform Actions)


Pidgin’s buddy pounce feature can automatically perform actions when a trigger event occurs — that’s the easiest way to explain it. You’ll find this feature under the Tools menu.

Pidgin的好友突袭功能可以在触发事件发生时自动执行操作-这是解释它的最简单方法。 您可以在“工具”菜单下找到此功能。

At first glance, this appears to be a pretty simple feature. You can enter a buddy’s name and get a pop-up notification when they sign on. But wait — there are other triggers and other actions. You don’t have to get a pop-up notification; you can automatically send a message instead. You can even have Pidgin run a program or command when you receive a message from a specific buddy — I’m sure there are lots of great ways to use that feature.

乍一看,这似乎是一个非常简单的功能。 您可以输入好友的名称,并在他们登录时获得弹出通知。 但是,等等-还有其他触发因素和其他动作。 您不必获得弹出通知; 您可以自动发送一条消息。 当您收到来自特定好友的消息时,甚至可以让Pidgin运行程序或命令-我相信有很多使用该功能的好方法。

获取电子邮件通知 (Get Email Notifications)

Why run a separate email notification program? Pidgin can receive email notifications if you’re using a protocol that supports it. For example, if you use Google Talk in Pidgin, you can get notifications of new email at your Gmail address.

为什么要运行单独的电子邮件通知程序? 如果您使用的协议支持Pidgin,则可以接收电子邮件通知。 例如,如果您在Pidgin中使用Google Talk,则可以在您的Gmail地址中收到有关新电子邮件的通知。

This setting is specific to each account you have in Pidgin. Open the Modify Accounts window from the Accounts menu, select an account and click the Modify button to view an account’s settings.

此设置特定于您在Pidgin中拥有的每个帐户。 从“帐户”菜单中打开“修改帐户”窗口,选择一个帐户,然后单击“修改”按钮以查看帐户的设置。

Enable the “New Mail Notifications” check box to see the notifications.


自动更正错别字 (Automatically Correct Typos)

Instant messaging seems to create a lot of typos. Pidgin has a built-in spell checker, but that doesn’t help when you want to send a message quickly. The text replacement plugin comes to the rescue — it automatically corrects common typos.

即时消息传递似乎造成很多错别字。 Pidgin具有内置的拼写检查器,但是当您想快速发送消息时这无济于事。 文本替换插件可助您一臂之力-它会自动纠正常见的错字。

You’ll find it in the plugins window.


Click the Configure Plugin button to adjust its settings. It comes with many rules that change common typos into proper words, but you can also add your own.

单击配置插件按钮以调整其设置。 它带有许多规则,可以将常见的拼写错误变成正确的单词,但是您也可以添加自己的单词。

假装你的空闲时间 (Fake Your Idle Time)

Want another way to trick your buddies? Enable the I’dle Ma’ker plugin in the plugins window.

想要另一种欺骗好友的方法吗? 在插件窗口中启用I'dle Ma'ker插件。

It adds a new submenu under the Tools menu.


Use the options to set a fake idle time. Your buddies will see this idle time on their buddy list as if it were your real idle time.

使用这些选项设置假的空闲时间。 您的好友将在其好友列表上看到此空闲时间,就好像这是您的实际空闲时间一样。

Looking for more tips and tricks? Our beginner’s guide to Pidgin isn’t just for beginners. Check it out if you want to tweet from Pidgin, encrypt your chat conversations or render math formulas.

寻找更多提示和技巧? 我们的Pidgin初学者指南不仅适合初学者。 检查出来 ,如果你想从洋泾浜鸣叫,加密您的聊天对话或呈现数学公式。


pidgin qq

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