I've started a Podcast with the expertise and stewardship of Carl Franklin. The name comes from Travis Illig, but the goal of the show is simple.

我已经用卡尔富兰克林的专业知识和指导开始了一个播客。 名称来自Travis Illig ,但演出的目标很简单。

Avoid wasting the listener's time. 


  • I've said that podcasting sucks before, so it's my goal that this not suck. Carl has done a great job with the production and the quality of the sound and editing is first rate. However, this isn't .NET Rocks, nor is it the Hanselhour. The first show is a little long for my taste. I'd like to get them to ~30 minutes, which is 15-20 if you listen fast, and full of content.

    我之前说过播客很烂,所以我的目标是不要太烂。 卡尔在制作上做得很出色,声音的质量和编辑是一流的。 但是,这不是.NET Rocks ,也不是Hanselhour。 第一次演出对我的口味有些渴望。 我想让他们到30分钟左右,如果您听得很快,那将是15-20分钟,而且内容充实。

  • This podcast will have similar content as my blog - gadgets, obscure bugs that everyone hits, software development discussion, trends, techniques. It'll have a high "content/crap" ratio. The sponsors have a short blurb at the beginning and at the midpoint, and the sponsors are pertinent to the technology. There will also be a partial transcript of the month's shows printed in the .NET Developer's Journal magazine.

    这个播客将具有与我的博客类似的内容-小工具,每个人都遇到的难以理解的错误,软件开发讨论,趋势和技术。 它的“内容/废话”比率很高。 赞助商在开始和中点时都有简短的发言,而且赞助商与这项技术有关。 .NET Developer's Journal杂志上还将印有该月节目的部分成绩单。

  • I recommend you listen to it in double speed to make good use of your time. Winamp is a free MP3 player known for it's flexiblity with playbackspeed. It could also be a good commute listen, or something you listen too while you're coding or eating lunch.

    我建议您以双倍的速度收听,以充分利用您的时间。 Winamp是一个免费的MP3播放器,以其播放速度的灵活性而著称。 这也可以是通勤的聆听,或者在您编码或吃午餐时也可以聆听。

  • Each show will include a number of links, and all those links will be posted along with the show on the site. There were 15 sites mentioned in this first episode, some planned, some not.

    每个节目都将包含许多链接,所有这些链接将与节目一起发布在网站上。 在第一集中提到了15个站点,一些计划中,有些则没有。

  • The basic MP3 feed is here, and the iPod friendly one is here. There's a number of other ways you can get it (streaming, straight download, etc) that are all up on the site just below the fold. I use iTunes, myself, to listen to most podcasts, but I also use FeedDemon and it's built in support. IPodder is also a nice, free, client.

    基本的MP3提要在这里,而iPod友好的提要在这里。 您还可以通过多种其他方式(流媒体,直接下载等)将其下载到网站上。 我本人使用iTunes来收听大多数播客,但我也使用FeedDemon ,它是内置的支持。 IPodder还是一个不错的免费客户。

  • I have, and will, also include the enclosures to this feed you're reading, so if you're already subscribed to ComputerZen and you're not interested in cluttering your life with another feed, you have the choice to get the 'cast as well.我已经并将(也将包括)您正在阅读的此Feed的附件,因此,如果您已经订阅了ComputerZen,并且您对使用其他Feed来打乱生活不感兴趣,则可以选择“也一样
  • If there's a topic you'd like to hear, perhaps one that is better spoken than presented on a blog, or a great tool you can't live without, contact me and I'll get it in the queue!


I hope it doesn't suck. Enjoy.

我希望它不会烂。 请享用。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/hanselminutes-podcast-1


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