My one-hundred-and-fifty-third podcast is up. Scott's wife Mo turns the tables in this interview and talks to Web Developer...Scott Hanselman. How does he fit it all into a day? What about work life balance? Is Scott bored with technology? When will the madness stop?

我的百分之三百五十播客了。 Scott的妻子Mo在本次采访中主持会议,并与Web开发人员Scott Hanselman进行了交谈。 他如何适应一天的生活? 那么工作与生活的平衡呢? 斯科特对技术感到无聊吗? 疯狂什么时候停止?



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Do also remember the complete archives are always up and they have PDF Transcripts, a little known feature that show up a few weeks after each show.


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Welcome to powerful, mature object-relational mapping in the .NET world. Genome lets you use the full benefits of LINQ with all major database platforms (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and IBM DB2). Genome: supporting real-world enterprise application development since 2002.

欢迎使用.NET世界中功能强大,成熟的对象关系映射。 Genome使您可以在所有主要数据库平台(Microsoft SQL Server,Oracle和IBM DB2)中使用LINQ的全部优点。 基因组:自2002年以来一直支持实际的企业应用程序开发。

Telerik is a sponsor for this show!


Building quality software is never easy. It requires skills and imagination. We cannot promise to improve your skills, but when it comes to User Interface, we can provide the building blocks to take your application a step closer to your imagination. Explore the leading UI suites for ASP.NET and Windows Forms. Enjoy the versatility of our new-generation Reporting Tool. Dive into our online community. Visit

构建高质量的软件绝非易事。 这需要技巧和想象力。 我们不能保证会提高您的技能,但是在用户界面方面,我们可以提供构建模块,使您的应用程序更接近您的想象力。 探索ASP.NET和Windows窗体的领先UI套件。 享受我们新一代报告工具的多功能性。 潜入我们的在线社区。 请访问

As I've said before this show comes to you with the audio expertise and stewardship of Carl Franklin. The name comes from Travis Illig, but the goal of the show is simple. Avoid wasting the listener's time. (and make the commute less boring)

就像我在节目之前所说的那样,卡尔富兰克林( Carl Franklin)具有音频专业知识和指导。 名称来自Travis Illig ,但演出的目标很简单。 避免浪费听众的时间。 (并使通勤变得更无聊)

Enjoy. Who knows what'll happen in the next show?

请享用。 谁知道下一场演出会发生什么?


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