
















Photography, had made the favorite of a lot of people now, however, later period is repaired piece, because had powerful Ps,appear, and let a lot of people allergy and disgustful.

Does the reason where?

The ability of PS is too great, so that can confound right and wrong, change ugly for the United States. Produced massive truthless move.

Originally, photography is the most faithful a kind of at external object video expression, the witness that can become legal level even will apply, this enough explains, photography picture is right the true emersion of external object.

Actually, what is the essence of this problem to photograph after all to want to behave?

The friend of a lot of photography, because did not make clear this Hunan problem, and blindly reject PS, one of, it is to feel after PS, nonexistent true, it is a kind of course that builds a holiday, be equal at sham bogus slightly; Secondly, individual to computer software use one kind dreads, cannot master so much later period skill adroitly, and direct simplification, will all hope and technology turn the earlier stage of photography, strive to achieve established result.

Actually, review the development course of photography, it is around period all along pay equal attention to. Photograph in art especially respect. Acting when film, how many person is longed for day and night, build oneself darkroom, study later period technique, in order to obtain the largest space from personal creation. And now, had more convenient with powerful later period technology, abandon?

Whether to need later period processing, and handle what level, it is to should depend on the purpose of photography and utility.

News photographs, its purpose is real record news event, later period can do, the likelihood is the thing of respect of composition of a picture merely, undertake be cuttinged into parts appropriately cutting just.

Art photographs, its purpose is the thing that wants to will film as far as possible beautification, wait for early days method besides control of choice of the composition of a picture of photography, consumed, camera lens, exposure, also can use later period technology to undertake beautification. Of course, want measurable. Otherwise, can appear to feel truthlessly, and to the person that watch one kind builds false feeling. For example, the picture that building of shadow of some marriage gauze films, beautification is excessive, the client feels truthless, instead shape accuses shadow building, seek redress.

Additional, not be every time photography, every time presses shutter, can assure on the technology perfect, accordingly, also need later period to undertake redeeming.

The later period of the picture is handled, one of had made photography job circuit main component. Not be to have essential problem, however the need that the basis photographs, apply moderately, it is a standard in order to achieve the goal that photography creates.

The number henceforth photographs, what later period is sure to cooperate before is more close together, confluence is spent taller, so that camera can contain the function of later period processing gradually. For example now beautiful can the photograph style function of camera, it is a kind of buy before treating later stage to magazine example. Believe, as technical development, the function of this respect will be more and more powerful. Actually, PS is a kind of technology only just, do not be sure its close the door on, also need not place all hope at it, use these tools well, make oneself creation has larger space thereby, just be good sense. What is more,the rather that, the software that is used technically now at processing of photograph later period is increasing, more and more convenient. To using person for, it is a happy thing.

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