



If you compile wxWidgets on Linux for the first time and don't like to read
install instructions just do (in the base dir):> mkdir buildgtk> cd buildgtk> ../configure --with-gtk> make> su <type root password>> make install> ldconfig[if you get "ldconfig: command not found", try using "/sbin/ldconfig"]If you don't do the 'make install' part, you can still use the libraries from
the buildgtk directory, but they may not be available to other users.If you want to remove wxWidgets on Unix you can do this:> su <type root password>> make uninstall> ldconfigNote that by default, GTK+ 2.x is used. GTK+ 3 can be specified
with --with-gtk=3.


如果你是第一次在Linux上编译wxWidgets,并且不想读安装教程,只需要(在根目录):> mkdir buildgtk> cd buildgtk> ../configure --with-gtk> make> su <type root password>> make install> ldconfig
如果你没有执行"make install"部分,你仍然可以从buildgtk使用库,但是其他用户无法使用。如果你想要删除wxWigets,可以这样做:> su <type root password>> make uninstall> ldconfig
注意,默认情况下,使用GTK+ 2.x,可以使用--with-gtk=3来指定GTK+ 3于是直接开始
发现提示我没有装C++ 编译器

configure: error: C++ compiler is needed to build wxWidgets

sudo apt-get install g++

configure: error:
The development files for GTK+ were not found. For GTK+ 2, please
ensure that pkg-config is in the path and that gtk+-2.0.pc is
installed. For GTK+ 1.2 please check that gtk-config is in the path,
and that the version is 1.2.3 or above. Also check that the
libraries returned by 'pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs' or 'gtk-config
--libs' are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent.


GTK+ requires the following packages:- The GLib, Pango, GdkPixbuf, ATK and cairo libraries, available atthe same location as GTK+. GTK+ 3.22.0 requires at leastGLib 2.49.4, Pango 1.37.3,GdkPixbuf 2.30.0, ATK 2.15.1and cairo 1.14.0.- libepoxy, for cross-platform OpenGL support.It can be found here: https://github.com/anholt/libepoxy- Each GDK backend has its own backend-specific requirements. Forthe X11 backend, X11 R6 and XInput version 2 (as well as a numberof other extensions) are required. The Wayland backend requires(obviously) the Wayland libraries.- gobject-introspection 1.39.0 or newer.

sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
../configure --with-gtk=3

Configured wxWidgets 3.1.4 for `x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'Which GUI toolkit should wxWidgets use?                 GTK+ 3 with support for GTK+ printingShould wxWidgets be compiled into single library?       noShould wxWidgets be linked as a shared library?         yesShould wxWidgets support Unicode?                       yes (using wchar_t)What level of wxWidgets compatibility should be enabled?wxWidgets 2.8      nowxWidgets 3.0      yesWhich libraries should wxWidgets use?STL                nojpeg               builtinpng                sysregex              builtintiff               builtinlzma               nozlib               sysexpat              syslibmspack          nosdl                no

然后就成功了,执行make install


g++ main.cpp `wx-config --libs --cxxflags` -o main



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