B. Partial Replacement


You are given a number k and a string s of length n, consisting of the characters ‘.’ and ‘’. You want to replace some of the '’ characters with ‘x’ characters so that the following conditions are met:

The first character ‘’ in the original string should be replaced with ‘x’;
The last character '
’ in the original string should be replaced with ‘x’;
The distance between two neighboring replaced characters ‘x’ must not exceed k (more formally, if you replaced characters at positions i and j (i<j) and at positions [i+1,j−1] there is no “x” symbol, then j−i must be no more than k).
For example, if n=7, s=..* and k=3, then the following strings will satisfy the conditions above:

But, for example, the following strings will not meet the conditions:
xx (the first character '’ should be replaced with ‘x’);
.x.xx* (the last character ‘’ should be replaced with ‘x’);
.xx (the distance between characters at positions 2 and 6 is greater than k=3).
Given n, k, and s, find the minimum number of '
’ characters that must be replaced with ‘x’ in order to meet the above conditions.


The first line contains one integer t (1≤t≤500). Then t test cases follow.

The first line of each test case contains two integers n and k (1≤k≤n≤50).

The second line of each test case contains a string s of length n, consisting of the characters ‘.’ and ‘*’.

It is guaranteed that there is at least one ‘*’ in the string s.

It is guaranteed that the distance between any two neighboring ‘*’ characters does not exceed k.


For each test case output the minimum number of ‘*’ characters that must be replaced with ‘x’ characters in order to satisfy the conditions above.


本体首先可以先找出"*“的个数如果其个数小于等于0或1就输出0或1,当其个数大于1的时候可以记录下第一个” * ",并且记录其位置,在让其变成x,再从最后找出第一个” * “,也让其变成x,再从记录第一个“ * ”点后面开始寻找x,如果是“ * ”则更新记录的位置如果为x,则输出ans+2,下面上代码。


using namespace std;int main()
{int t;cin>>t;while(t--){string s;int n,ans=0,cut=0,m,l;int p=-1;cin>>n>>m>>s;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){if(s[i]=='*')cut++;}if(cut==0||cut==1){cout<<(cut==0?"0":"1")<<endl;continue;}for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(s[i]=='*'){s[i]='x';p=i;break;}for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)if(s[i]=='*'){s[i]='x';break;}int b=p;l=p;int f=0;for(int i=p;i<n;i++){for(int j=i+1;j<=i+m;j++){if(s[j]=='*')b=j;else if(s[j]=='x'){cout<<ans+2<<endl;f=1;break;}}if(f==1) break;i=b-1;ans++;}}

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