思来想去,还是记录下吧,毕竟算作一个经历。为了各位程序员们能够顺利出境,多写python 和 MATLAB 程序!

July, 2020.  拿到美国一高校 的CSC联合培养一年的证书,但由于疫情和政策问题,不能去美国。由于种种原因没有改派。

27th. Aug,2021.  我获准可以去 英国某高校, 因此这里主要讲改派+签证的坎坷路.

签证-Standard visitor visa



2021. 29th August,我微信联系外导说明自己情况,说没时间准备雅思了,不能T4只能T5。 外导说他帮我问问学院可不可以,因为之前过去的都是走T4签证。我说我自己说吧,我自己了解情况更多。他说CC一份给他算作知情,这里不得不说外导很上心。

2021. 30th August, 写了一封给秘书的信,说明自己情况,想要个COS。

The letter:

Dear Miss V,

I am a PhD student at Beijing Jiaotong University, P. R. China. Recently, I plan to visit Z and Prof. L at Imperial College (12 month) to conduct collaborative research. This visit was supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC), which will provide me with enough financial support for 12 months.

The problem is that I don’t have enough time to take the IELTS test and can’t apply a T4 student visa. As far as I know, CSC belongs to the Government authorised exchange project. Some students in the same situation went to UK through T5 visa, which needs a Certificate of Sponsorship (COS) issued from the HR of department. Shall you help me to obtain this certificate?

Thank you very much for your time. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Yours sincerely,

2021.31th August, 秘书回复是As a visiting student you are not able to go through the T5 route I’m afraid.

我一看, 吆~,afraid, 可以哦,有戏,或许自己面子小了.于是和外导联系说明情况,外导随即发了邮件给秘书。

2021.31th August,外导发了邮件

Dear V,

Sorry for bothering you again. Regarding the visa issue on the visiting student, since he is unable to take the English test before his scholarship funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council expires soon, is it possible for him to visit us (of course, visit Prof. L but supervised by meself) as an academic visitor that a T5 visa could be issued for him?

It would be much appreciated if you could offer us some assistance.

Kind regards

1hour latter 秘书就回复了:

Unfortunately that would not be possible. Being a PhD student at another institution they would only be able to apply to come here through the visiting student route.

OK, That’s all. Abandon this T5.

仔细研究了官网政策,发现6个月没有提及要雅思成绩,于是问秘书可否6个月的student route:

2021. 2nd Sept. 秘书说可以:

You don’t need the higher level English requirement if you are planning to stay for less than 6 months. It would only be needed if you plan to stay longer than 6 months. Due to your current situation your best option is to apply for a 6 month visit.


且学校明确6个月的学习,签证用Standard visitor visa(要求略低,无雅思),文件如下:

“If you are coming to Imperial for a short period of study, you need to enter the UK under the Standard Visitor route. Short-term study | Study | Imperial College London”



9th Sept. 邮件通知我初步审查通过,系统显示 Completed,交给学校决定录不录用。

13th Sept.  学校Admission邮件通知我学校审查通过了,系统依然显示 Completed,交给学院决定录不录用。

Dear H

College ID: *****666 

We are pleased to confirm that your application for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Occasional FT) has now been processed by Admissions and sent to your department for consideration.

23th Sept,Thusrday, Autumn equinox.  我经过多方打听听说学院审核要给秘书说一下才能审核,于是和外导联系说想催一下。外导说可以,给秘书发信息CC一份给我就行。

e-mail to the V:

My name is Zhang. I am a PhD student at P. R. China. Following your good suggestion, I applied for a 6-month visit. The IC Admissions processed my application on 13th Sept., and sent me an e-mail:

"College ID: *****666. We are pleased to confirm that your application for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Occasional FT) has now been processed by Admissions and sent to your department for consideration. "

However, I have not received the official offer. My scholarship funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council expires soon. Since I still need to apply for ATAS after I get the official offer, so this is urgent. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Half hour latter:


Dear *,

Thank you for your email. As we are approaching the beginning of term our Postgraduate office is currently experiencing a high workload and therefore things may take a bit longer to process. None the less I will chase this up with them and that will hopefully speed things up for you.

Kind regards,

Half hour latter:


Hi *

I have put the offer through on our admissions system, you should get it in a couple of days.

December 2021 – June 2022

Best wishes

1th Oct


You have now been assigned a College computer account which you need to activate using your CID displayed at the top of this email. You will require your account to access various College systems (*please note that this account is separate to your Imperial Gateway application portal).

Please also login to ** using your College account username and password and upload a copy of your passport in the passport/visa tab.

Please note that this is not confirmation of your place being confirmed. We will only issue you with a CAS once your status is unconditional-firm, your course start date is less than 90 days and you have uploaded your passport.

13th Oct


14th Oct


Unconditional Firm 14/10/2021

递签 standard visiting visa

18th, Oct. 把签证需要的材料办好。



明天去递签去,预约了19th.Oct,10点-10点10分的(后来发现只要人少去了就能签,不论点了就,早点去就行)。看了下,差不多一个小时车程, Hope every thing is fine.

19th, Oct. 上午7点20起床,整理好材料,坐地铁到朝阳门站地铁站H口出来,大约9点10分。



上去按照流程走就行,只要了check list最后一页,其他材料一点点也没用到。是我多虑了(可能6个月的简单,只需网上提交就行了)。

9th, Nov. 今天是递交签证15个工作日了,签证还没收到邮件,最近起床第一件事儿先看看邮箱,整的我精神不太对了。于是下定决心去北京签证中心问问。8点30 我和我的爱车来到地铁口,9点29分来到英签证中心楼底,上去后没多少人,我就问综合服务台。帮我查了:英国那边仍然在审核,他说满15个工作日才能经理发邮件催,让我回去等,或许今天下午就收到邮件了,每天下午2-3点会放一批。。。。我滴个乖乖,于是去同仁医院验光,去配了个眼镜。简单吃了个饭下午还有课。

10th, Nov. 还没收到,心慌慌的,希望一切顺利一切顺利。

11th, Nov. 今天是递交签证17个工作日了,签证还没收到邮件,朋友们纷纷建议我去北京签证中心问问。8点50 我和我的爱车来到地铁口,9点20分来到英签证中心楼底,上去后没多少人,我就问综合服务台。前台说只能让经理帮查查,她们帮我登记了,我很着急说话声音可能有点大,希望那边工作人员多见谅。

15th, Nov. 今天是递交签证19个工作日了,12:35 收到邮件,签证到达北京签证中心。时间有点紧,2点下班,所以就没去。明天去取

15th, Nov. 今天7点20左右醒了,9点左右去取,工作人员给了我一个橘黄色袋子,里面就是我的护照以及可能通过的签证。拿在手里,很慌~~~



感恩, 等待过程中一定要多做好事儿!太重要了。

Best wish!

Best Wish!


I am very grateful to the teacher to help me through this differents. I would also like to thank the associate friends for their constructive comments, which have significantly simplied the progress of all the things.

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