

  • Spring Cloud:Hoxton.SR10
  • Spring Boot:2.3.9.RELEASE
  • 之前升级过版本:Greenwich.SR2,2.1.6.RELEASE



org.springframework.cloud.stream.binding.BindingService [330] -| Failed to create producer binding; retrying in 30 seconds

org.springframework.cloud.stream.provisioning.ProvisioningException: Provisioning exception encountered for drug-standard-batch-update-message-output; nested exception is org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedVersionException: Creating topics with default partitions/replication factor are only supported in CreateTopicRequest version 4+. The following topics need values for partitions and replicas: [xxx-xxxx]

Kafaka报错:Creating topics with default partitions/replication factor are only supported in CreateTopi相关推荐

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