
1 OPC是什么

OLE (object linking and embedding) for Process Control

Open Platform Communications

OPC可以被看作是工业设备之间数据交换的一种协议。最新版本的OPC使用的是UA架构(Unified Architecture),是一种跨平台的通用协议,就像英语是通用语言一样。旧版本的OPC使用了DA架构(Data Access)是不支持跨平台的。

2 OPC的特性和好处



DA基于OPC经典模型,它在应用层之上(DCOM),依赖且只支持WIndows操作系统,而且需要关闭防火墙。然而,UA不依赖于DCOM,因此它是支持跨平台的,例如Linux、MacOS、Windows,OPC DA只允许访问当前数据,不能生成告警和历史事件,而OPC UA在传输层之上,支持历史事件、多层次结构并且提供方法和程序(命令)等特性。



OPC DA的局限性之一是安全性不足,因为在当今世界,安全是主要问题,因为系统更频繁地受到一些复杂的病毒和恶意软件的攻击,而这个安全问题在更高版本的OPC UA中得到了解决。



1 准备

1.1 VMwareWorkstation


1.2 Windows 7 64位(虚拟机)

服务端,用来部署opc服务。 选择win7是因为它够老且不会再自动更新,由于选择使用utgard,它对操作系统版本要求比较多,操作系统太新了会报错,随操作系统自动更新也会报错,例如win10的1909版本更新到21xx版本,就不能运行了。

win7 64位专业版镜像

1.3 opc模拟器



1.4 win10(如果需要)



                        关掉系统自动更新:services.msc -> Windows Update 禁用,恢复都改成无操作;        gpedit.msc 计算机配置 --> 管理模板 --> Windows组件--> Windows更新 --> 配置自动更新 --> 禁用


运行opc client:
                        matrikon explorer/opc client,连接PCAuto Server,连接正常。至此,opcserver安装成功并且连接正常。

                        计算机管理,Administrator加到DCOM 用户组里

注:如果是32位软件运行在64位系统,需要执行 mmc comexp.msc /32 打开组件管理,64位的是dcomcnfg

2 安装VMware


3 安装Windows虚拟机


4 Windows7虚拟机基本设置

4.1 关闭防火墙(DA需要)

4.2 默认用户为Administrator(例子中是admin),修改登录密码(例如:123456)

4.3 计算机 --> 右键属性 --> 远程设置

4.4 使用物理机执行远程连接,用admin/123456登录成功即可

5 Windows7系统备份


6 安装MatrikonOPCSimulation


7 组件服务相关配置

7.1 配置虚拟机登录权限







7.4 OPCEnum配置


7.3 DCOM服务配置


↓ 这是matrikon的服务名称



1 Windows 10 64 客户端


2 Java运行环境


3 代码及配置项

3.1 maven依赖

<!--utgard --><dependency><groupId>org.openscada.external</groupId><artifactId>org.openscada.external.jcifs</artifactId><version>1.2.25</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.openscada.jinterop</groupId><artifactId>org.openscada.jinterop.core</artifactId><version>2.1.8</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.openscada.jinterop</groupId><artifactId>org.openscada.jinterop.deps</artifactId><version>1.5.0</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.openscada.utgard</groupId><artifactId>org.openscada.opc.dcom</artifactId><version>1.5.0</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.openscada.utgard</groupId><artifactId>org.openscada.opc.lib</artifactId><version>1.5.0</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.bouncycastle</groupId><artifactId>bcprov-jdk15on</artifactId><version>1.61</version></dependency>

3.2 同步定时读取

package com.ruoyi.opc.util;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;import org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException;
import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString;
import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIVariant;
import org.openscada.opc.lib.common.ConnectionInformation;
import org.openscada.opc.lib.da.AccessBase;
import org.openscada.opc.lib.da.DataCallback;
import org.openscada.opc.lib.da.Item;
import org.openscada.opc.lib.da.ItemState;
import org.openscada.opc.lib.da.Server;
import org.openscada.opc.lib.da.SyncAccess;public class UtgardAsyncLoop {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {// 连接信息final ConnectionInformation ci = new ConnectionInformation();ci.setHost("");         // 虚拟机ipci.setDomain("");                  // 域,为空就行ci.setUser("admin");             // 虚拟机登录的用户名ci.setPassword("123456");          // 虚拟机登录密码ci.setClsid("F8582CF2-XXXX-11D0-XXXX-00C0F0104305"); //MatrikonOPCSimulation的注册表ID,可以在“组件服务”里看到,如果不对则需要去注册列表里找final String itemId = "g1.test1";    // MatrikonOPCSimulation上配置的项的名字,没有实际PLC,用的模拟器:simulator// 启动服务final Server server = new Server(ci, Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor());try {// 连接到服务server.connect();// add sync access, poll every 500 ms,启动一个同步的access用来读取地址上的值,线程池每500ms读值一次// 这个是用来循环读值的,只读一次值不用这样final AccessBase access = new SyncAccess(server, 500);// 这是个回调函数,就是读到值后执行这个打印,是用匿名类写的,当然也可以写到外面去access.addItem(itemId, new DataCallback() {@Overridepublic void changed(Item item, ItemState itemState) {int type = 0;try {type = itemState.getValue().getType(); // 类型实际是数字,用常量定义的} catch (JIException e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("监控项的数据类型是:-----" + type);System.out.println("监控项的时间戳是:-----" + itemState.getTimestamp().getTime());System.out.println("监控项的详细信息是:-----" + itemState);// 如果读到是short类型的值if (type == JIVariant.VT_I2) {short n = 0;try {n = itemState.getValue().getObjectAsShort();} catch (JIException e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("-----short类型值: " + n);}// 如果读到是字符串类型的值if(type == JIVariant.VT_BSTR) {  // 字符串的类型是8JIString value = null;try {value = itemState.getValue().getObjectAsString();} catch (JIException e) {e.printStackTrace();} // 按字符串读取String str = value.getString(); // 得到字符串System.out.println("-----String类型值: " + str);}}});// start reading,开始读值access.bind();// wait a little bit,有个10秒延时Thread.sleep(60 * 1000);// stop reading,停止读取
//            access.unbind();} catch (final JIException e) {System.out.println(String.format("%08X: %s", e.getErrorCode(), server.getErrorMessage(e.getErrorCode())));if (null != server) {server.disconnect();}}}

3.3 异步定时读取

package com.ruoyi.opc.util;import org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException;
import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString;
import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIVariant;
import org.openscada.opc.lib.common.ConnectionInformation;
import org.openscada.opc.lib.da.*;import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;/*** @author renqing* @date 07/27/2021*/
public class UtgardPsp {private static final int PERIOD = 100;private static final int SLEEP = 1000 * 60 * 10;public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {// 连接信息final ConnectionInformation ci = new ConnectionInformation();ci.setHost("");         // 本机IPci.setDomain("");                  // 域,为空就行ci.setUser("admin");             // 本机上自己建好的用户名ci.setPassword("123456");          // 用户名的密码ci.setClsid("F8582CF2-XXXX-11D0-XXXX-00C0F0104305"); //注册表ID,可以在“组件服务”里看到Map<String, String> items = new HashMap<String, String>();items.put("itemId1","g1.test1");items.put("itemId2","g1.test2");items.put("itemId3","g1.test3");items.put("itemId4","g1.test4");// 启动服务final Server server = new Server(ci, Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor());// 连接到服务server.connect();AccessBase access = new Async20Access(server, PERIOD, true);// 循环一遍所有的itemidSet<String> keys = items.keySet();for (String key : keys) {String val = items.get(key);access.addItem(val, new DataCallback() {private int count;@Overridepublic void changed(Item item, ItemState itemstate) {System.out.println("[" + (++count) + "],ItemName:["+ item.getId() + "],value:" + itemstate.getValue());}});}access.bind();
//        Thread.sleep(SLEEP);while(true) {}
//        access.unbind();
//        server.dispose();}

3.4 同步读取

 public String readSync(String itemIds, Server server) throws JIException, AddFailedException, IllegalArgumentException, UnknownHostException, NotConnectedException, DuplicateGroupException {Group group = server.addGroup();Item item = group.addItem(itemIds);JIVariant value = item.read(false).getValue();return value.getObjectAsString2();}

3.5 根据服务ID连接,规避使用clsid

/*** Create a new instance and a new DCOM session* @param host the host to contact* @param user the user to use for authentication* @param password the password to use for authentication* @param domain The domain to use for authentication* @throws IllegalArgumentException* @throws UnknownHostException* @throws JIException*/public ServerList ( final String host, final String user, final String password, final String domain ) throws IllegalArgumentException, UnknownHostException, JIException{this ( JISession.createSession ( domain, user, password ), host );}/** 使用ip、用户名、密码、域名(可以为空),创建ServerList对象,* 可以推出OPC服务列表,服务名称对应的进程名(ProgressId),使用ProgId可以推出clsid*/
Collection<ClassDetails> detailsList = serverList.listServersWithDetails(new Category[] { Categories.OPCDAServer10, Categories.OPCDAServer20, Categories.OPCDAServer30 }, new Category[] {});for (final ClassDetails details : detailsList) {System.out.println("---------------->ClsId=" + details.getClsId() + " ProgId=" + details.getProgId() + " Description="+ details.getDescription());}serverList.getClsIdFromProgId(progId); // progId是服务名,例如:Kepware.KEPServerEX.V6

3.6 server断线重连

// 使用自动重连控制器包装一次server
AutoReconnectController controller = new AutoReconnectController(serverInstance);controller.connect();

3.7 遍历item

FlatBrowser flatBrowser = server.getFlatBrowser();if (flatBrowser == null) {return false;}try {Collection<String> collection = flatBrowser.browse();return collection.containsAll(list);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}try {TreeBrowser treeBrowser = server.getTreeBrowser();Branch browse = treeBrowser.browse();Collection<Branch> branches = browse.getBranches();for (Branch branch : branches) {Collection<Leaf> leaves = branch.getLeaves();}} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (UnknownHostException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (JIException e) {e.printStackTrace();}










Class not registered. If you are using a DLL/OCX , please make sure it has "DllSurrogate" flag set. Faq A(6) in readme.html. [0x80040154]
org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: The system cannot find the file specified. Is the COM Server present ? Please check DCOMCNFG for it's listing. [0x80070002]

org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: Access is denied, please check whether the [domain-username-password] are correct. Also, if not already done please check the GETTING STARTED and FAQ sections in readme.htm. They provide information on how to correctly configure the Windows machine for DCOM access, so as to avoid such exceptions.  [0x00000005]

org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: An internal error occurred. [0x8001FFFF]

org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: Class not registered. If you are using a DLL/OCX , please make sure it has "DllSurrogate" flag set. Faq A(6) in readme.html. [0x80040154]

org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: Access is denied.  [0x80070005]


org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: Server execution failed. [0x80080005]


org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: Interface not registered. [0x80040155]

8、windows版本太高,出现在win10及以上操作系统中,win --> 设置 --> 系统 --> 关于,查看版本,类似2xxx的都不行,最高1909。类似这种都不行,需要回退版本。

org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: Message not found for errorCode: 0x80010111

9、------- 汇总

The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password.

Unspecified Error

The RPC server is unavailable


Not enough memory to complete the requested operation. This can happen any time the server needs to allocate memory to complete the requested operation.

Couldn’t create connection with advise sink,
Reason for error: There is a problem resolving the computer name.
Solution: This problem can be solved by specifying the IP address of the server instead of specifying the computer name

0x80070005 appears in the OPC Client application when it succeeds in launching an OPC Server or OpcEnum, but fails to receive a reply from either of the applications. This error could be caused under several conditions: On the OPC Server PC, the OPC Client User Account does not have the right Access Control List (ACL) permissions in the System-Wide DCOM settings, Access Permissions, Edit Default.
On the OPC Client PC, the OPC Server User Account does not have the right Access Control List (ACL) permissions in the System-Wide DCOM settings, Access Permissions, Edit Limits.

On the OPC Client PC, the DCOM Default Impersonation Level is set to “Anonymous” instead of “Identify”, and the “ANONYMOUS LOGON” Access Control Entry (ACE) does not exist in the OPC Client PC, Access Control List (ACL) permissions in the System-Wide DCOM settings, Access Permissions, Edit Limits.

Failure to obtain a CLSID
OPC Client application failed to find the OPC Server. The two most common causes are:

  1. Failure to find the OPC server in the Windows Registry
  2. Failure to connect to OPCENUM.EXE

Failed to connect to 2.0 data access interface for group … Falling back to 1.0 interface


0x80010108 The object invoked has
disconnected from its clients.
Re-initialize your OPC Server Connection.
0x80040004 There is no connection for
this connection ID
0x80040005 Need to run the object to
perform this operation
0x80040007 Uninitialized object
0x80040154 Class not registered The OPC Server, or a component needed to
make the OPC connection is not registered
with Windows. This may mean that you simply
need to register a DLL or OCX file.
0x80040155 Interface not registered The OPC Server does not support the
interface that you are trying to connect to.
Examples may include Item Browsing,
Asynchronous I/O or OPC DA v2.x or 3.x
interfaces etc.
0x800401f3 Invalid class string The GUID/CLSID of the specified OPC Server
is not valid.
0x80040200 • Unable to
impersonate DCOM
• Unknown OLE status
DCOM security problem, typically on the
Client side. This error typically occurs when
trying to specify a callback address for
Asynchronous I/O.
0x80040202 Cannot Connect Error typically occurs when a call is made to
Advise on the connection point. This often
means that OPCPROXY.DLL is not the same
version on your different computers.
0x80070002 The system cannot find the
file specified.
Re-install your software.
0x80070005 Access is denied. You need to configure your DCOM Security
settings. See our DCOM Tutorial:
http://www.softwaretoolbox.com/dcom Page 6 of 7
Hex Code Description Resolution
0x80070057 The parameter is incorrect. The OPC Server has rejected your request,
indicating that the parameter(s) you specified
are not valid for the type of request being
made. You will need more details on the
actual OPC calls being made between the
Client and Server.
0x8007041d The service did not respond
to the start or control request
in a timely fashion.
Specific to Windows Services. The service did
not start within the allowed time-frame. This
indicates an initialization problem with the
Windows service.
0x800705b4 This operation returned
because the timeout period
This is a timeout. You may need to increase
your timeout settings.
0x800706ea A floating-point underflow
occurred at the RPC server.
0x80070725 Incompatible version of the
RPC stub.
0x80080005 Server execution failed There is a problem with the OPC Server
preventing it from being started by Windows.
This may be the result of file-permissions,
DCOM Security permissions, or a lack of
0x80004002 No such interface supported The OPC Server does not support the
interface that you are trying to connect to.
Examples may include Item Browsing,
Asynchronous I/O or OPC DA v2.x or 3.x
interfaces etc.
0x80004005 Unspecified error The most common message seen, that yields
the least information. In these cases you often
need to check the event-logs at your OPC
Server for more information.
0x8000401a The server process could not
be started because the
configured identity is
incorrect. Check the
username and password.
DCOM Configuration permissions. Modify the
identity that the application should run under,
perhaps specify a named account or choose
“Interactive User’.
0x800706ba The RPC server is
The OPC Server could not be contacted. This
is usually the result of a firewall blocking the

10、OPCServer:使用Matrikon OPC Server Simulation - ioufev - 博客园使用Matrikon OPC Server Simulationhttps://www.cnblogs.com/ioufev/p/9366426.html查看用法





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