
When you type text in a cell, Google Sheets automatically hides anything that extends beyond the size of the cell. If you don’t want to double-click a cell to see its contents, here’s how to use the wrap text feature.

在单元格中键入文本时,Google表格会自动隐藏超出单元格大小的所有内容。 如果您不想双击一个单元格来查看其内容,请按照以下方法使用自动换行功能。

By default, whenever a cell contains more characters than physical appearance, instead of spilling over onto the next line, extra characters are hidden from sight. To show all the text contained in a single cell, we’ll use the wrap text feature to format and see the entirety of the cell.

默认情况下,每当一个单元格包含比实际外观更多的字符时,多余的字符就不会溢出到下一行,而是看不见。 为了显示单个单元格中包含的所有文本,我们将使用自动换行功能来​​设置格式并查看整个单元格。

Fire up your browser, head to the Google Sheets home page, and open a new or existing spreadsheet.

启动浏览器,转到Google表格首页 ,然后打开一个新的或现有的电子表格。

Click on an empty cell and then type text. Make sure to enter enough characters for Google Sheets to automatically hide the excess.

单击一个空单元格,然后键入文本。 确保输入足够的字符,以便Google表格自动隐藏多余的字符。

If you open a spreadsheet that already contains data, you can select the cell(s) where you want to apply text wrap format.


Next, click Format > Text Wrapping and then click on the “Wrap” option to format the cell.


Afterward, the cells you selected to format no longer hide the remaining characters inside the cell. Now, the characters wrap to a new line within the containing cell.

之后,您选择格式化的单元格不再将剩余的字符隐藏在该单元格中。 现在,字符换行到包含单元格中的新行。

That’s all there is to it. Whenever you need to show all the data inside a cell in an instant, you can use the wrap text formatting feature to accomplish it easily.

这里的所有都是它的。 每当您需要即时显示单元格中的所有数据时,都可以使用自动换行格式功能轻松完成。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/465247/how-to-wrap-text-in-cells-in-google-sheets/



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