本实现基于IBM QISKit 0.7.0版本,python 3.7版本。

HHL Experiment (Quantum Algorithm for linear systems of equations)

This experiment is implemented based on IBM QISKit version 0.7.0. It is a quantum implementation of finding x⃗\vec{x}x satisfying Ax⃗=b⃗A\vec{x}=\vec{b}Ax=b, and only for the case when AAA is a 2 by 2 matrx, while b⃗\vec{b}b is a 2 by 1 vector.

The whole process can be divided into several steps:

  1. Quantum phase estimation
  2. Controlled rotation
  3. Inverse quantum phase estimation

The quantum circuit for this experiment is (from reference3):

The first qubit ∣x1⟩|x_1 \rangle∣x1​⟩ is the ancilla register for controlled rotation. The second and third qubit ∣x2x3⟩|x_2x_3\rangle∣x2​x3​⟩ (the register C) will save the superposition of the eigenvalues of A, after the quantum phase estimation. The forth qubit ∣x4⟩|x_4 \rangle∣x4​⟩ is used to save ∣b⟩|b \rangle∣b⟩, and after the whole process of HHL, it will save the approximate value of x⃗\vec{x}x.

# Import packages
%matplotlib inline
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
from qiskit import execute
from qiskit import BasicAer
from math import pi
from qiskit.tools.visualization import plot_histogramimport warnings  # Ignore the warning message

The known AAA and b⃗\vec{b}b are set like this in this experiment:

A=12(3113)A=\frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 3 & 1\\ 1 & 3 \end{pmatrix}A=21​(31​13​) and b⃗=(b1b2)\vec{b}=\begin{pmatrix} b_1\\ b_2 \end{pmatrix}b=(b1​b2​​).

b⃗\vec{b}b can be encoded in a quantum state that ∣b⟩=b1∣0⟩+b2∣1⟩|b \rangle = b_1|0 \rangle+b_2|1 \rangle∣b⟩=b1​∣0⟩+b2​∣1⟩, which fulfills b12+b22=1b_1^2+b_2^2=1b12​+b22​=1.

And the eigenvalues of A are λ1=1\lambda_1=1λ1​=1 and λ2=2\lambda_2=2λ2​=2 with corresponding eigenvectors ∣u1⟩|u_1 \rangle∣u1​⟩ and ∣u2⟩|u_2 \rangle∣u2​⟩. λ1\lambda_1λ1​ and λ2\lambda_2λ2​ can be encoded by ∣x2x3⟩=∣01⟩|x_2x_3 \rangle=|01 \rangle∣x2​x3​⟩=∣01⟩ and ∣x2x3⟩=∣10⟩|x_2x_3 \rangle=|10 \rangle∣x2​x3​⟩=∣10⟩ respectively. (Actually all 2 by 2 matrics with eigenvalues 1 and 2 can be realized by this circuit.)

Step 1. Apply quantum phase estimation

This step is to determine the eigenvalues of A.

1.1 Initialization

Here we use ∣b⟩=∣1⟩|b \rangle =|1 \rangle∣b⟩=∣1⟩ as an example, and the initial value for ∣x1x2x3x4⟩|x_1x_2x_3x_4 \rangle∣x1​x2​x3​x4​⟩ is ∣0001⟩|0001 \rangle∣0001⟩.

1.2 Create superposition

Apply Hadamard gate to the ancilla register and the register C.

1.3 Apply controlled-U gate

The controlled-U gates in this process can be implemented by phase shift gates, with phases exp(iAt0/4)exp(iAt_0/4)exp(iAt0​/4) and exp(iAt0/2)exp(iAt_0/2)exp(iAt0​/2) (here we let t0=2πt_0=2\pit0​=2π):

The picture above is from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1AUILJz3RU.

1.4 Inverse Fourier transform

Apply inverse Fourier transform to the register C.

## 1.1 Initialization
n = 4 # Set the number of qubits in the register
q = QuantumRegister(n, 'q') # Create a Quantum Register with n qubits.
register = QuantumCircuit(q) # Create a Quantum Circuit acting on the q register
register.x(q[3]) ## 1.2 Create superposition
register.h(q[2])## 1.3 Apply controlled-U gate
register.u1(pi/2, q[2])
register.u1(pi, q[1])
register.cx(q[2], q[3]) #additional, still need to figure out why## 1.4 Inverse quantum Fourier transform
register.swap(q[1], q[2])
register.h(q[2]) #iQFT
register.cu1(-pi/2, q[1], q[2])
<qiskit.extensions.standard.h.HGate at 0x222397f0400>

After the phase estimation the state of ∣x1x2x3⟩|x_1x_2x_3 \rangle∣x1​x2​x3​⟩ becomes β1∣01⟩∣u1⟩+β2∣10⟩∣u2⟩\beta_1|01 \rangle|u_1 \rangle+\beta_2|10 \rangle|u_2 \rangleβ1​∣01⟩∣u1​⟩+β2​∣10⟩∣u2​⟩, where β1\beta_1β1​ and β2\beta_2β2​ are expansion coefficients of ∣b⟩|b \rangle∣b⟩ in AAA's eigenbasis.

Step 2. Controlled rotation

You can find more mathematical derivations about this step here.

2.1 Get λ1−1\lambda_1^{-1}λ1−1​ and λ2−1\lambda_2^{-1}λ2−1​ using a SWAP gate

After the SWAP gate, the state of ∣x1x2x3⟩|x_1x_2x_3 \rangle∣x1​x2​x3​⟩ becomes β1∣10⟩∣u1⟩+β2∣01⟩∣u2⟩\beta_1|10 \rangle|u_1 \rangle+\beta_2|01 \rangle|u_2 \rangleβ1​∣10⟩∣u1​⟩+β2​∣01⟩∣u2​⟩. We can now interpret ∣x2x3⟩=∣10⟩|x_2x_3 \rangle=|10 \rangle∣x2​x3​⟩=∣10⟩ as the state encoding the inverted eigenvalue 2λ1−1=22\lambda_1^{-1}=22λ1−1​=2 and ∣x2x3⟩=∣01⟩|x_2x_3 \rangle=|01 \rangle∣x2​x3​⟩=∣01⟩ as that encoding 2λ2−1=12\lambda_2^{-1}=12λ2−1​=1.

Here in our implementation, the matix A have eignvalues 1 and 2. I also give an example of getting λ1−1\lambda_1^{-1}λ1−1​ and λ2−1\lambda_2^{-1}λ2−1​ when the eigenvalues are 1 and 3. Thus we use A=(2112)A=\begin{pmatrix} 2 &amp; 1\\ 1 &amp; 2 \end{pmatrix}A=(21​12​) as the input matrix instead. In this example, we need to use a X gate on ∣x2⟩|x_2 \rangle∣x2​⟩ to instead the SWAP gate between ∣x2⟩|x_2 \rangle∣x2​⟩ and ∣x3⟩|x_3\rangle∣x3​⟩.

2.2 Apply rotation RyR_yRy​

This process is to save λj−1\lambda_j^{-1}λj−1​ into the amplitudes of the ancilla register.

Ry(θ)=(cos(θ2)−sin(θ2)sin(θ2)cos(θ2))R_y(\theta)=\begin{pmatrix} cos(\frac{\theta}{2}) &amp; -sin(\frac{\theta}{2})\\ sin(\frac{\theta}{2})&amp; cos(\frac{\theta}{2}) \end{pmatrix}Ry​(θ)=(cos(2θ​)sin(2θ​)​−sin(2θ​)cos(2θ​)​), and the rrr in the RyR_yRy​ gate is a parameter that ranges between log22πlog_22\pilog2​2π and log22π/ωlog_22\pi/\omegalog2​2π/ω with ω\omegaω being the minimum angle that can be resolved. Here we choose r=4, because when x=4, the system has a good performance on both the fidelity and the probability, as is shown in the picture below (from reference 3):

A more detailed explanation for rrr can be found in reference 3.

## 2.1 SWAP
# register.swap(q[1], q[2])  # for eigenvalues 1 and 2
register.x(q[1])  # for eigen values 1 and 3## 2.2 rotation R_y
register.cu3(pi/8, 0, 0, q[1], q[0])
register.cu3(pi/16, 0, 0, q[2], q[0])
<qiskit.extensions.standard.cu3.Cu3Gate at 0x22239f26278>

Step 3. Uncompute

This process is to do the inverse of all operations before RyR_yRy​, which is denoted by U†U^\daggerU† in the circuit.

# register.swap(q[1], q[2])  # for eigenvalues 1 and 2
register.x(q[1])  # for eigenvalues 1 and 3
register.h(q[1]) #iQFT
register.cu1(pi/2, q[1], q[2])
register.swap(q[1], q[2])register.cx(q[2], q[3]) #additional, still need to figure out why
register.u1(-pi, q[1])
register.u1(-pi/2, q[2])register.h(q[2])
<qiskit.extensions.standard.h.HGate at 0x222398e60b8>

Step 4. Measurement

4.1 Quantum circuit

# Create a Classical Register with n bits.
c = ClassicalRegister(n, 'c')
# Create a Quantum Circuit
measure = QuantumCircuit(q, c)
# map the quantum measurement to the classical bits
measure.measure(q,c)# The Qiskit circuit object supports composition using
# the addition operator.
qc = register + measure#drawing the circuit

4.2 Run on local simulator

The final state for the ∣x1x2x3x4⟩|x_1x_2x_3x_4 \rangle∣x1​x2​x3​x4​⟩ should be a∣0000⟩+b∣0001⟩+c∣1000⟩+d∣1001⟩a|0000\rangle+b|0001\rangle+c|1000\rangle+d|1001\ranglea∣0000⟩+b∣0001⟩+c∣1000⟩+d∣1001⟩ (The ∣x2x3⟩|x_2x_3 \rangle∣x2​x3​⟩ is always ∣00⟩|00\rangle∣00⟩). Because we can only get the ∣x⟩|x \rangle∣x⟩ when the ancilla qubit, ∣x1⟩=∣1⟩|x_1 \rangle=|1\rangle∣x1​⟩=∣1⟩, so we only care about the last two possible states of ∣x1x2x3x4⟩|x_1x_2x_3x_4 \rangle∣x1​x2​x3​x4​⟩.

Note that the rightmost qubit in the result is q0 (∣x1⟩|x_1 \rangle∣x1​⟩), the leftmost is q3 (∣x4⟩|x_4 \rangle∣x4​⟩). Thus in this implementation the two states that we need to pay attention to is ‘0001’ and ‘1001’. The ratio of these two probabilities, which is ∣c/d∣2|c/d|^2∣c/d∣2, is close to ∣x1/x2∣2|x_1/x_2|^2∣x1​/x2​∣2 (x⃗=(x1&ThickSpace;x2)T\vec{x} = (x_1\; x_2)^Tx=(x1​x2​)T).

# Use Aer's qasm_simulator
backend_sim = BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')# Execute the circuit on the qasm simulator.
# We've set the number of repeats of the circuit to be 1024, which is the default.
job_sim = execute(qc, backend_sim, shots=8192)# Grab the results from the job.
result_sim = job_sim.result()counts = result_sim.get_counts(qc)
x1_square = counts['0001']
x2_square = counts['1001']
p = x1_square/x2_square
print('probability of state 0001:', x1_square)
print('probability of state 1001:', x2_square)
print('the ratio of two probabilities', p)
{'0000': 3, '0001': 85, '1000': 7809, '1001': 295}
probability of state 0001: 85
probability of state 1001: 295
the ratio of two probabilities 0.288135593220339


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