1. 自我介绍
good morning, professors! It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview and I hope I can perform well today. my name is XXX ,23.I come form XXX. I will graduate from the XXXXXXX department of XXXX university in july 2020 .
there’s actually a lot I want to take about myself, but one thing that separates me from my peers is that I am able to think ciritically. I double-check information I get from other people and I try to distinguish facts from falsehood. I think the ability to filter information instead of trusting other people blindly is really important when it comes to study and life.And as young people,we are often so easily misled,but I’m confident not to be easily swayed.
实际上,我想自我照顾很多,但让我与同龄人区分开的一件事是,我能够审慎地思考。我会仔细检查我从其他人那里获得的信息,并试图将事实与虚假事实区分开。 我只是认为,过滤信息而不是盲目地信任别人在能力和生活方面确实很重要。作为年轻人,我们经常容易被误导,但我坚信不会轻易受到影响。
In my spare time,I like to learn some other professional knowledge, such as accounting teaching、photoshop and so on. In the process,I cultivated the ability of self-study and broaden my horizons.
我喜欢学习一些其他专业的知识,例如,会计、教书、ps等. 我养成了自学能力,并且在这个过程中不断的扩展了我的视野.
I like to communicate with others and participate in public activities.i am actually more introverted,but I have a good ability to execute.Before doing somethings ,I like to plan early and then follow the plan to complete.
2. why do you take part in the postgraduate examinition?考研的原因
during the past four years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills. but I realize it is no enough.i hope to make some progress in the academic and research fileds.so I take part in the postgaraduate examination.
the study at the university level is broad but shallow. I want to conduct in-depth study at the graduate level and find a direction where I can study in depth.
3. 选择我们学校的原因?
last summer when I came here ,I am deeply impressed by the academic atomosphere.i visited the library and some of labs here. XXXXX unversity provides students with opportunities to futher their study. and the university is famous ,which led me to make this choice.
去年夏天来到这里时,我对学术气氛印象深刻。我参观了图书馆和这里的一些实验室。 它为学生提供了进一步学习的机会。 这是第一个原因。
the second reason is that I’ve decided to commit myself to the study and research of computer throughout my life. I think it is a pleasure to be able to explore my facorite subject for a lifetime, I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.
第二个原因是我决定一生致力于计算机的研究。 我认为能够一生探索我的喜欢的主题是一种荣幸,我认为这是我做出决定时最重要的因素。
4. 介绍你的家庭
There are three people in my family,my father,my mother and me.My father works as a ***.He is hardworking and often comes back home very late.My mother is a housewife.She does all the housework for us.She is a great cook。I am studying in liaocheng university.I likes playing basketball and I am good at maths.I have a happy family.
5. 研究生期间你的计划?What is your plan during graduate school?
I plan to read and explore as many research papers as possible to help myself get a better understanding of how to put my research into presentable results.And I also understand that graduate school studying isn’t only research papers,so I plan to acquire necessary knowledge and skills to solve problems.
首先,我计划阅读和探索尽可能多的研究论文,以帮助自己更好地理解如何将我的研究转化为可取的结果。而且我还了解到,研究生院的学习并不仅限于研究论文, 因此,我计划获得解决问题所需的必要知识和技能。
sencondly, I also plan to continue to improve my english ,because the language is a must if I I I aim for excellence in academics.
6. what is you hobby?
In my spare time,I like to learn some other professional knowledge, such as accounting teaching、photoshop and so on. In the process,I cultivated the ability of self-study and broaden my horizons. I also like to communicate with others and participate in public activities.
我喜欢学习一些其他专业的知识,例如,会计、教书、ps等. 我养成了自学能力,并且在这个过程中不断的扩展了我的视野。
7. 介绍你的家乡
My hometown Jinan, which is famous for its spring water in the world, has the reputation of “Spring City”, is a very beautiful city.
Baotu Spring is located in the center of Ji’nan, It is said that it has a history of two thousand and seven hundred years. Spring water is constant at about 18 degrees Celsius all year round, even in the severe winter.
我的家乡济南,它以泉水而闻名于天下,有“泉城”之美誉,是一座非常美丽的城市。在西边趵突泉位于济南的中心位置,居72名泉之首. 据说已有二千七百年的历史。泉水一年四季恒定在摄氏18度左右,即便到了严冬.
There is Daming Lake on the north side of Ji’nan. Daming Lake is beautiful, elegant and charming. My father and I used to go boating on the lake and feel like we were painting. I love my hometown, Ji’nan.
8. 介绍你的本科学校
My undergraduate years in XXXXX university are going to be memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.i have grown so much while studying there. both the school and the teachers are so supportive and encouraging. my classmates are the most inspiring people I could ever be around.
my university, to be honest,isn’t exactly as famous as some of the top schools in china, but I love it. and when I look back now,this is a good experience.
我在XX大学的本科生岁月将成为我一生都会珍惜的回忆。在那儿学习的过程中,我成长了很多。 学校和老师都非常支持和鼓励。 我的同学是我周围最有启发性的人。
老实说,我的大学并不像中国的一些顶尖学校那么出名,但我喜欢它。 当我现在回头看时,这是一个很好的体验。
9. 谈一下你的优点(缺点)
once I made up my mind to do something, I would make detailed plans on how I’m going to achieve it and I work hard every day towards my goal, I will not give up or give up halfway.
while my classmates spend lots of time on social media,I know that my focus is to improve myself and acquire skills and abilities ,which will prepare me better for my future.
Sometimes I may be impatient, which puts some pressure on the people I work with.
10. 你的生日是几月几号
My birthday is *** 6th.
11. 你最喜欢的食物
My favorte food’s apple.But i also like banana.because it’s very delicious.It’s really a kind of healthy food ,and it tastes good .As for vegetables ,I like tomatoes .It’s full of Vc ,I think it’s good for me .I really like beef ,especially beef and tomato soup .I think it’s the most delicious food .
12. 你最喜欢的偶像是谁?
My favorite actor is Jackie Chan,a well-known actor. He was born in 1954. Except actor, Jackie is also a great director. He directed many famous movies, like Project A, Police story,Miracle . I think he is talent. In his life, he has won countless prizes.Jackie is not only a great actor but a great man as well.He gave money to charities many times.Jackie said," If I die,I will donate all my money "。
我最喜欢的演员是著名演员成龙。 他是我最喜欢的演员。他出生于1954年。除演员外,杰基还是一位出色的导演。 他执导过许多著名的电影,例如Project A,警察故事,奇迹。 我认为他是人才。 在他的一生中,他赢得了无数的奖项。杰基不仅是一位出色的演员,还是一位伟人。他多次向慈善机构捐款。杰基说:“如果我死了,我将捐出我所有的钱”
13. 你最喜欢的电影
I think Spiderman is great.When I first watched the movie ‘Spiderman I was so attract with special effects. .Spiderman’s name is Peter Parker who is handsome and brave. He helped so many people who is need others help.


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