
  • 总序
  • 一.礼貌礼节
    • A.开场白
    • B.对话中
  • 二.自我介绍
  • 二.专业内容
    • Q1. Can you tell me something about your project?
    • Q2. Can you say something about your major?
    • Q3. What is the most easy or difficult course during your college life?
    • Q5.What was the topic of your graduation thesis?
    • Q6.What specialized courses have you taken and which courses do you like best?
    • Q7.Could you tell me something about your undergraduate study experience?
    • Q8.What is deep learning?
    • Q9.What do you think is the future of computer science?
  • 三.拉家常
    • Q10. Please introduce your school
    • Q11. What’s your favorite book?
    • Q12. Could you talk something about your family?
    • Q13. What is most person recently?
    • Q14. What is your study plan?
    • Q15. What is the biggest honor in the past four years?
    • Q16. Please use 3 words to describe your personal attributes?
    • Q17. What is your favourite sport?
    • Q18. What is your greatest strength?
    • Q19. If you failed this time what will you do ?
    • Q20. What is the best university in your opinion?
    • Q21. Why did you choose our university ?
    • Q22. What are advantages and disadvantage ?
    • Q23. What can you tell me about yourself ?
    • Q24. Do you work well under pressure?
    • Q25. Who is your favorite teacher?
    • Q26. Where is your hometown?
    • Q27. Say a little about teamwork
    • Q28. Describe your best friend
    • Q29. How do you handle criticism?
    • Q30.How do you feel about your progress to date?
  • 四.视频面试
  • 五.参考资料


C++ 笔记本



Good morning / afternoon, dear professors. I am XXX. (教授们早上好/下午好,我是XXX)

(2)It’s my great honor / pleasure to introduce myself to you here.(很荣幸/高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍)


I’m sorry I didn’t hear that clearly. May I ask you to repeat it, please?(对不起,我没听清楚,可否重复一遍)
I beg your pardon. I don’t understand your question.(请原谅,我不太了解你的问题)


Excuse me,I guess I don’t make myself clear.(对不起,我想是我自己没有表达清楚)

My I try to say that in another way.(或许我能试着用另一种方式说)

Thank you for your compliment. I am far from perfect.(你过奖了,我做得还不够好)


  Good morning, respected teachers, my name is( ), it is indeed a great honor to have the opportunity to interview here.

  First I would like to introduce myself, I am ( )years old and come from a Guangzhou of GuangDong province. The people in our hometown are very kindly and friendly. There are four members in my family: my father, my mother, my sister and me. I am proud of them. Father and mother are my first teachers, they taught me to be honesty, responsibility, candid, aggressive and so on. They taught me how to be a man. The most important education I receive is from my family.

  My undergraduate period will be accomplish in XXX University. During the four years, I have grasped the basic knowledge of computer science. I’m open-minded and have broad interests that include reading, programming, basketball and so on, I enjoy programming the most, because through programming I can creat the world that I like.

  I am a confident boy and have strong ability of learning by myself. I accept new things quite quickly and I am willing to create. I dear on difficulties, and with my long time efforts in solving problems, I believe I can make most of the problem solved.

  If I have could have the chance to study here just like four years ago, I promise I will never fail your expectation, I will try my best to study and learn as much as I could so as to make contribution to the society in the future.

  That’s all, thank you for your time!


Q1. Can you tell me something about your project?

Q2. Can you say something about your major?

Q3. What is the most easy or difficult course during your college life?

Q5.What was the topic of your graduation thesis?

Analysis of Students Online based on DBSCAN Clustering.

Q6.What specialized courses have you taken and which courses do you like best?

①I have learned Computer Network, Computer Composition, Data Structure, Operating System and so on. ②My favorite class is operating system, this course let me know that operating system is a system software, and teach me how it manages computer resources,I learned much in this course.

Q7.Could you tell me something about your undergraduate study experience?

Q8.What is deep learning?

Deep learning is a research direction of machine learning, which aims to enable robots to learn and analyze data like humans.That’s my understanding. Thank you.

Q9.What do you think is the future of computer science?

A:①I think the future of computer science belongs to artificial intelligence. ②You know,the creation of robots is in order to relieve people’s burden. ③With the expansion of demand,there will be more and more people devote themselves to this field.


Q10. Please introduce your school

Q11. What’s your favorite book?

A:①My favorite book is The Great Gatsby.②The book highlights the themes of contemporary social life and reveals the irony and sadness under the legend of the American dream.③Not only the plot of the story, but also the writing technique are very attractive to me.

Q12. Could you talk something about your family?

Q13. What is most person recently?

Q14. What is your study plan?

Q15. What is the biggest honor in the past four years?

Q16. Please use 3 words to describe your personal attributes?

Good at management, enthusiasm and communication.

Q17. What is your favourite sport?

My favorite sport is swimming. When I was a sophomore, I participated in the annual Pearl River Crossing activity on behalf of Liwan District of Guangzhou City.At the same time, I also like running very much. I often ran 5km every day during college time.

Q18. What is your greatest strength?

Q19. If you failed this time what will you do ?

Q20. What is the best university in your opinion?

Q21. Why did you choose our university ?

Q22. What are advantages and disadvantage ?

Q23. What can you tell me about yourself ?

Q24. Do you work well under pressure?

Q25. Who is your favorite teacher?

Q26. Where is your hometown?

Q27. Say a little about teamwork

Q28. Describe your best friend

Q29. How do you handle criticism?

Q30.How do you feel about your progress to date?






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