Are you tired of the default New Tab Page in Chrome and wanting something different? Then join us as we take a look at getting an iGoogle-styled New Tab Page in Google Chrome.

您是否厌倦了Chrome中默认的“新标签页”,并且想要其他功能? 然后加入我们,看看我们如何在Google Chrome浏览器中获取iGoogle样式的“新标签页”。



Here is the current default “New Tab Page” in Chrome… Sure, you have thumbnails of recently visited sites and a listing of recently closed tabs but it is not very exciting or customizable. What if you could replace it with a little bit of iGoogle-styled functionality?

这是Chrome当前的默认默认“新标签页”…当然,您可以拥有最近访问过的站点的缩略图以及最近关闭的标签的列表,但这不是很令人兴奋或可自定义的。 如果您可以将其替换为一些iGoogle样式的功能,该怎么办?



Installation is quick and simple. During the installation process you will need to click on “Install” to finish adding “New Tab Extension | Dashboard” to Chrome.

安装快速简便。 在安装过程中,您将需要单击“安装”以完成添加“新建选项卡扩展| 仪表板”到Chrome。

After the installation has been completed there will be no “Toolbar Button” displayed…only a short extension management message.


At the moment there are no options for “New Tab Extension | Dashboard” but that could change soon…

目前,“ New Tab Extension” | 仪表板”,但很快就会改变…

New Tab Extension Dashboard in Action


As soon as you open a new tab in Chrome this is what you will see. At the moment there are five gadgets available:

在Chrome中打开新标签后,您将立即看到。 目前有五个小工具可用:

  • To-Do List 待办事项清单
  • Random Images Viewer 随机图像查看器
  • Chat Window 聊天窗口
  • Weather Gadget (does not work with International zip codes) 天气小工具(不适用于国际邮政编码)
  • Clock/Date/Calendar Gadget 时钟/日期/日历小工具

You will be able to settle into it easily and start enjoying a New Tab Page that is not the same old thing that you have been looking at forever.


At the moment there are still one or two “rough spots” but this definitely has potential for later releases. Hopefully everyone will soon be able choose the particular gadgets that they would like to use, where they are placed within the window, and choose a custom background.

目前,仍然有一个或两个“粗糙点”,但这绝对有可能在以后的版本中发布。 希望每个人都能很快选择要使用的特定小工具,将它们放置在窗口中的位置,然后选择自定义背景。

Here is a closer look at each of the individual gadgets currently available…


The To-Do List…


The Random Images Viewer…


The Chat Window.


The Weather Gadget (currently the only non-Google powered gadget in the New Tab Page)…


And the Clock/Date/Calendar gadget.

还有Clock / Date / Calendar小工具。



If you are looking for something new and different for your New Tab Page in Chrome, then you just might want to give this extension a try. While it still has one or two “rough spots” this one is definitely showing a lot of potential for the future.

如果您要为Chrome中的“新标签页”寻找新的和与众不同的东西,那么您可能只想尝试一下该扩展程序。 尽管它仍然具有一两个“粗糙点”,但这一点无疑显示了未来的巨大潜力。



Download the “New Tab Extension | Dashboard” extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载“新标签页扩展| Dashboard”扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)



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