
The latest Microsoft Edge browser is based on Google Chrome’s Chromium software. Both browsers share many features, including the ability to customize the New Tab page that displays when you first launch the browser. Here’s how to customize the page.

最新的Microsoft Edge浏览器基于Google Chrome的Chromium软件。 两种浏览器都有许多功能,包括自定义首次启动浏览器时显示的“新选项卡”页面的功能。 这是自定义页面的方法。

By default, the New Tab page will show a Bing search bar, quick links to most visited sites, and a spotlight of the top news stories. However, there are a few things you can do to customize this page to have a better Edge experience.

默认情况下,“新标签页”将显示Bing搜索栏,指向访问量最大的网站的快速链接以及热门新闻报道。 但是,您可以做一些事情来定制此页面,以获得更好的Edge体验。

更改新标签页的布局 (Change the New Tab Page Layout)

Let’s start with the layout of the New Tab page. There are three preset styles to choose from: Focused, Inspirational, and Informational. Each one offers a slightly different approach to how you view information on the New Tab page. Here’s what each preset entails:

让我们从“新建选项卡”页面的布局开始。 共有三种预设样式可供选择:聚焦,灵感和信息。 每个人在“新标签”页面上查看信息的方式略有不同。 以下是每个预设的含义:

  • Focused: The default layout for Edge. A minimalist approach with a Bing search bar, website quick links, and the Microsoft News headings bar.

    关注: Edge的默认布局。 带有Bing搜索栏,网站快速链接和Microsoft新闻标题栏的极简主义方法。

  • Inspirational: This layout is essentially the same as Focused and looks identical, except it offers the addition of Bing’s Image of the Day as the New Tab background.


  • Informational: The last layout has all of the above features, but extends the Microsoft News section even further, offering a more informative approach, showcasing headlines and news articles personalized to you.


Fire up Microsoft Edge to get started. If Edge starts where you left off last time, you can get to the New Tab page by clicking on the “+” icon.

启动Microsoft Edge以开始使用。 如果Edge从您上次中断的地方开始,则可以通过单击“ +”图标进入“新建选项卡”页面。

On the New Tab page, click the Settings gear icon in the top-right corner to reveal the page layout schemes available.


Test out all the layouts to see which one suits your style.


You can customize a few of the elements on the New Tab page if the preset layouts aren’t cutting it for you. Click the Settings gear icon and then select “Custom” from the list.

如果预设布局不适合您,则可以在“新建选项卡”页面上自定义一些元素。 单击设置齿轮图标,然后从列表中选择“自定义”。

From here, you can enable or disable quick links, image of the day, and manage how you see Microsoft News content. The only thing you can’t disable is the Bing search bar.

在这里,您可以启用或禁用快速链接,每日图像以及管理如何查看Microsoft News内容。 唯一不能禁用的是Bing搜索栏。

Clicking the dropdown menu under “Content” lets you manage how you view the Microsoft News content that appears at the bottom of the New Tab page. You can choose to see the content immediately when the page loads, only the headings, visible on scroll, or not at all.

单击“内容”下的下拉菜单,可以管理查看“新选项卡”页面底部显示的Microsoft新闻内容的方式。 您可以选择在页面加载时立即查看内容,仅标题是可滚动显示的,还是根本看不到。

If you enjoy the image of the day but don’t want all the extra stuff, it’s easy to disable the quick links and Microsoft News content. This way, all you’ll see is a beautiful new image each day when you launch Edge.

如果您喜欢当日的形象,但又不想要所有多余的东西,则可以轻松禁用快速链接和Microsoft新闻内容。 这样,每天启动Edge时,您将看到的只是一张美丽的新图像。

To do this, toggle “Show Quick Links” to the Off position, and then from the dropdown list under “Content,” select “Content Off” from the list.


Otherwise, you can disable everything, giving you a true minimalistic view of the New Tab page.


自定义快速链接 (Customize Quick Links)

Edge produces all of the Quick Links displayed on the New Tab page from websites you visit, automatically adding them as tiles underneath the search bar. You can remove, rename, or add new tiles to the page in a few easy steps.

Edge会根据您访问的网站生成“新标签”页面上显示的所有快速链接,并将它们自动添加为搜索栏下方的图块。 您可以通过几个简单的步骤删除,重命名或向页面添加新的图块。

To rename a tile, click the three-dot menu icon, and then select “Rename” from the list.


Give the tile a new name and click “Save” when you finish.


To add a website to the Quick Links section, click the “+” sign inside of the white square.

要将网站添加到“快速链接”部分,请单击白色正方形内的“ +”号。

In the dialog that opens, enter a name and the URL to the website and then click “Add” to create a new quick link tile.


To remove a tile, click the three-dot menu icon on the tile you want to delete and then select “Remove” from the list.


自定义您的Microsoft新闻源 (Customize Your Microsoft News Feed)

The news feed at the bottom of the New Tab page—if you haven’t disabled it—is personalizable and will show only topics that you choose. However, to get the most out of it, you will need to specify what your interests are so it can display topics that relate to you.

“新标签”页面底部的新闻提要(如果尚未禁用)是可个性化的,并且仅显示您选择的主题。 但是,要充分利用它,您需要指定您的兴趣所在,以便它可以显示与您相关的主题。

From the New Tab page, click “Personalize” in the topic headings of the news feed.


Scroll through the topics and choose the ones that appeal to you by clicking the “+” icon to follow and selecting the green checkmark to unfollow. Changes will update instantly and appear automatically after adding or removing from your interest list.

滚动浏览主题,然后单击“ +”图标以选择吸引您的主题,然后选择绿色的对号取消选中。 更改将立即更新,并在您添加或从您的兴趣列表中删除后自动显示。

Scroll to the bottom to toggle the weather information card that appears in the “My Feed” section.


After you personalize the news feed to your liking, you can continue browsing the internet or click on any of the headings to see related news stories in your feed.


添加您自己的网址 (Add Your Own URL)

You can also display your favorite website any time you open a New Tab page. This feature isn’t a built-in one; you will need to install an extension from the Chrome Web Store. If you haven’t already, you need to enable the installation of Chrome extensions in the new Edge.

您也可以在每次打开“新标签页”时显示自己喜欢的网站。 此功能不是内置功能。 您将需要从Chrome网上应用店安装扩展程序。 如果尚未安装,则需要在新的Edge中启用Chrome扩展程序的安装 。

After you allow extensions from other stores, head on over to the Chrome Web Store for an extension called New Tab Redirect. Click “Add to Chrome” to install the extension.

允许来自其他商店的扩展程序后,转到Chrome网上应用店获取名为New Tab Redirect的扩展程序。 点击“添加到Chrome”以安装扩展程序。

You will need to give the extension some permissions before it installs. Read over the permissions and click “Add Extension” to finish the installation.

在安装扩展之前,您需要为其赋予一些权限。 阅读权限,然后单击“添加扩展名”以完成安装。

After the extension finishes installing, click the New Tab Redirect icon and then select “Extension options.”


If the icon isn’t on the extensions bar, click the Menu icon, select the extension, and then click on “Extensions options” to open up the settings.


Now, under the “Redirect URL” enter the website you want the New Tab page to redirect to whenever you open a new tab. Click “Save” when you finish.

现在,在“重定向URL”下,输入要在每次打开新标签页时将“新标签页”页面重定向到的网站。 完成后单击“保存”。

The next time you open a new tab, the URL you chose will open up instead of the previous New Tab page.


There are many other Chrome Web Store extensions available which work with Microsoft Edge, but know that they haven’t been tested to work on Edge. You may experience bugs or other quirks when using Chrome specific extensions. Try installing one at a time to verify there aren’t any conflicts between the add-on and the browser before you install the next extension.

还有许多其他可与Microsoft Edge一起使用的Chrome Web Store扩展,但是知道它们尚未经过测试可在Edge上使用。 使用Chrome特定的扩展程序时,您可能会遇到错误或其他怪癖。 在安装下一个扩展之前,尝试一次安装一个,以确认插件和浏览器之间没有任何冲突。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/659869/how-to-customize-microsoft-edges-new-tab-page/


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