
1. complex()函数用于创建一个复数或者将一个数或字符串转换为复数形式,其返回值为一个复数。该函数的语法为:

Help on class complex in module builtins:class complex(object)|  complex(real=0, imag=0)|  |  Create a complex number from a real part and an optional imaginary part.#image默认为0|  |  This is equivalent to (real + imag*1j) where imag defaults to 0.|  |  Methods defined here:|  |  __abs__(self, /)|      abs(self)|  |  __add__(self, value, /)|      Return self+value.|  |  __bool__(self, /)|      self != 0|  |  __divmod__(self, value, /)|      Return divmod(self, value).|  |  __eq__(self, value, /)|      Return self==value.|  |  __float__(self, /)|      float(self)|  |  __floordiv__(self, value, /)|      Return self//value.|  |  __format__(...)|      complex.__format__() -> str|      |      Convert to a string according to format_spec.|  |  __ge__(self, value, /)|      Return self>=value.|  |  __getattribute__(self, name, /)|      Return getattr(self, name).|  |  __getnewargs__(...)|  |  __gt__(self, value, /)|      Return self>value.|  |  __hash__(self, /)|      Return hash(self).|  |  __int__(self, /)|      int(self)|  |  __le__(self, value, /)|      Return self<=value.|  |  __lt__(self, value, /)|      Return self<value.|  |  __mod__(self, value, /)|      Return self%value.|  |  __mul__(self, value, /)|      Return self*value.|  |  __ne__(self, value, /)|      Return self!=value.|  |  __neg__(self, /)|      -self|  |  __pos__(self, /)|      +self|  |  __pow__(self, value, mod=None, /)|      Return pow(self, value, mod).|  |  __radd__(self, value, /)|      Return value+self.|  |  __rdivmod__(self, value, /)|      Return divmod(value, self).|  |  __repr__(self, /)|      Return repr(self).|  |  __rfloordiv__(self, value, /)|      Return value//self.|  |  __rmod__(self, value, /)|      Return value%self.|  |  __rmul__(self, value, /)|      Return value*self.|  |  __rpow__(self, value, mod=None, /)|      Return pow(value, self, mod).|  |  __rsub__(self, value, /)|      Return value-self.|  |  __rtruediv__(self, value, /)|      Return value/self.|  |  __str__(self, /)|      Return str(self).|  |  __sub__(self, value, /)|      Return self-value.|  |  __truediv__(self, value, /)|      Return self/value.|  |  conjugate(...)|      complex.conjugate() -> complex|      Return the complex conjugate of its argument. (3-4j).conjugate() == 3+4j.|  ----------------------------------------------------------------------|  Static methods defined here:|  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type|      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.|  ----------------------------------------------------------------------|  Data descriptors defined here:|  imag|      the imaginary part of a complex number|  real|      the real part of a complex number>>>


>>> a = complex(6,8)
>>> a
>>> print(a.real)
>>> print(a.imag)
>>> print(a.conjugate())

3. complex(real, imag)参数可使用的数据类型


  • 注意:如果第一个参数为字符串,第二个参数必须省略,若第一个参数为其他类型,则第二个参数可以选择
>>> complex('1',6)
Traceback (most recent call last):File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>complex('1',6)
TypeError: complex() can't take second arg if first is a string


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