
package day17;import java.util.Arrays;public class IntMatrix {/*** The data.*/int[][] data;/*** ********************** The first constructor.* * @param paraRows    The number of rows.* @param paraColumns The number of columns.***********************/public IntMatrix(int paraRows, int paraColumns) {data = new int[paraRows][paraColumns];}// Of the first constructor/*** ********************** The second constructor.Construct a copy of given matrix.* * @param paraMatrix The given matrix.***********************/public IntMatrix(int[][] paraMatrix) {data = new int[paraMatrix.length][paraMatrix[0].length];// Copy elementsfor (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++) {data[i][j] = paraMatrix[i][j];} // Of for j} // Of for i}// Of the second constructor/*** ********************** The third constructor.Construct a copy of the given matrix.* * @param paraMatrix***********************/public IntMatrix(IntMatrix paraMatrix) {this(paraMatrix.getData());}// Of the third matrix/*** ********************** @Title: getIdentityMatrix* @Description: TODO(Get identity matrix. The value at the diagonal are all 1)** @param paraRows The given rows.***********************/public static IntMatrix getIdentityMatrix(int paraRows) {IntMatrix resulMatrix = new IntMatrix(paraRows, paraRows);for (int i = 0; i < paraRows; i++) {// According to access control,resultMatrix.data can be visited directly.resulMatrix.data[i][i] = 1;} // Of for ireturn resulMatrix;}// Of getIdentityMatrix/*** Overrides the method claimed in Object,the superclass of any class.*/public String toString() {return Arrays.deepToString(data);}// Of toString/*** ********************** @Title: getData* @Description: TODO(Get my data. Warning,the reference to the data instead if*               a copy of the data is returned.)** @return The data matrix.***********************/public int[][] getData() {return data;}// Of get Data/*** ********************** @Title: getRows* @Description: TODO(Getter)** @return The number of rows.***********************/public int getRows() {return data.length;}// Of getRows/*** ********************** @Title: getColumns* @Description: TODO(Getter)** @return The number of columns.***********************/public int getColumns() {return data[0].length;}// Of getColumns/*** ********************** @Title: setValue* @Description: TODO(Set on the value of one element.)** @param paraRow    The row of the element.* @param paraColumn The column of the element.* @param paraValue  The new value.***********************/public void setValue(int paraRow, int paraColumn, int paraValue) {data[paraRow][paraColumn] = paraValue;}// Of setValue/*** ********************** @Title: getValue* @Description: TODO(Get the value of one element.)** @param paraRow    The row of the element.* @param paraColumn The column of the element.***********************/public int getValue(int paraRow, int paraColumn) {return data[paraRow][paraColumn];}// Of getValue/*** ********************** @Title: add* @Description: TODO(Add another matrix to me.)** @param paraMatrix The other matrix.***********************/public void add(IntMatrix paraMatrix) throws Exception {// Step 1.Get the data of the given matrix.int[][] tempData = paraMatrix.getData();// Step 2.Size check.if (data.length != tempData.length) {throw new Exception("Cannot add matrices. Row not match: " + data.length + " vs. " + tempData.length);} // Of ifif (data[0].length != tempData[0].length) {throw new Exception("Cannot add matrices. Column not match: " + data[0].length + " vs. " + tempData[0].length);} // Of if// Step 3.Add to me.for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++) {data[i][j] += tempData[i][j];} // Of for j} // Of for i}// Of add/*** ********************** @Title: add* @Description: TODO(Add two existing matrices.)** @param paraMatrix1 The first matrix.* @param paraMatrix2 The second matrix.* @return A new matrix.***********************/public static IntMatrix add(IntMatrix paraMatrix1, IntMatrix paraMatrix2) throws Exception {// Step 1.Clone the first matrix.IntMatrix resultMatrix = new IntMatrix(paraMatrix1);// Step 2.Add the second one.resultMatrix.add(paraMatrix2);return resultMatrix;}// Of add/*** ********************** @Title: multiply* @Description: TODO(Multiply two existing matrices)** @param paraMatrix1 The first matrix.* @param paraMatrix2 The second matrix.* @return* @throws Exception***********************/public static IntMatrix multiply(IntMatrix paraMatrix1, IntMatrix paraMatrix2) throws Exception {// Step 1.Check size.int[][] tempData1 = paraMatrix1.getData();int[][] tempData2 = paraMatrix1.getData();if (tempData1[0].length != tempData2.length) {throw new Exception("Canot multiply matrices: " + tempData1[0].length + " vs. " + tempData2.length + ".");} // Of if// Step 2.Allocate space.int[][] resultData = new int[tempData1.length][tempData2[0].length];// Step 3.Multiplyfor (int i = 0; i < tempData1.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < tempData2[0].length; j++) {for (int k = 0; k < tempData1[0].length; k++) {resultData[i][j] += tempData1[i][k] * tempData2[k][j];} // Of for k} // Of for j} // Of for iIntMatrix resultIntMatrix = new IntMatrix(resultData);return resultIntMatrix;}// Of multiply/*** ********************** @Title: main* @Description: TODO(The entrance of the program)** @param args Not used now***********************/public static void main(String args[]) {IntMatrix tempMatrix1 = new IntMatrix(3, 3);tempMatrix1.setValue(0, 1, 1);tempMatrix1.setValue(1, 0, 1);tempMatrix1.setValue(1, 2, 1);tempMatrix1.setValue(2, 1, 1);System.out.println("The original matrix is: " + tempMatrix1);IntMatrix tempMatrix2 = null;try {tempMatrix2 = IntMatrix.multiply(tempMatrix1, tempMatrix1);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e);} // Of trySystem.out.println("The square matrix is: " + tempMatrix2);IntMatrix tempMatrix3 = new IntMatrix(tempMatrix2);try {tempMatrix3.add(tempMatrix1);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e);} // Of trySystem.out.println("The connectivity matrix is: " + tempMatrix3);IntMatrix tempMatrix4 = new IntMatrix(3, 2);try {tempMatrix2 = IntMatrix.add(tempMatrix1, tempMatrix4);System.out.println("The square matrix is: " + tempMatrix2);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e);} // Of try}// Of main
}// Of class IntMatrix



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