
The Excel SUM function does a great job of adding numbers on a worksheet, and it's probably the first Excel function that you learned about. But SUM might not be the best function to use in all situations where you need a total.

Excel SUM函数在将数字添加到工作表上做得很好,它可能是您所了解的第一个Excel函数。 但是,SUM可能不是在需要总计的所有情况下使用的最佳功能。

The SUM function doesn't do such a great job if you've hidden some of the rows with a filter, or with the Hide Rows command. Even though some of the numbers are hidden, they're still included in the total.

如果您已使用过滤器或“隐藏行”命令隐藏了某些行,则SUM函数的作用不那么出色。 即使某些数字被隐藏,它们仍然包含在总数中。

忽略过滤后的数字 (Ignore Filtered Numbers)

With the SUBTOTAL function, you can solve that problem, and only sum the visible numbers. There are a couple of quirks with SUBTOTAL though, including one strange thing that I hadn't noticed before.

使用SUBTOTAL函数 ,您可以解决该问题,而仅对可见数字求和。 尽管有一些关于SUBTOTAL的怪癖,包括我之前没有注意到的一件奇怪的事情。

After you filter the rows in a list, use the AutoSum button on the Excel Ribbon's Home tab, to insert a sum function.


If the table has a filter applied, the SUBTOTAL function will be automatically inserted, instead of the SUM function.


When numbers are hidden with the filter, the SUBTOTAL function sums only the numbers in the visible rows.


隐藏行 (Hiding Rows)

If you hide rows by using the Hide Row command, those amounts might be included in the total, even if you use the SUBTOTAL function. In the screen shot below, row 3 is hidden, but the SUM and SUBTOTAL functions both show a total of 40.

如果使用“隐藏行”命令隐藏行,则即使使用SUBTOTAL函数,这些金额也可能包含在总计中。 在下面的屏幕快照中,第3行是隐藏的,但是SUM和SUBTOTAL函数两者总共显示40。

The first argument in the SUBTOTAL function specifies which function should be used. As you can see in the list before, there are 11 functions, listed in alphabetical order, starting with 1-AVERAGE.

SUBTOTAL函数中的第一个参数指定应使用哪个函数。 从前面的列表中可以看到,有11个函数按字母顺序列出,从1-AVERAGE开始。

In Excel 2003, and later versions, the same set of functions is repeated, starting with 101 – AVERAGE.

在Excel 2003和更高版本中,将从101 – AVERAGE开始重复相同的功能集。

If you use the arguments in the 100s, neither filtered rows nor manually hidden rows are included in the result.


In the example where row 3 has been manually hidden, if the first argument is changed from 9 to 109, the manually hidden amounts are not included in the SUBTOTAL result. In cell E7, the result is 30, because the 109 argument has been used.

在第3行已手动隐藏的示例中,如果将第一个参数从9更改为109,则SUBTOTAL结果中将不包含手动隐藏的金额。 在单元格E7中,结果为30,因为已使用109参数。

小计古怪 (SUBTOTAL Quirks)

In the example below, there is a filter applied, to hide the Pen Sets item. Then, row 4 was manually hidden. In theory, the SUBTOTAL(9 and SUBTOTAL(109 should return different results.

在下面的示例中,应用了一个过滤器以隐藏“笔设置”项。 然后,手动隐藏了第4行。 从理论上讲,SUBTOTAL(9和SUBTOTAL(109)应该返回不同的结果。

In this case, the SUBTOTAL functions in columns D and E both return the same result. Even though one row has been manually hidden, the SUBTOTAL function in D7 recognizes it as a filtered row, because it is hidden in a filtered list.

在这种情况下,列D和E中的SUBTOTAL函数都返回相同的结果。 即使已手动隐藏了一行,D7中的SUBTOTAL函数也将其识别为已过滤的行,因为它已隐藏在已过滤的列表中。

Another "feature" of filtered lists is that if you manually hide rows, they can be automatically unhidden, if you clear the filter. Excel doesn't seem to distinguish between the two types of non-visible rows.

过滤列表的另一个“功能”是,如果您手动隐藏行,那么如果您清除过滤器,则可以自动取消隐藏它们。 Excel似乎无法区分这两种类型的不可见行。

The final quirk, that I just discovered, is that a table below the filtered list is also affected by the filter status. In this example, the upper list is filtered, and a row is manually hidden in the table below.

我刚刚发现的最后一个古怪之处是,过滤列表下方的表格也会受到过滤状态的影响。 在此示例中,上面的列表被过滤,并且在下表中手动隐藏了一行。

However, the SUBTOTAL(9 formula treats that hidden row as filtered, and doesn't include it in the result. Strange!


包含隐藏的列 (Hidden Columns Are Included)

Remember that only the Hide Rows command affects the SUBTOTAL result, not the Hide Columns command. Cells hidden with the Hide Columns command are included in the result, as Dick Kusleika mentioned in the comments in his Determine If Cell is Hidden in VBA blog post.

请记住,只有“隐藏行”命令会影响SUBTOTAL结果,而不会影响“隐藏列”命令。 结果中包括了用“隐藏列”命令隐藏的单元格,正如Dick Kusleika 在VBA博客文章的“ 确定是否隐藏单元格”中的评论中提到的那样。

其他小计赔率 (Other SUBTOTAL Oddities)

Have you encountered any other SUBTOTAL oddities and quirks? _______________

您是否遇到过其他小计的古怪和怪癖? _______________




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