Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

The Apple Photos app allows you to hide some photos and videos, but they’re still accessible in the “Hidden” photos section under the “Albums” tab. Fortunately, there’s a way you can completely hide photos on your iPhone or iPad.

Apple Photos应用程序允许您隐藏一些照片和视频 ,但仍可以在“相册”选项卡下的“隐藏”照片部分中访问它们。 幸运的是,有一种方法可以完全隐藏iPhone或iPad上的照片。

Apple’s hidden photos method isn’t foolproof. Anyone can go to the “Albums” tab and find the “Hidden” section under “Utilities.”

苹果的隐藏照片方法并非万无一失。 任何人都可以转到“相册”标签,然后在“实用程序”下找到“隐藏”部分。

Starting with iOS 14 and iPadOS 14, though, Apple allows you to hide the “Hidden” album, as well.

从iOS 14和iPadOS 14开始,Apple也允许您隐藏“ Hidden”专辑。

This can be done in the Settings app. To get started, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad and tap “Photos.”

这可以在“设置”应用中完成。 首先,请在iPhone或iPad上打开“设置”应用,然后点击“照片”。

Scroll down and toggle-Off the “Hidden Album” option to disable this feature.


Now, when you tap the “Albums” tab in the “Photos” app, you’ll find that the “Hidden” album has disappeared.


Want to learn more about the Photos app? Check out these tips for editing photos right on your phone!

想更多地了解“照片”应用? 查看这些技巧, 以在手机上直接编辑照片 !



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