audible 有声书

If you’ve ever tried to buy a book from the Kindle or Audible app on your iPhone or iPad, you might have been surprised that there’s no store in the app. Instead, you have to go to Amazon’s website, buy the book, and send it to your app.

如果您曾经尝试从iPhone或iPad上的Kindle或Audible应用程序购买书籍,那么您可能会对应用程序中没有商店感到惊讶。 相反,您必须去亚马逊的网站,买书,然后将其发送到您的应用程序。

Why doesn’t the Kindle app have a built-in way to buy books? In a word: money. Apple takes a 30% cut of all digital goods sold through iOS. This covers stuff like apps and songs, but it also includes things like eBooks sold through third-party apps. If Amazon included a Kindle store in the Kindle app—or even in their Amazon shopping app—then they’d have to pay Apple 30% of the price of every purchase. Some companies, like Google, get around this by charging people who buy things through an iOS app 30% more, but that’s not Amazon’s way.

为何Kindle应用程序没有内置的购买书的方式? 一言以蔽之:金钱。 苹果从iOS出售的所有数字商品中削减了30%。 其中涵盖了应用和歌曲之类的内容,但也包括通过第三方应用出售的电子书之类的内容。 如果亚马逊在Kindle应用程序中甚至在其亚马逊购物应用程序中包括Kindle商店,那么他们就必须向Apple支付每次购买价格的30%。 像Google这样的一些公司通过向通过iOS应用购买商品的人收取30%以上的费用来解决这个问题,但这不是亚马逊的方式。

如何在iPhone或iPad上购买Kindle书 (How to Buy a Kindle Book On Your iPhone or iPad)

To buy a Kindle book on your iPhone or iPad, you have to exit the app and head to Amazon’s website in your mobile browser. After signing in, click the “Departments” link, and then head to the Kindle Store. You can also go straight to

要在iPhone或iPad上购买Kindle电子书,您必须退出该应用程序,然后使用移动浏览器访问Amazon的网站 。 登录后,单击“部门”链接,然后前往Kindle商店。 您也可以直接转到 。

Now you can browse the best selling Kindle books or use the search bar at the top of the screen to find the specific book you’re looking for.


Find the eBook you want. I’ve gone with Good Intentions: A Supervillain Story, a novel by How-To Geek’s own Michael Crider.

查找所需的电子书。 我走过《 善意:一个超级坏蛋的故事》 ,这是How-To Geek自己的Michael Crider的小说。

If you’ve got more than one Kindle device or app, tap the “Deliver To” option, and then select the iPhone or iPad to which you want the book sent. And don’t worry—that selection is just where the book gets automatically sent. You can sign into any other Kindle device or app tied to the same account and download the book there, too.

如果您有多个Kindle设备或应用程序,请点击“发送至”选项,然后选择要将书发送至的iPhone或iPad。 不用担心-选择就是自动发送书籍的地方。 您可以登录与该帐户绑定的任何其他Kindle设备或应用程序,也可以在那里下载该书。

Next, tap the “Buy Now With One Click” button. If you aren’t already signed in, you’ll be prompted to sign in now.

接下来,点击“一键购买”。 如果您尚未登录,则系统会提示您立即登录。

And just like that, you’ve purchased a Kindle book on your iPhone or iPad. Head to the Kindle app and it should show up in your library automatically.

就像这样,您已经在iPhone或iPad上购买了Kindle书。 转到Kindle应用程序,它会自动显示在您的书架中。

如何在iPhone或iPad上购买有声读物 (How to Buy an Audible Book On Your iPhone or iPad)

With the Audible app, things are marginally better. You can use the Discover tab to browse audiobooks, and then add them to your Audible wishlist. You still can’t buy them in the app though.

使用Audible应用程序,情况会略有改善。 您可以使用“发现”选项卡浏览有声读物,然后将它们添加到“有声愿望”中。 不过,您仍然无法在应用程序中购买它们。

To buy an Audible audiobook on your iPhone or iPad, you need to once again use your mobile browser. Head to and find the book you’re looking for. I’ve gone with Terry Pratchett’s absolute classic, Thud!

要在iPhone或iPad上购买有声读物,您需要再次使用移动浏览器。 前往Audible.com并找到您想要的书。 我喜欢特里·普拉切特(Terry Pratchett)的经典作品《 Thud》!

Scroll down and then choose either the “Buy Now with 1 Credit” option (if you have credits) or the “Buy Now for” option to pay whatever the audiobook costs. Tap “Confirm Purchase” and the book is added to your Audible library.

向下滚动,然后选择“以1个学分购买立即购买”选项(如果有学分)或“现在购买”供选择以支付有声读物的费用。 点击“确认购买”,该书即被添加到您的Audible图书馆中。

Apple blocking Amazon from selling eBooks through their apps—at least without Apple taking 30%—is a pain for Kindle fans, but at least the work around is simple: just use your browser.



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