nova launcher

Not every app deserves a spot in your app drawer. Maybe there are some built-in apps you don’t use, or a few you don’t want others to see. Here’s how to hide apps from your app drawer with Nova Launcher.

并非每个应用程序都应在应用程序抽屉中占据一席之地。 也许有些内置应用程序您不使用,或者有些您不希望其他人看到。 这是使用Nova Launcher从应用程序抽屉中隐藏应用程序的方法。

Of course, you can always uninstall apps you don’t want–even if they’re “uninstallable” bloatware. This is more for apps you use in the background, or want on your phone, but don’t want to see cluttering up your list of icons.

当然,您始终可以卸载不需要的应用程序,即使它们是“可卸载的” bloatware 。 这对于您在后台使用或想要在手机上使用但不想看到混乱的图标列表的应用程序更为有用。

如何在Nova Launcher中隐藏应用 (How to Hide Apps In Nova Launcher)

If you already have Nova Launcher installed and set up, hiding apps in the drawer is incredibly simple. Note that you’ll need Nova Launcher Prime ($4.99) for this feature. This will only hide apps in the drawer, so you can still put the app on your home screen before hiding it in the drawer and quickly launch it from there if you want.

如果您已经安装并设置了Nova Launcher,则将应用程序隐藏在抽屉中非常简单。 请注意,您需要使用Nova Launcher Prime ($ 4.99)才能使用此功能。 这只会在抽屉里隐藏的应用程序,所以你仍然可以把应用程序的主屏幕上隐藏它放在抽屉前,并Swift从那里启动它,如果你想要的。

First, jump into Nova’s settings menu, by either long-pressing on the home screen and selecting the “Settings” icon in the bottom right, or heading into the app drawer and tapping the “Nova Settings” icon.

首先,通过长按主屏幕并选择右下角的“设置”图标,或进入应用程序抽屉并点击“ Nova设置”图标,进入Nova的设置菜单。

From there, tap the second entry in the menu—”App & widget drawers.”

在此处,点击菜单中的第二个条目“ App&小部件抽屉”。

There are several options here, but you’re going to want to scroll all the way to the bottom. In the “Drawer groups” section, select the “Hide apps” option.

这里有几个选项,但是您将要一直滚动到底部。 在“抽屉组”部分中,选择“隐藏应用程序”选项。

Then, select all the apps that you’d like to hide by ticking the check box next to the app’s name.


Once you’ve finished selecting all the apps you’d like to hide, either back out of this menu with the arrow in the upper left, or just hit the home button to go back to the home screen.


You’re done—all the selected apps will no longer be visible in the app drawer.


隐藏应用程序后如何访问 (How to Access Apps Once They’re Hidden)

If you don’t have the app icon on any of you home screens, then you’re probably wondering what to do if you need to access it. You could jump back into the above menu and unhide the app, but that’s cumbersome. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to launch an app once it’s been hidden.

如果您的任何主屏幕上都没有该应用程序图标,那么您可能想知道如果需要访问该怎么办。 您可以跳回到上面的菜单并取消隐藏应用程序,但这很麻烦。 幸运的是,有一种方法可以在隐藏应用程序后启动它。

从搜索栏中访问隐藏的应用 (Access a Hidden App from the Search Bar)

If you’re using the Android Marshmallow-style app drawer in Nova, pulling down while in the drawer will launch the search bar and “Recently install or updated” app menu. Even though the app icon isn’t shown in the drawer, you can search for the app and launch it that way. Easy peasy.

如果您在Nova中使用的是Android Marshmallow风格的应用程序抽屉,则在抽屉中向下拉的同时将启动搜索栏和“最近安装或更新”应用程序菜单。 即使抽屉中未显示该应用程序图标,您也可以搜索该应用程序并以这种方式启动它。 十分简单。

一次访问所有隐藏的应用程序 (Access All Your Hidden Apps at Once)

If you’d prefer a way to show all your hidden apps, there’s also a quick and painless way to do that—but you’ll need to enable Nova’s tabbed app drawer interface first.


To do this, jump back into Nova’s Settings menu, then tap the “App & widget drawers” option again.


Scroll about three-quarters of the way down the menu, till you see the “Tab bar” section. Enable the Tab bar by sliding the toggle to the right. It turns orange when it’s activated; gray when it’s not.

向下滚动菜单四分之三,直到看到“制表符栏”部分。 通过将切换开关向右滑动来启用选项卡栏。 激活后变为橙色; 灰色不是。

You can also change the Tab Style here using the entry just below the Tab Bar option—the default should be “Colorblock,” but I generally opt to swap that to “Material,” just because it looks cleaner and more minimal.

您还可以在此处使用“标签栏”选项正下方的条目更改“标签样式”,默认值应为“ Colorblock”,但我通常选择将其替换为“ Material”,因为它看起来更干净,更小。

Once the Tab Bar has been enabled, you can exit this menu and head back to the home screen.


Back in the app drawer, you’ll notice a new feature at the top: a tab that should read “Apps.” If you long-press this tab, a small menu will appear with two options: “Show hidden apps” and “edit.”

回到应用程序抽屉中,您会在顶部注意到一个新功能:应显示“应用程序”的标签。 如果长按此选项卡,将出现一个带有两个选项的小菜单:“显示隐藏的应用程序”和“编辑”。

Toggle the “Show hidden apps” option to instantly make your hidden apps visible. A small asterisk will appear next to the word “Apps” to denote that hidden apps are currently being shown.

切换“显示隐藏的应用程序”选项可立即显示隐藏的应用程序。 “应用程序”一词旁边会出现一个小星号,表示当前正在显示隐藏的应用程序。

Repeat the same process to hide your apps again, this time unticking the check box.


It’s worth mentioning that this shouldn’t be used as a method of security. There are still very simple ways to access hidden apps (not limited to the methods mentioned here), so this isn’t really a proper solution to keeping private data safe. But it’s a great way to reduce clutter or hide icons you don’t want to see.

值得一提的是,不应将其用作安全方法。 仍然有非常简单的方法来访问隐藏的应用程序(不限于此处提到的方法),因此,这并不是确保私有数据安全的正确解决方案。 但这是减少混乱或隐藏您不想看到的图标的好方法。


nova launcher

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