nova launcher

One of the beautiful things about Android is choice. If you don’t like the stock configuration of the handset you’re using, it’s simple to change most things out—there are plenty of choices on the Play Store for alternative SMS apps, cameras, and calendars, for example. Of all the options out there, however, changing the launcher arguably makes the biggest impact on overall user experience.

关于Android的美丽之处之一就是选择 。 如果您不喜欢所用手机的库存配置,则可以轻松更改大多数内容,例如,在Play商店中有很多选择,可以替代SMS应用程序,相机和日历。 但是,在所有选项中, 更改发射器无疑会对整体用户体验产生最大影响。

定制发射器的优势 (The Advantage of Custom Launchers)

The launcher—which manages your home screen and app drawer—has come a long way since the early days of Android, and has transitioned from a basic home screen into a sort of dashboard for the entire Android experience. While many of the popular manufacturers—like Samsung, LG, and HTC—include very robust launchers on their handsets, they can also be very resource-heavy, and sometimes even sluggish. The quickest and easiest way to have a better (and more stock-like) Android experience if the manufacturer’s launcher is giving you issues is with a custom launcher.

自Android诞生以来,用于管理您的主屏幕和应用程序抽屉的启动器已经走了很长一段路,并且已经从基本主屏幕过渡到了整个Android体验的仪表板。 虽然许多受欢迎的制造商(例如三星,LG和HTC)在其手机中都包含非常强大的启动器,但它们也可能占用大量资源,有时甚至呆滞。 如果制造商的启动器给您带来问题,则最快,最简单的方式来获得更好(和更多库存)的Android体验是使用自定义启动器。

Nova Launcher is generally considered to not only be the most feature-rich of all the custom launchers out there, but also the fastest. Not only that, but it gives you the ability to tweak almost everything about the home screen experience. That makes Nova the perfect launcher for everyone–from the novice user looking to get a little more pep out of their handset to the most advanced tweakers.

通常,Nova Launcher不仅是所有自定义启动器中功能最丰富的,而且是最快的。 不仅如此,它还使您能够调整有关主屏幕体验的几乎所有内容。 这使得Nova成为所有人的理想启动器-从希望从手机中获得更多点子的新手用户到最先进的调节器。

Nova Launcher与Nova Prime (Nova Launcher vs. Nova Prime)

There are two different versions of Nova Launcher available: free and Prime (which is $4.99). While the free version is good for simply replacing your current launcher, Nova Prime unlocks the full potential the launcher has to offer, with a handful of features that aren’t available in the free version:

有两种不同版本的Nova Launcher: 免费和Prime (4.99美元)。 免费版本虽然可以简单地替换您当前的启动器,但Nova Prime可以释放启动器所具有的全部潜力,其中包括免费版本中不具备的一些功能:

  • Gestures: Execute certain commands or other actions with a simple swipe or pinch.


  • Unread Counts (requires the TeslaUnread Plugin): See how many pending emails, SMS messages, Facebook notifications, and more you have waiting.

    未读计数 (需要TeslaUnread插件 ):查看有多少未决电子邮件,SMS消息,Facebook通知以及更多等待中。

  • Custom drawer groups: Folders or tabs within the app drawer.


  • Hidden apps: The ability to prevent apps from showing up in the app tray. Great for passive apps that run in the background and are never launched directly.

    隐藏的应用程序:阻止应用程序显示在应用程序托盘中的功能。 非常适合在后台运行且永远不会直接启动的被动应用程序。

  • Icon swiping: Execute specific commands by swiping on an app icon rather than tapping it.


  • More scroll effects: Different transitions between homescreen pages.


The free version of Nova Launcher is great for getting your feet wet and seeing what Nova is all about without spending any money. Once you’re ready to jump into advanced functionality, however, the Prime version is the best option.

免费版本的Nova Launcher非常适合使您的脚湿润,无需花任何钱就能了解Nova的全部功能。 一旦您准备好进入高级功能,Prime版本就是最佳选择。

如何安装和设置Nova Launcher (How to Install and Set Up Nova Launcher)

Installing Nova is the easy part: just head over to the Play Store and search for “Nova Launcher” (or click here to go directly to the free version in your browser or on your phone). Hit the install button to start the download and automatic installation.

安装Nova很容易:只需前往Play商店并搜索“ Nova Launcher”(或单击此处直接在浏览器或手机上转到免费版本)。 点击安装按钮开始下载和自动安装。

Once it’s installed, a tap of the home button will present the option to launch Nova or the current stock launcher. The option to execute this action only once or every time the home button is pressed will also be present, so keep in mind that if you choose “always” this will make Nova the default launcher. That’s an easy change to undo, however, so don’t worry if you accidentally select “always.”

安装完成后,点击主页按钮将显示启动Nova或当前库存启动器的选项。 也将显示仅执行一次或每次按下主页按钮一次的操作的选项,因此请记住,如果您选择“始终”,则将Nova设为默认启动器。 这是撤消的简单更改 ,因此,如果您不小心选择了“ always”(永远),请不要担心。

Once Nova is up and running, you can either start over from scratch or import settings from another launcher. In this case, I’ll be importing the settings from Google Now Launcher.

Nova启动并运行后,您可以从头开始,也可以从另一个启动器导入设置。 在这种情况下,我将从Google即时启动器中导入设置。

Open the app drawer and click the “Nova Settings” icon along the top, then select “Backup & Import Settings from the list.


Tap the “Import” button. Nova will provide a warning that importing from another launcher will erase Nova’s layout and make sure you want to move forward with the import. Tap “OK”.

点击“导入”按钮。 Nova将提供警告,提示从另一个启动器导入将删除Nova的布局,并确保您要继续进行导入。 点击“确定”。

From there, you can select the launcher you want to import from (very useful if you have more than one launcher installed), and the import will begin.


It’s worth noting that Nova can’t automatically create widgets because of a limitation in Android, but placeholders will be built where your widgets were, so once the import is finished you can just tap on the widget and allow Nova to create it from there. Rooted users can try the Root Helper option as shown above, which will attempt to read widget information from the other launcher and build it from there, but it doesn’t always work. In that case, it will default to the placeholder widget.

值得注意的是,由于Android的限制,Nova无法自动创建窗口小部件,但是将在窗口小部件所在的位置构建占位符,因此,导入完成后,您只需点击窗口小部件并允许Nova从那里创建它即可。 拥有权限的用户可以尝试使用如上所示的“ Root Helper”选项,该选项将尝试从另一个启动器读取窗口小部件信息并从那里启动它,但是它并不总是有效。 在这种情况下,它将默认为占位符小部件。

Once everything has been imported, you’re free to try out all of Nova’s features without the hassle of setting up a new launcher. Easy peasy.

导入所有内容后,您就可以随意试用Nova的所有功能,而无需设置新的启动器。 十分简单。


nova launcher

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