Are you looking for a nice way to create and display a slide show from your photo collection? Today we’ll show you how to create a slide show, how to add music to it, and watch it from the comfort of your couch in Windows 7 Media Center.

您是否正在寻找一种从照片集中创建和显示幻灯片的好方法? 今天,我们将向您展示如何创建幻灯片放映,如何向其中添加音乐以及如何在Windows 7 Media Center的舒适沙发上观看。

Create Slide Show


Launch Windows 7 Media Center and click on the Picture Library tile found under Pictures and Videos.

启动Windows 7 Media Center,然后单击“ 图片和视频”下的“ 图片库”图块。

In the Pictures Library, scroll across to slide shows and click on Create Slide show.

在图片库中,滚动查看幻灯片 ,然后单击创建幻灯片。

Enter a name for the slide show and click Next.

输入幻灯片的名称,然后单击“ 下一步”。

If you are using a Windows Media Center remote, click on the OK button to bring up the onscreen keyboard. Use the directional buttons to navigate across the keyboard and press OK to select each letter. Click Done when finished.

如果您使用的是Windows Media Center遥控器,请单击“ 确定”按钮以调出屏幕键盘。 使用方向按钮在键盘上导航,然后按OK选择每个字母。 完成后,单击完成

Select Picture Library and click Next.

选择图片库 ,然后单击下一步。

Select the pictures to include in your slide show. If using a remote, navigate through the images and press OK to select. If you are using a mouse, simply click on the selections. When you are finished, click Next.

选择要包含在幻灯片中的图片。 如果使用遥控器,请浏览图像,然后按OK进行选择。 如果您使用鼠标,只需单击选择。 完成后,单击“ 下一步”。

Now, we can review and edit the slide show. Click the up or down pointing arrows to move pictures up and down in the order.  (more intuitive titles would be helpful in this case as opposed to the randomly generated titles in the example below)

现在,我们可以查看和编辑幻灯片。 单击向上或向下箭头,以按顺序向上或向下移动图片。 (与下面示例中随机生成的标题不同,在这种情况下,更直观的标题会有所帮助)

If you are finished, click Create. You can also choose to go back and add music to your slide show. (or even more pictures) We’ll take a look at adding some music in our example. Click on the Add More button.

如果完成,请单击创建。 您还可以选择返回并向幻灯片中添加音乐。 (甚至更多图片)我们将在示例中介绍添加一些音乐。 单击添加更多按钮。

Add Music to Your Slide Show


Here we’ll select Music Library to add a song. Click Next.

在这里,我们将选择音乐库来添加歌曲。 单击下一步。

You’ll now be able to browse your Music Library to select songs for your slide show.


Select your songs and click Next.


When you are finished adding Music and Pictures click Create.


Once your slide show is saved, you can play it any time by going to clicking on slide shows in the Picture Library, then selecting the slide show title.


Select play slide show when you’re ready to enjoy your new production.


If you ever want to edit or delete the slide show, select it in the Picture Library, and scroll to Actions. You’ll see those option under additional commands. You have the option to Edit Slide Show, Burn a CD/DVD, or Delete.

如果要编辑或删除幻灯片,请在图片库中选择它,然后滚动到“动作”。 您会在其他命令下看到这些选项 您可以选择编辑幻灯片,刻录CD / DVD删除。

Editing Slide Show Settings


Within Media Center, go to Tasks

在Media Center中,转到“ 任务 …”。

Click on Pictures


Then choose Slide Shows.


From the Slide Show settings you have the option to Show pictures in random order, Show picture information, Show song information, and Use Pan and zoom effect. You can also adjust the length of time to display each picture, and change the background color.

在幻灯片放映设置中,您可以选择以随机顺序 显示图片显示图片信息显示歌曲信息以及使用平移和缩放效果。 您还可以调整显示每张图片的时间长度,并更改背景颜色。

Be sure to click Save to apply and changes before exiting.

退出之前,请务必单击“ 保存”以应用和更改。

If you choose to show picture information, the picture title, date, and star rating will be displayed in the top right.


If your slide show is accompanied by music and you choose to show song information, you will get a translucent overlay for a few seconds at the beginning of each song to indicate the song, album, and artist.


One of the really cool things about creating a slide show in Windows 7 Media Center is you can complete the entire process using just a Media Center remote.

在Windows 7 Media Center中创建幻灯片的真正有趣的事情之一就是您可以仅使用Media Center遥控器完成整个过程。

Can’t get enough slide shows? Check out how to turn your desktop into a picture slide show in Windows 7.

无法获得足够的幻灯片放映? 了解如何在Windows 7中将桌面变成图片幻灯片放映 。


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