Even if your computer doesn’t have a TV tuner card, you can still watch broadcast television programming with Media Center in Windows 7. Today we take a look at some of the features and how to get started.

即使您的计算机没有电视调谐器卡,您仍然可以使用Windows 7中的Media Center观看广播电视节目。今天,我们来看看其中的一些功能以及入门方法。

Earlier this week in another Learning Windows 7 post, we showed you how to set up live TV in Windows Media Center (WMC). Not everyone has a TV tuner card and maybe can’t install one…in a laptop or netbook for example.

本周早些时候,在另一篇学习Windows 7的文章中,我们向您展示了如何在Windows Media Center(WMC)中设置直播电视。 并非每个人都有电视调谐器卡,也许不能在笔记本电脑或上网本中安装电视调谐器卡。

Update: This feature may not be available in all countries. Users who are in the UK should be able to use Sky Player which integrates into WMC. If you’re in the US and don’t see this option, make sure you have all of the latest updates for WMC.

更新:并非在所有国家/地区都提供此功能。 在英国的用户应该能够使用集成到WMC中的Sky Player 。 如果您在美国并且看不到此选项,请确保拥有WMC的所有最新更新。

Internet TV


Open up WMC and scroll down to TV then over to Internet TV.

打开WMC并向下滚动到TV,然后翻到Internet TV。

In the next screen, check that you accept the Terms of Service and click on Install.


The installation process begins…


Now you can begin browsing through the available programming, which varies from classics to the latest editions of your favorite news, Showtime and CBS shows.


Browse through Golden Globe winning shows and also Netflix (which requires a subscription).

浏览金球奖获奖节目以及Netflix (需要订阅)。

Get the latest news and current events type programming such as 60 minutes and nightly news broadcasts.


CBS Classic is always a lot of fun too for checking out the old school shows.

CBS Classic总是很有趣,可以查看旧的学校节目。

Click on an episode to find out what it is about and its length…


If it’s your first time watching a show you may nee to install the latest version of Adobe Flash.

如果这是您第一次观看电视节目,则可能需要安装最新版本的Adobe Flash。

Now you can sit back and watch some of your favorite programming.


If you’re a fan of Desktop Gadgets, you can use the WMC one to scroll through shows from the gadget and launch them in WMC.




If you’re looking to watch TV on your computer, this is yet another way of quite a few methods, including several online options such as Hulu. This method is quick to setup and allows you to watch some limited programming on demand with WMC in Windows 7. Not all programs are full episodes, but does include clips from several of them. In the future we’ll be taking a look at some other types of Internet TV and video streaming options you can incorporate into WMC.

如果您想在计算机上看电视,则这是许多方法的另一种方式,其中包括Hulu之类的几种在线选项。 此方法可以快速设置,并允许您使用Windows 7中的WMC观看点播的有限节目。并非所有节目都是完整的剧集,但确实包含其中几个片段。 将来,我们将研究可以合并到WMC中的其他一些类型的Internet电视和视频流选项。

You might also want to check out Learning Windows 7: Setup Live TV in Windows Media Center

您可能还想看看Windows Media Center中的“学习Windows 7:设置直播电视”

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9376/learning-windows-7-watch-tv-programming-without-a-tv-tuner/

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