
Whether you no longer have the HomeKit accessory in question or simply need to remove a phantom entry in your HomeKit home, it’s simple to do so—if you know where to look. Let’s remove a HomeKit device now and guide you through the process.

无论您不再有问题的HomeKit配件,还是只需要删除HomeKit家居中的幻像条目,只要知道要看的位置,操作就很简单。 现在让我们删除HomeKit设备,并指导您完成整个过程。

In our case, we were having an issue with our Schlage Sense smart lock and decided to simply factory reset it before adding it back to our HomeKit home. After doing so successfully, we realized that we hadn’t removed the old entry from HomeKit, and now we had two smart locks installed—one that worked great and one that HomeKit kept complaining about. While you may find yourself in the same situation, you may also simply want to remove a device altogether because you no longer use it, got rid of it, or any number of reasons.

在我们的案例中,我们的Schlage Sense智能锁出现了问题,决定在将其重新添加到HomeKit家庭之前先对其进行出厂重置。 成功完成此操作后,我们意识到我们没有从HomeKit中删除旧条目,现在我们安装了两个智能锁,一个很好用,另一个却一直在抱怨HomeKit。 尽管您可能会遇到相同的情况,但您可能只是想完全删除设备,因为您不再使用它,放弃它或出于多种原因。

To do so, open up the Home app on any iOS device that belongs to the HomeKit administrator (the HomeKit administrator is the person whose iCloud account was used to setup the HomeKit system). Select the entry in the bottom navigation bar for “Rooms”.

为此,请在属于HomeKit管理员的任何iOS设备上打开Home应用程序(HomeKit管理员是使用其iCloud帐户设置HomeKit系统的人员)。 在底部导航栏中为“房间”选择条目。

The device we want to remove is actually right on our main screen under the “Favorite Accessories” category, but it won’t be front and center for everyone so we’ll drill one layer deeper in the menu. Within the “Rooms” menu, swipe left or right until you locate the room where the device is. If you never assigned the device to a room it will be, as our smart lock is, located in the “Default Room” panel.

我们要删除的设备实际上位于我们的主屏幕上的“收藏夹附件”类别下,但对于所有人而言,它并不是最重要的,因此我们将在菜单中更深一层地钻取。 在“房间”菜单中,向左或向右滑动,直到找到设备所在的房间。 如果您从未将设备分配到某个房间,那么它将像我们的智能锁一样位于“默认房间”面板中。

Press and hold the entry for the device you wish to remove from your HomeKit home. Doing so will pull up a more detailed entry for the device.

按住要从HomeKit主页中删除的设备的条目。 这样做将为该设备提取更详细的条目。

There you’ll find additional information about the given device such as “Firmware update needed”, the general status of the device (on, off), and, of course, if you’re trying to remove an erroneous or missing entry like we are, you’ll see “No Response” because the accessory in question doesn’t exist.


Click on the “Details” button at the bottom to drill down one more layer in the details view.


Scroll down to the bottom of the detailed view and select “Remove Accessory”.


Confirm you wish to remove it by tapping “Remove” in the pop-up dialog.


That’s it! After digging down (perhaps a layer or two farther than you’d expect), we’ve successfully removed a HomeKit item. If your HomeKit woes run a bit deeper than simply removing a single item and you need to either reset one or more items (or wipe your entire HomeKit configuration to start fresh), do take a moment to check out our detailed tutorial on the matter.

而已! 深入挖掘后(也许比您预期的要远一两层),我们已经成功删除了HomeKit项目。 如果您的HomeKit困境要比简单地删除单个项目深得多,并且您需要重置一个或多个项目(或擦除整个HomeKit配置以重新开始),请花点时间查看有关此问题的详细教程 。



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