
It's common to want to remove the background of a photo and just keep the subject. The subject of the photo can then be placed on an entirely different background. This guide will show how to erase the background of a photo using Photoshop CC. With the newest version of Photoshop CC, removing backgrounds is easier than ever!

想要删除照片的背景并保持主题不变是很常见的。 然后可以将照片的主题放置在完全不同的背景上。 本指南将说明如何使用Photoshop CC擦除照片的背景。 使用最新版本的Photoshop CC,删除背景比以往更加轻松!

First, make sure Photoshop is the correct tool for the job. If you just want to remove a background quickly, that can be done simply without Photoshop using one of these websites:

首先,请确保Photoshop是执行此任务的正确工具。 如果您只想快速删除背景,则无需使用以下网站之一的Photoshop即可轻松完成操作:




Here are the steps to remove a background with Photoshop.


步骤1:在Photoshop中打开图像。 (Step 1: Open your image in Photoshop.)

Open the image. If you have multiple layers, make sure the layer is selected that contains the background you want to remove.

打开图像。 如果您有多个图层,请确保已选择包含要删除背景的图层。

步骤2:在“选择”菜单中,单击“主题”。 (Step 2: In the "Select" menu click "Subject". )

This will cause Photoshop to make a guess at a section of the the subject of the photos.


This does a pretty good job selecting the foreground, but there may be a few parts that need to be touched up. In the image below, arrows point to the parts that need to be improved.

这在选择前景方面做得很好,但是可能需要修改一些部分。 在下图中,箭头指向需要改进的部分。

步骤3:再次返回“选择”菜单,然后单击“选择并屏蔽”。 (Step 3: Go back to the "Select" menu again and click "Select and Mask". )

This will open up a window that allows you to make adjustments to the selection.


步骤3:调整检视模式和不透明度。 (Step 3: Adjust the view mode and opacity.)

Try a few different options until you can clearly see the selected foreground. The exact options you should choose will depend on the colors in your foreground image and your personal preferences.

尝试一些其他选项,直到您可以清楚地看到选定的前景。 您应该选择的确切选项取决于前景图像中的颜色和您的个人喜好。

步骤3:调整边缘检测。 (Step 3: Adjust edge detection.)

This is useful for detailed selections such as hair. The Edge Detection pixel radius indicates that the edge, including all details, could be within that many pixels on each side of what is currently selected. If you select "Smart Radius", then Photoshop will automatically determine what the pixel radius is.

这对于详细选择(例如头发)很有用。 边缘检测像素半径表示边缘(包括所有细节)可能在当前所选内容的每一侧的像素数之内。 如果选择“智能半径”,则Photoshop将自动确定像素半径是多少。

步骤4:设置全局优化,例如平滑。 (Step 4: Set global refinements such as smooth.)

Smooth is the main refinement you will need for photo editing. This will smooth out the jagged edges of the selection. You may also want to increase the feather, which will create a soft edge around the selection.

平滑是照片编辑所需的主要改进。 这将平滑选择的锯齿状边缘。 您可能还需要增加羽化,这将在选区周围创建柔软的边缘。

步骤5:使用左侧的工具细化选择。 (Step 5: Use the tools on the left side to refine the selection.)

The quick selection tool allows you to easily add or remove from current selection. For this tool and any brush tool you can use the bracket key to increase and decrease the size of the brush.

快速选择工具使您可以轻松地从当前选择中添加或删除。 对于此工具和任何画笔工具,您可以使用方括号键来增大和减小画笔的大小。

The refine edge brush tool will adjust the border area and is useful to add hair or other fine details to the selection.


The brush tool is used to fine-tune selections and the lasso tool is used to draw a free-hand selection.


步骤6:确认选择并应用图层蒙版。 (Step 6: Confirm selection and apply layer mask.)

On the "Select and Mask" window, hit OK. Your foreground is now selected. To finish removing the background, hit the layer mask button to apply your selection to the mask.

在“选择并屏蔽”窗口中,单击“确定”。 您的前景现已选定。 要完成删除背景,请单击图层蒙版按钮以将您的选择应用于蒙版。

When you create a layer mask, the background is still available behind the mask in case you ever need it again. If you want to get rid of the background for good, you can copy the foreground and paste it in another image or you can invert the selection (choose Select > Inverse) and press 'delete' to permanently remove the background.

创建图层蒙版时,在蒙版后面仍然可以使用背景,以防再次需要。 如果要永久去除背景,可以复制前景并将其粘贴到另一张图像中,也可以反转选择(选择“选择”>“反转”),然后按“删除”以永久删除背景。



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