You need to prove you’re evil. And what better way to do that than to stab other villains in the back? Maybe you can take control of their criminal enterprise or something.The plan doesn’t sound too smart, his father’s voice said, ever an anthem for safe living. Jeremy shoved it back cheap nike air max into his white space.Something exploded in the distance, and another something whistled high into the air like a firecracker. Jeremy shuddered. This was no stupider than trying to take on a superhero. At least he could predict the effects of bullets.It wasn’t difficult to find a warehouse with a mermaid on the front. It was a popular Urban City landmark, one usually used by kids who wanted to smoke up or conduct drug deals without getting caught. You could do that anywhere now, thanks to the chaos of super powers running around, but traditionalists still came to the mermaid’s den for illicit deals. Jeremy showed up half an hour shy of the meeting time, shortly after the sun had slid into bed for the evening, so he hid himself behind a heap of boxes and settled down, stripping and suiting up as his villainous alter air max uk If nothing else, this outfit’s great for cool nights. Dr. Sock pinched the fabric. I feel nice and toasty.Dr. Sock waited. There wasn’t much to watch, besides the occasional plastic bag propelled by the wind, but the time flew by anyway. He was nervous. He didn’t know what to expect. He’d watched a lot of movies in his day, so… maybe he should use those as an example?It was almost certain that they’d have guns in the warehouse. Dr. Sock had a gun. A cannon, even. But could he beat a bunch of thugs in a fight with socks? Should he, as Ed kept suggesting, practice before getting into the thick of the supervillain business? The bank heist earlier had shaken Dr. Sock’s confidence. He’d expected it to go swimmingly. Instead, he’d almost been killed by a rabid superhero.Christ. Is Ed going to send another one? Jeremy sucked on his inhaler. He said he wouldn’t, he promised he wouldn’t, but… well, he had looked a little depressed. He’d saved me last time. Maybe he won’t bother this time. Maybe I should just-A van pulled up to the warehouse, five minutes before ten. Dr. Sock flinched, but remained hidden. His fingers tensed cheap air max 90 around the stock of his sock cannon, carefully hidden underneath a bundle of old clothes he’d found in the trash. Five men got out of the car. In the splash of the headlights Dr. Sock recognized one of the men from the store, the one receiving the drugs. They looked around nervously, pulling out guns, before entering the warehouse through a small back door. Dr. Sock had, at least, predicted their path properly.“Hey. Hey, Dr. Dumbass.”Dr. Sock jumped. His chest was talking to him again. He fumbled with it, remaining as still as possible, trying to poke the transmitter out of existence. Had Ed betrayed him again?“Just talk. I can hear you.”Dr. Sock coughed. “Jesus, Ed. What the fuck do you want? I’m busy.”“Yeah, I know. Sure you won’t back out on this thing?”Dr. Sock wanted to say ‘No, I’m not sure, I’m coming home right now, make me some quesadillas,’ but he didn’t. He shook his head. Then, cheap nike air max 1 when he realized Ed couldn’t hear a head shake, he answered “Yes. I’m doing it. I have to.”Ed was shrugging. Dr. Sock could hear the flap of his flabby arms over the speaker. “Suit yourself.

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